Weight Loss Psychology – Habits Can Change Your DNA

Weight Loss Psychology – Habits Can Change Your DNA

I hear it so often.

Especially women, try to convince me that their weight issues have a genetic reason. They tell me that their mother/father and grandmother were overweight as well and that they will have to live with their extra weight for the rest of their lives. Yes, doctors may tell you that you can’t influence your DNA, but the science of Epigentics has debunked that old myth quite a long time ago. There is scientific evidence that we can change our DNA with our behavior, not only for ourselves but we can also pass the positively altered DNA along to our children and grandchildren.

We are not just a victim of our ancestors and their genes. There is scientific evidence that our daily habits can turn genes on or off. Scientists refere to this as gene expression or epigenetics. The simple definition of epigenetics is the study of biological mechanisms that can switch genes on or off. Thanks to epigenetics, we know that environmental stimuli can also cause genes to be turned on or off, with cell phones and WiFi currently being among the worst offenders. Our DNA can be modified by what we eat, where we live, the kind of people we interact with, when and how much we sleep, how and how often we exercise, and the aging process.

“We are not just a victim of our ancestors and their genes. There is scientific evidence that our daily habits can turn genes on or off.”

If you have thought so far that you’re just a victim of your ancestors’ DNA, this is now good news for you. It is worth eating healthily, it is worth sleeping sufficiently, it is worth exercising regularly, it is worth to be surrounded by the right people, and your thinking does play a big role. Therefore, our health, weight, and pretty much our entire life are very much in our own hands.

Can you begin to see how very important and powerful it is to take care of your habits?

Over 20,000 genes and the endless possible combinations and arrangements open up a whole new world to weight-struggling women. If we can reverse a gene’s current state, keep the good while eliminating the bad genes, then may be able to reverse obesity and weight issues.

According to The Owner’s Manual for the Brain by Howard, our daily habits can and will turn genes on or off. Our habits, therefore, determine whether we open the door to cancer, diabetes, addictions, brain damage, heart diseases, and early aging or to health, wellness, a slim physics, and longevity.

“Our habits determine whether we are opening the door to cancer, diabetes, addictions, brain damage, heart diseases, and early aging or to health, wellness, a slim physique, and longevity.”

Therefore it’s safe to say that our habits determine our fate. Bad habits often lead to financial problems, job loss, and health issues. These results all affect our relationships, our happiness, and our health again. This all leads to stress which forces the body to create adrenalin and cortisol which switch on a series of bad genes. These then can lead to heart disease, cancer, autoimmune diseases, and weight gain… a veritable downward spiral.




Habits have always had a tremendous domino effect, and it would be a bad decision to ignore them. Especially when it comes to weight loss, habit is at the very foundation of your weight loss success or failure. Your habits either make or break your weight loss success.

“Your beliefs become your thoughts,
Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny.”

Mahatma Gandhi

“Your habits either make or break your weight loss success.”

Here are some of the bad habits that turn on bad genes:

  • Consume alcohol excessively
  • Drug consumption
  • Smoking
  • Unhealthy eating (too much junk food)
  • Sedentary lifestyle (lack of daily aerobic exercise)
  • Sugar consumption (sugar is toxic and leads to many bad chemical reactions in the body)
  • Lack of mental stimulation (not exercising our brains by reading or learning new skills leads to faster aging)
  • Allowing negative thinking and emotions
  • Using a microwave oven (microwaves are suggested to alter the DNA and contribute to weight gain)
  • Using a cell phone and WiFi internet (both use microwave technology, which has been suggested to alter DNA)

Since everything has two sides, good habits can also turn good genes on and bad genes off. Positive habits lead to a never-ending positive chain reaction leading to reduced stress, better health, financial freedom, longevity, happiness, good relationships, success, etc.

“Positive habits lead to a never-ending positive chain reaction leading to reduced stress, better health, financial freedom, longevity, happiness, good relationships, success, and a lean body.”

We all know that changing habits is far from easy. Statistics about New Year’s resolutions reveal a sad truth: over 95% of people fail to achieve their resolutions. We see the same numbers regarding weight loss – less than 5% of people ever succeed. The biggest stumbling blocks are always their habits. In desperation, people ask, “Why is losing weight so hard?”

Contrary to common belief, habits can seldom be overcome with discipline and willpower alone, as 80% of the problem lies beneath the surface and must be addressed at the subconscious level

There are two ways to transform habits:

a) Through millions of repetitions of positive affirmations and the path of discipline and willpower

b) Through hypnotherapy – the path that provides fast and sustainable results (if the root causes are transformed) – click HERE for a free one-on-one strategy call

I hope that you begin to realize how powerful habit change can be, how much easier weight loss can become, and how much better your overall life can be.

To start your habit transformation process, I want to encourage you to do two things right away:

  1. Think about your worst habit that is contributing to your weight.
  2. Ask yourself how your weight and life would be in 12 months from now without that habit.
  3. If it’s a habit you can easily change yourself, start right away. If it’s a habit you have been struggling with for years, click HERE to schedule a free one-on-one strategy call with me

Patience with habit transformation is too powerful, and it would be unwise to ignore its impact. On the other side, bad habits lead to too much stress, disease, weight gain, faster aging, and suffering if left unattended. The wisest approach is to start with your habits. 

Here’s to your ongoing weight loss success!


Video Series “Why is losing weight so hard?

Part 1: https://youtu.be/SZXQoMdEyds

Part 2: https://youtu.be/ItGrnhJYO3o

Part 3: https://youtu.be/Uvn9jNvapd4

Part 4: https://youtu.be/WhaigK54n1Y

Part 5: https://youtu.be/2W-NH9yOG-A

Part 6: https://youtu.be/wLkCgOc94_M

How to Look 20 Years Younger Than Your Age – Empowerment and Increased Self-Esteem

In my last blog post I shared with you a few highlights of the interview I did with Dr. Susan Smith Jones.

During that interview with Dr. Susan, we also talked about the fact that she looks 20 years younger than her age. And she added, “This is how most people should be looking.”

The thing is that when we carry extra weight, it creates major stress on every system, every organ and cell in our body, and it ages us quickly. So we must get the extra weight off if we want to look younger than our age! Frankly, is there any woman out there who would rather look older?

As a next step, we must choose to make our health the top priority in our life. Ralph Waldo Emerson once wrote, “Health is your greatest wealth.” The only way to take care of our greatest wealth is by showing by the actions we take every day that our health, weight, and life is our top priority.

To that, Dr. Susan adds, “Your life and all of its magnificence is a reflection of how you feel about yourself. So you’ve got to plant those seeds of high self-esteem and support them with every action you take every day. Because you deserve the best life has to offer you.“

And she keeps saying, “Sometimes, people would say to me – like they pull me over in the middle of a talk during the intermission – they’ll say, ‘Susan I like what you say, but you know what? I can’t start eating better ‘till next month because I am under too much stress, my birthday is coming up, it’s my anniversary, or I can’t exercise for at least two weeks because I am going away on a holiday or vacation and it’s my church’s bake sale’.”

I have heard those excuses over and over, and so has probably pretty much every weight loss coach or expert on the entire planet.

The truth is, my friend, that you are never going to get to your desired achievement in your life until you have some self-discipline. And by that, Dr. Susan recommends to “…following through on what you say you are going to do.”

If you sometimes feel that the steering wheel of your car just turned into the fast food restaurant, then you have lost control. And this is not how it’s supposed to be, and this is not how we can become the ‘CEO of our health, weight, and life.’ We – and I have to include myself in this – have to have some control and discipline in our lives.

When we don’t keep our word with whatever it is, we lose faith in ourselves…each time a little bit more. We lose self-esteem, and at a deep level, we don’t feel that we deserve the best in life. And, according to Dr. Susan, this causes depression.

When your energy goes down, and your emotions go down, and you feel depressed, what do you then do? In those situations, so many women often select foods that match their lower emotional level. Then it becomes a vicious cycle of being depressed, eating the wrong foods, gaining weight, being even more depressed, eating more of the wrong foods, and gaining more weight until the day comes where she feels completely out of control.

Dr. Smith Jones says that we can stop this vicious cycle by choosing to love ourselves and show by every action we take every day that we deserve the best.

We deserve to feel powerful and under control, we deserve the best food, and we deserve to be slim and healthy.

Let’s not forget that there is always something we could use as an excuse. The time to eat healthily or to go for a walk is never perfect. It’s never the right time unless we decide that it’s the right time now.

So let’s stop making excuses and ask ourselves who is supposed to have control over our health, weight, and lives. Is it the next baking sale, the next birthday party, the Drive-Through, a current depression….or is it you?


A few years ago, I did an interview with several health and weight loss coaches with a different approach than the diet approach. One of these experts was the bestselling American author, Dr. Susan Smith Jones. She quickly turned out to be one of the most amazing interview partners, and she spilled the beans in that interview. She held nothing back. If you want to hear the whole interview with Dr. Susan, you can go here and claim your free 2-week membership trial:
