No time of the year is so predestined to reveal whether a person is living in her “Slim Self” or her “Overweight Self”.
It starts before Thanksgiving when millions of women begin to worry about their weight and the outlook of gaining even more weight between Thanksgiving and New Year.
What most women then do is deciding to go the “easy route” and eat as much as they can during the Holiday and then to go on a diet January 2nd. These women are living in their “Fat Self”.
They constantly focus on weight gain.
Even thinking about going on a diet is living in the “Fat Self”. It’s the typical mindset of an overweight woman.
I don’t know who the author of this quote is, but he or she is spot on. No one could have said it better, shorter and clearer.
The body achieves what the mind believes.
There is no other way. This is how we humans have been created.
We are creators by nature. We create through the combination of our thinking and the emotions. When a thought and an emotion meet, that’s when we are creating our life circumstances….our fate.
The same is true with our health and weight.
Your current weight totally reflects your thinking in the past a 100%. What you have been believing about food and weight in the past, your body realized and you can now see it as a “fact”.
Living in your “Fat You”
A woman who is living in her fat self is somebody who constantly counts calories, worries about food, worries about her weight, worries about how she is looking. I have met thousands of women who’s thinking constantly circles around food and weight all day long without being fully aware of.
Such a person is living in her “Fat Self”. She is living and breathing weight gain. She constantly nourishes her creation tools – her thoughts and her emotions – with information regarding GAINING weight.
Living in your “Slim You”
No slim woman would ever do that, unless she had just lost weight and is now afraid of gaining it back. But then she is still in her “Fat Self”.
Women who live in their “Slim Self” have completely different thoughts about food. They ask themselves what they can eat to remain healthy and energetic. They are on the lookout for healthy, natural food.
Around the Holidays their focus is on enjoying their loved ones and being with their family and friends. Their focus is on joy, not on food stress.
Maybe they don’t want to eat too much because it makes them feel stuffed and they don’t like that feeling. So they enjoy eating in moderate amounts, but not out of worry but out of care for their health and because they want to feel good in their body. Feeling good in her body is what matters most for her.
By the way, people who truly enjoy the eating and every bite of it, can hardly over-eat.
Or she may choose to drink a glass of water before each meal to help her body to digest the food better.
Women who are operating from their “Slim Self” are constantly on the lookout for what is good for their health and have no focus on the weight. When they choose healthy food they constantly choose out of wisdom (not out of fear); and when they choose to exercise they do so because they want to stay healthy (not because they want to burn some calories).
Maintainable weight loss begins in your head
Let me share an example that one of the members of my Facebook group has experienced during Thanksgiving week. She ate everything she wanted and enjoyed being with her family. Yet during that week most overweight women fear, she has lost 5 pounds and 6 inches. Two days ago she informed me that she could maintain that weight loss.
How did she accomplish that?
By taking each and every daily baby step I have layed out in my Facebook group and by doing the inside work. Again, 80% of your weight loss success is beneath the surface: in your psychology and unconscious mind.
It is my deepest hope that you are beginning to understand how much maintainable weight loss is a mindset game and not a calorie game.
It’s true that 80% of your weight loss success is about your psychology, about what is going on in your mind (not in your digestive track).
Developing the right mindset requires a lot of self-discipline, but it’s a different kind of self-discipline than the one required for diets and easier to come up with.
When you’re on a diet, you can come up with as much discipline as you want, your subconscious mind is always going to win the battle and you’re going to lose. You have no chance, no matter how strong your discipline and willpower are.
But coming up with the discipline of the right thinking, that’s where your success begins. That’s where your discipline will be well “invested” and fall on fertile ground.
Happy Holiday…and happy slimming!
Is your health and weight loss goal worth five to fifteen minutes of your time every day?
If you want to learn a process that leads you to constant weight loss success by baby stepping, check out my Facebook group.
You can get a feeling for the 4 Pillars of Weight Loss process for free. Simply join my closed Facebook group where you can go through the process by taking tiny daily baby steps completely stress free and still make tremendous progress.
So many overweight women are struggling with their weight…unnecessarily hard and long because they have the wrong mindset regarding weight loss. They don’t take the time factor into consideration.
In our mind we can lose weight effortlessly and almost instantly. But the body needs more time to achieve such a goal.
I know there are peers of mine out there who are brainwashing you with the idea that you can lose weight quickly. They show you images of other people who lost weight and tell you that they lost x amount of weight in x amount of time. Those numbers then stick in your head as a “fact”. They are in your brain and you begin to believe – consciously or subconsciously – that you can lose the exact same weight in exact the same time. To your brain, such a before/after picture is PROOF that the method works. And that’s exactly the big mistake and a lie either these “experts” are telling you or a lie you are telling yourself out of wishful thinking.
But that never happens.
People then often reach to drastic tactics to get the promised quick results such as diet pills, liposuction and the very dangerous gastric surgeries and thus make matters worse. All these are quick fixes but they don’t solve the real problem.
3 Reasons Why You Should Learn to Set Realistic Goals
First of all, each person’s body is differently with different needs and problems. Although we all have basically the same kind of body, we are different in many ways. Some bodies need more time for digestion, others have a slow metabolism, still others have some hormonal challenges, some have different enzymes for digestion, others need more time to burn fat during exercising…and so on.
That’s why it’s very dangerous to hear about people who have lost 10 pounds in 10 days, for example. These numbers get into your brain and subconscious mind and will stick there. You then automatically begin to compare yourself with those people whose success story you have read or heard. This then becomes your unconscious “ceiling”. You simply can’t think beyond those numbers anymore and you can’t push through that glass ceiling anymore. It’s set in your system like a thermostat of your heating system.
Secondly, it took time for your body to accumulate that fat…most of the time we are talking about years and decades of fat accumulation. The longer you are carrying around some extra weight, the harder it will be for your body to reverse it and the more time it will require. The body needed time to create that fat and it will need time to burn it. The results you can get through weight loss diets are never realistic. You will lose a lot of water and maybe even some fat, but if you don’t change the cause, both that water and fat will come back, often quicker than you have lost it.
Thirdly, your current weight is another number that sticks to your subconscious mind and whenever you go on a diet, your subconscious mind will do everything to get back to that number. It’s like with your air conditioner. When you set it to a certain degree, the system will constantly adjust the temperature. When it gets warmer than you chose, the system will cool down; when the room gets colder, the system will heat up. It’s the same with your weight because your body doesn’t understand that you want to get rid of that extra weight and it will always bounce back unless you eliminate the real causes.
For all these reasons it’s very important that you set realistic goals. Before we come to that, I want to briefly share with you what happens on your psychological level when you don’t get these promised quick results.
The Consequences of Setting Unrealistic Goals
At the beginning you have big hopes and you’re all hyped up. Then, when you gain the weight back or don’t lose as much as you had been promised, you lose hope. Losing hope is a very dangerous thing and quickly leads to depression what creates another downward spiral.
Then, of course, you blame yourself or beat yourself up. After all, those other women accomplished their goals and the “expert” promised that you can achieve the same. Ergo, it must be your fault. And you can back up that logic with the fact that there were situations when you didn’t stick a 100% to the program. Again, ergo it must be your fault.
After a while, you then begin to lose faith in yourself. You just don’t seem to be able to achieve a goal…you don’t trust yourself anymore. So since you can’t achieve that one simple weight loss goal, maybe you’re too stupid to achieve other goals. Right? (I know how harshly women can talk to themselves.) Again, a negative downward spiral begins.
Then kicks in self-pity. Since you “failed” in your understanding, then you probably don’t deserve to be slim, healthy and beautiful. You are doomed to stay overweight for the rest of your miserable life. In other words, you have given up.
Before you even think about setting a new weight loss goal, I highly recommend to reverse that process: give up self-pity, gain back faith in yourself (no, you can’t wait until you will finally achieve your weight loss goal, you have to have faith in yourself first), stop self-blame and gain back your hope. There are sustainable solutions. You just have to allow that mindset shift to happen.
As long as you put your hope in diets, the next disappointment is inevitable.
Stop searching on the outside.
80% of your weight loss success is an INSIDE job.
Of course, you can hire a coach for that process and most likely you’ll have to. Yet you still have to go through the process. There is just no short cut. The answers are within you.
Set Realistic Goals
Then set a REALISTIC goal. Choose how much weight you want to lose and then leave it up to your body how much time it will need to accomplish that desired goal. Your body might surprise you and you can lose that weight much faster than you thought. And there is also a 50% chance that your body may need more time than you think. When you choose a time frame within which you want to shed those pounds, disappointment is certain. You then will lose hope, be disappointed and frustrated and your brain will add another failure to your already existing pattern.
Adding a time to your weight loss goal is not realistic because at this point you can’t know what really forced your body to accumulate fat in the first place. It can very well be that the real, underlying cause goes years back or that it is something you never thought about. For example, if the cause is a hormonal imbalance, it can take years to balance that back.
What I recommend to my clients is to ALWAYS give themselves at least one entire year, no matter how little weight they want to lose. Remember, lasting weight loss is to 80% an inside job.
If you are obese, then it would be more realistic to give yourself two or three years. The fat burning process can be much faster than that, but if I understand you correctly, you want to lose your extra weight for GOOD and not just temporarily. In other words, you want to make sure that all aspects that lead to your weight gain in the first place will be removed from your entire system: body, mind and spirit, especially from your subconscious mind.
Therefore, the by leaps and bounds fastest way is by keeping away from the diet approach, by setting realistic goals and by giving yourself enough time.
Just think about. What is fast about losing and gaining and losing and gaining? Many overweight women go on like that for over a decade. That’s neither fast nor quick nor sustainable. That is no weight loss at all, because at the end of the day you haven’t lost anything. You’re just a year older and back to your old size…or even a size bigger.
It is truly my hope that you begin to understand why going for the quick fixes is a shot in your own foot.
Therefore my friend, patience is one of the first attributes you will need for your maintainable weight loss success. We are talking about a long-term goal here. We are not talking about a few weeks or months, we are talking about your healthy LIFE….a maintainable healthy lifestyle you can easily follow through with for the rest of your life without starving and without stress.
Learn to set realistic goals!
It’s crucial for your weight loss success.
Are your health and weight loss goal worth five to fifteen minutes of your time every day?
If you want to learn a process that leads you to constant weight loss success by baby stepping, check out my Facebook group.
You can get a feeling for the 4 Pillars of Weight Loss process for free. Simply join my closed Facebook group where you can go through the process by taking tiny daily baby steps completely stress free and still make tremendous progress.
Millions of women are coming to the awareness that diets might not work. In several blog post I mentioned the advantage of having a weight loss strategyvs. just having a diet.
You are a whole being of body, emotions, mind, and spirit. And the causes of weight gain can happen on all these four levels. This is the reason why it’s not enough to just eat healthy most of the time. It’s not even enough to diet and exercise. Therefore, a sensible weight loss strategy integrates all four levels. Of course, healthy eating (the opposite of dieting) and exercise should be part of your weight loss strategy. This may help you lose a little bit of weight temporarily but not for good.
“You could eat the best foods every day, but if you don’t exercise, you are not going to be healthy. Or you could eat the best food, and you could exercise an hour a day, but if your thoughts are always negative, if you are always harboring thoughts of doubt, worry, anger, guilt, jealousy, helplessness and hopelessness, there is no way you’re ever going to be vibrantly healthy.” –Dr. Susan Smith Jones
It’s body, mind and spirit. The body reflects the mind, the mind reflects the spirit.
The body is a good place to start because whatever you do on the physical level will lead to fastweight loss. And what you do on the psychological and spiritual level will lead to lasting weight loss. That’s why you’d be wise to address all levels.
Dr. Susan recommends starting by taking loving care of your body day in and day out. It doesn’t have to be overwhelming; we’re not talking about huge changes in your life. In fact, you can make massive progress by taking baby steps every day. It’s really the simple lifestyle changes you choose to make regarding what you eat, how you deal with stress, how often and the kinds of exercises you do, how much you sleep, and how much water you drink.
Then, the next level will be to change the thinking regarding your body, weight, and food.
You may moan about the fact that losing weight for good is a little bit more complex than just dieting. But as soon as you realize how much more effective a weight loss strategy is than dieting, you will begin to love it. It’s not complicated and – again – it can happen by taking baby steps and simple changes. Besides, what is fast about yo-yoing?
So many overweight women are torn between feeling guilty and feeling helpless. And in either state, you couldn’t be further from the concept of being the CEO of your own health and weight.
What you must understand is that each of us chooses every second of our life through the subconscious choices we make (mostly through our habits), and thus we create our own reality. From the moment you wake up, you are choosing the thoughts you think, what you can have for breakfast, how you are with people throughout the day and how you want to treat your body.
By being the CEO of your own health and weight, you begin to make conscious choices every day that will move you closer to your weight goal. This path is much more effective than the subconscious one, where you allow your thoughts and emotions to go their way. This makes all the difference between feeling like a victim of a cruel fate and by feeling empowered and in control over our health and life.
Our current life is the result of the countless choices we have made in the past regarding the foods we ate, the thoughts we thought, whether or not we moved, etc. And if you don’t like how your life is heading or where it is right now, you’ve got to make some different choices now. It’s really that easy. You can do it.
Here is a possible lifestyle recommended by Susan Smith Jones:
Choose the best food for you
Cultivate a holistic lifestyle
Celebrate your blessings – cultivate an attitude of gratitude
Take responsibility for your health and weight
Choose the first 40 minutes of your day wisely because it sets the tone for the entire day (positive, healthy, happy, relaxed)
Make these five steps part of your weight loss strategy, and you will already be a step closer to your desired weight goal.
A few years ago, I did an interview with several health and weight loss coaches with a different approach than the diet approach. One of these experts was the bestselling American author, Dr. Susan Smith Jones. She quickly turned out to be one of the most amazing interview partners, and she spilled the beans in that interview. She held nothing back. If you want to hear the whole interview with Dr. Susan, you can go here and claim your free 2-week membership trial.
What the whole diet industry is telling you is that diets were the solution for weight loss because of the calorie in vs. calorie out theory, but that theory is wrong and an utter lie. The fact is that dieting is not a cure for excess fat. Of course, healthy eating should be part of any sensible weight loss strategy. But dieting is not a healthy approach and causes many health issues.
One of the very important topics Dr. Susan Smith Jones talked about in our interview was the control mechanism for weight loss.
After you finish a diet, you may have lost some fat, but you have not lost your tendency to get fat. According to Dr. Susan, what we eat does not change muscle metabolism.
Most women are not happy with the shape of their bodies because most people go about it the wrong way by dieting. A woman I know is a fan of the vegan lifestyle, and she tries to convince every person she meets to go vegan as well, and she is very pushy about that. Although she is short and very thin, her body has a terrible shape. This is one of the typical results of a vegan lifestyle, and it’s the most harmless of all results.
Dr. Susan clearly says that diets don’t work, and she recommends, “You want to throw away any diet book you might have that tells you that you can lose weight and keep it off without moving a muscle.”
After you finish a diet, you may have lost some water, muscle mass, and maybe even a little fat, but you haven’t lost the TENDENCY to get fat.
Here is what you need to understand about metabolism:
The control mechanism for being overweight is not diet; it’s muscle metabolism.
“Your base for metabolic rate is the rate at which your body utilizes energy. In other words, how many calories you’re burning throughout the day.” –Dr. Susan Smith Jones
The higher your metabolism, the more fat you burn and the easier it is to lose weight, provided that everything else is working properly. To this, Dr. Susan adds that you can feed your muscles and your bodies with the best supplements, but if exercise is not part of the plan, you are not going to burn all the calories you need. And you will probably not have the nicely shaped body you want.
As we age, if we don’t keep lots of good lean muscle tissue on our body by working out, then the metabolism goes down. So the key to controlling metabolism is exercise. Exercise must be part of a good, sensible and effective weight loss strategy. Never settle for one tactic only.
To have a nicely formed body, we need aerobic exercise like walking, cross-country skiing, hiking, jogging to burn fat out of the muscles. And then we need to do some weight training to build up muscles which, in turn, increases the metabolism.
In my work as a weight transformation coach, I realized that about 50% of overweight women hate exercise. I was one of them for many years. But I promise, once you begin to do just a little bit of exercise, and if you do it daily no matter the weather, you will begin to like it, and then after a while, you even begin to need it, and it will get super easy to follow through with your exercise plan. To make it easier, Dr. Susan recommends the buddy system, especially at the beginning. When you know that your friend is waiting around the corner at 7 am, it’s easier for you to get out of your bed.
To begin with, just choose those activities you like the best. Most people can find something that they like to do. And if you can’t take 30 minutes or an hour a day, start with as little as 15 minutes per day. Even the busiest person can squeeze in 15 minutes. The main thing is that you do it daily without fail for the first 30 days. As soon as you realize that it works, you can find ways to increase the time or exercise for 30 minutes or 15 minutes twice daily.
Just in case you are one of the super busy women whose first reaction to this recommendation is, “But I can’t afford to take so much time for exercise every day,” let me ask you a question. What will happen in ten, twenty or thirty years if you don’t exercise regularly now? I’m sure you will come up with several health issues right away. And you’d be right.
Therefore, the question should not be, “Can I afford to take time for daily exercise?” Instead, the question should be, “Can I afford not to exercise daily?” What many people just don’t realize is the costs of a sedative and busy life.
If you want to lose weight, a minimum of half an hour of aerobic exercise every day is the minimum. Then make it a commitment to add some muscle training three times a week for 30 minutes consistently for the next six months. Within those six months, your body will add ten extra pounds of lean muscle tissue, and these ten pounds of muscle tissue will burn 500 more calories a day. These muscles will help you lose weight faster.
And here is an additional bonus. If you do as recommended, you can look 15 to 20 years younger within only one year. And this is according to major studies done at Duke University. Can you get that? Just exercise for one year and build 10 pounds of muscle tissue and look 15 to 20 years younger. It will work, no matter your current age. Isn’t that a no-brainer!?
Please remember what Dr. Susan said regarding choosing to be the CEO of your body and life. Therefore, adding that kind of exercise to your weight loss strategy could be the first step to being the CEO of your body and life. All it takes is a commitment.
We are creatures of habit, and when you get in a rut of doing the same things day in and day out, it may take some effort to change the habits. Just keep in mind that your current “rut” was created by your past choices and habits. So now, you can choose to implement new habits and create a new daily procedure. The right kind of exercise should always be part of our overall weight loss strategy.
A few years ago, I did an interview with several health and weight loss coaches with a different approach than the diet approach. One of these experts was the bestselling American author, Dr. Susan Smith Jones. She quickly turned out to be one of the most amazing interview partners, and she spilled the beans in that interview. She held nothing back. If you want to hear the whole interview with Dr. Susan, you can go here and claim your free 2-week membership trial.
If you struggle with your weight, then you have probably already tried several things to lose it. Apparently nothing has helped so far long-term. In other words, by now you have probably found out by yourself that dieting may not be the solution. But what is the solution for weight issues?
Before I or anybody can give you a helpful answer we first have to look at another topic.
A few months ago I had to spend a month in a rehab clinic after a surgery. That clinic is specialized on vein and lymphatic problems. That was very interesting for me because over 80% of all patients in that clinic are obese.
While my physical therapist was working at my body we talked a lot, mainly about health and weight topics. Since most of her patients are obese I asked her one day, why, in her opinion losing weight is so difficult. Her answer was very interesting.
To be honest, from her I expected to hear an answer like, “Obese women eat too much.”“Obese women don’t like to exercise.” “Obese women have poor eating habits.” But to my big surprise she said that the single and most relevant reason for that issue was that overweight and obese people fail to look at the psychological causes. She added, “As soon as overweight people take care of their causes, they can lose weight.”
FINALLY another person who has come to the same conclusion I have! To hear this from an expert who treats 40 patients every week what makes about 1,800 patients per year meant a lot for me.
Of course, that physical therapist and I are not the only professionals who understand the connection between weight gain and psychological issues. In fact, we are in the best possible company (unfortunately that doesn’t mean that people would listen and understand).
Louise Hay lists four possible causes of being overweight:
Fear – the need for protection
running away from feelings
insecurity, self-rejection
seeking fulfillment
This alone should give you a better idea of the complexity of weight issues.
In my 32 years of working with 10,000+ weight-struggling women I have found over 50 possible causes so far. 47 of them I have listed in a report with the title Why You Can’t Lose Weight for Good – Possible Causes of Weight Gain and Yo-Yoing.
There is one simple reason why diets don’t work:
No diet or program will ever work until you will have recognized and eliminated the real cause or causes!
When we think about possible causes of weight gain we usually think about things like over-eating, lack of exercise, hormonal imbalance, lack of discipline…. But that’s only a tiny, tiny part of the whole picture.
Let’s not forget that we are whole beings. We are not our body – we have a body. That is a bigger difference than you may believe. We not only have a physical body of cells, but also finer “bodies” made of atoms, molecules, and electrons. These parts of us are invisible but not less important. The body – or the physical part – is pretty much just like the tip of the iceberg.
Our way of thinking has a tremendous effect on our healthy, our weight, our finances…our whole life. Then, of course, we also have emotions. Emotions and thoughts combined have a very powerful creative effect. The thinking, feeling and acting patterns we repeat over and over become habits which have an enormous impact on our weight. And then we have memories (conscious and subconscious). All these parts of the human being make us the individual we are, and they affect our body, our weight and our health.
One of the reasons why diets don’t work long term is the fact that people only look at the physical body and completely ignore the rest of the human being. The physical and visible part of our being is only a very little part of the problem. Therefore, a diet or any program that ignores the mental, emotional, and psychological part of the issue can never bring long-term results. We can’t ignore 90% of the problem and focus on the 10% and seriously hope that this will solve the problem.
In fact, over-eating is most of the time just a symptom; the real cause of weight gain is usually something else, for instance a hunger for life, for love, for recognition, for improvement. Unfortunately these issues are not often recognized and not taken into consideration for a sustainable weight loss strategy.
No matter how many diets you follow, how determined and disciplined you count calories, how many sacrifices you make, your weight will always bounce back if you don’t take care of the real, underlying causes of your weight problem. When these causes are being ignored for too long, they can add up quite a bit and make your attempts to lose weight more and more difficult with each year.
On th eother hand, simply resolving or eliminating the cause will often bring the desired results without even changing the diet or exercise regimen.
Here are nine examples of what a psychological cause of excess weight or obesity in women can be .
Example #1: After entering a romantic relationship with a partner, Bertha identified even more strongly with her role as a woman. Consequently, she developed a more feminine form. These curves have an erotic appeal. Her body reacted quite naturally to the new situation. If Bertha had recognized the reason behind the slight weight gain, and responded properly (accepted her body and enjoyed her femininity), her weight would not have increased more than a few pounds if she wouldn’t have started yo-yo dieting.
Example #2: Jessica did not have a steady boyfriend for a long time before she met her husband. Her marriage now gives her peace, quiet, safety, and security. This settled lifestyle gives her a sense of comfort – she is content, so to speak. Jessica’s body reacts to this peace, as she relaxes about everything. Her body gains a little weight. With that, her body signals to other men: “I am at home, I am not available anymore.”
Example #3: Erica’s self-esteem is very low. She feels that she must somehow be happy now that she has found a husband. But, in her deepest heart stirs something else – for Erica, yet unnoticed. But this part deep within herself is strong and self-confident and knows that there is no reason for those feelings of inferiority. Yet, because she has learned as a child that she was only loved because she was cute and well behaved, something starts to rebel within her. What if her husband just loved her too because she’s pretty, nice and “low maintenance”? So now, she needs to (unconsciously, because she is not aware of all this) find out. By gaining weight, she is suddenly not so cute and attractive anymore, no longer the sweet little girl. In this way, Erica wants to “test” her husband and find out if he really loves her or just her outer appearance.
Example #4: Even though Mary is very faithful to her husband, he tortures her again and again with jealousy. These outbreaks are very tiring to her, especially since she feels helpless and powerless against the allegations of her husband. She notices that no logical reasoning helps here. She wishes deeply that other men would not look at her that way, so her husband would have no reason to be jealous. Because she loves her husband very much, but knows no way out, her subconscious mind finds a solution. It causes the body to increase her weight and so lose its attractive appeal. From then on, Mary feels satisfaction and peace, as she is no longer noticed by other men. That way, her husband no longer has any reason for jealousy. However, the price is very high, because he finds her new appearance no longer particularly appealing either. Well, you can’t please everyone!
Example #5: Ruth has learned as a child, that she must not say “no,” or she would be punished. At the same time, she received from her mother the message that somehow, she should fulfill her conjugal “duties” with her husband. Now that she is married, she feels the sexual desires of her husband are often too demanding. Although she enjoys the sex, she is not always ready. Since she has never learned to say “no” verbally and she cannot stand up to her husband, her body says “no” in her behalf. She builds up a protective armor, so to speak, and gains weight.
Example #6: Norma’s situation is similar to Ruth’s. She has not learned to say no. On the other hand, she enjoys her body and sexuality. Before she married, she was quite free and could choose her lovers. But now she is only “reserved” for one man. To Norma’s mind it is quite clear that she wants to be faithful, but somehow she has difficulty getting used to the idea of having only one man in her life. She doesn’t trust herself completely. So she gains weight to keep men away. Again, the overweight serves as protection from male harassment on the one hand, and as protection from her own unconscious desires and feelings on the other.
Example #7: When Isabelle met her husband, he courted her intensely at first. He spoiled her with flowers, presents, caresses and compliments, and he called her every day. Isabelle interpreted this behavior as the great love of her life, and said yes to his marriage proposal. But as soon as they were married, the flowers, gifts and other tokens of love stopped. Isabelle believes that her husband no longer loves her. She misses the regular vows of love and affection from him. What’s more, increasingly, he is tense and busy with his professional career. While day after day she is sitting at home alone, bored as a housewife, Isabelle experiences increased cravings for sweets. For her the eating substitutes for love. And then something else happens. Her increased physical size, too, can no longer be ignored, which means that her husband has to notice her more now – she can’t be ignored as easily anymore.
Example #8: Rosmarie has been taken advantage of throughout her whole life. She is by nature a giver, and many people she met took advantage of her, including her family. This caused an imbalance between giving and receiving in her system. As an adult she had the constant feeling of coming short…she feels cheated by life. Therefore she also has the impression that life owes her something. On the physical level this results in constant hunger. At the same time she became very demanding. Often she felt so empty that to others she was like a big black whole that could take and take. In Switzerland we have a saying that goes like this: “She can’t get the throat full.” What that means is that such a person wants more and more and more, even if she can’t handle all that she receives. These people are takers in the truest sense of the word. Their throat can never be filled – it’s like a black, empty, bottomless pit. This is in most cases due to a lack of love in their childhood or other experiences of a lack of something. This can be food, but it’s mostly love and affection. Rosmarie’s way of giving and receiving is not balanced.
Example #9: Living with step-family, Linda has always been the black sheep of the family. Whenever somebody did something wrong, Linda was the one who was blamed. She was blamed for every fight and conflict in the family. There were many problems and a shameful history in Linda’s family, all of which were carefully swept under the carpet. By passing on the responsibility to Linda, the family could live with their blind spots quite comfortably. This allowed them to project everything negative onto Linda, rather than confront what needed to be changed in themselves. Instead, they could fault her and fight her. It was easier this way. They had singled out the “guilty” one. This is how Linda learned very early in her life, to carry other people’s problems on her shoulders. This pattern continues, not only within her family, but also with her friends and acquaintances. She takes the blame for problems and conflicts immediately and kind of automatically on herself – it has become her nature; it takes place on an entirely unconscious level. She has never learned to question whether others might also have their share of blame in a dispute or issue, or even realize that others tended to project their problems onto Linda. More and more, she felt like she was carrying the weight of the whole world on her shoulders. She could hardly breathe and felt depressed and immobile, like she was carrying a big, invisible burden. Her overweight condition simply reflected her role as a scapegoat. It also gave her the strength to be able to carry the burdens that were not hers. In the truest sense of the word, she needed broad shoulders in order to be able to carry all that.Some of these examples may sound familiar to you and others don’t. That’s normal. Not every woman has the same causes.
These examples may just give you a better understanding of the real and quite complex nature of being overweight. These are still just a few examples and a very small part of the problem. Now, just imagine that you wanted to remedy all these issues with one tactic: a diet. You instantly realize what a ridiculous attempt this would be.
But what is the solution?
Very simple.
Weed out the roots first
If we want to make lasting changes and become slim and healthy for good, we have to get to the roots of the problem and weed them out. As soon as these underlying causes can be resolved, there is no reason for the body to stay overweight and it begins to burn more fat.
This may sound very complicated, but it isn’t. The only crux is that in most cases the overweight person needs an expert who is not only familiar with the possible causes but can also lead her through the transformation process. Sometimes there is a lot to weed out before the body can stop the symptoms.
This doesn’t mean that you have to go through 10 years of psychotherapy or through a very painful transformation process. Most of the time we can transform even the biggest and worst causes within 1 and 3 weekly group coaching calls. Frankly, there is no faster, easier and more efforless weight loss method out there I know of.
I personally do that kind of transformation work through one-on-one coaching and group coaching sessions over the phone. Once the real cause (or causes) has been detected and transformed, the body has no more reason to hold on to its extra fat and can begin to burn it.
Here is a short interview with Deepak Chopra on “hunger”.
There is one major reason why it’s highly recommended to take care of extra weight and eliminate the causes right away. And this is something else hardly anybody else tells you.
The longer you are overweight and the more often your weight bounces back and forth, the more your body creates what is called lipedema.
Lipedema overgrowth of fat cells that occur in the legs and lower trunk. In many cases it also includes the arms or upper body as well. Lipedema is often thought to be simple obesity. Don’t confuse lipedema with “lymphedema,” the accumulation of lymph fluid in the interstitial areas, though.
What makes lipedema a big problem is the fact that in such fat tissue hormones are created that force the body to create even more of these fat cells. That way lipedema can grow pretty much in every direction and to this day no cure has been found.
The very best and least painful way to lose your extra weight for good is really toeliminate the causes ASAP.
Allow me just one final word.
Everybody wants to lose excess weight fast and effortless. Here is the most important weight loss secret:
Eliminating the causes is by leaps and bounds the fastest, easiest and most effortless way of losing weight. Period.
Here it is: a clean plate, a new beginning, a new CHANCE to make it happen this time.
Will you take that chance or let it go by (again)?
The choice is – as always – entirely yours. So are the consequences.
Every January millions of people make New Year’s resolutions, and no one keeps them.
The question is, what’s stopping YOU from achieving your goals?
Be it a lack of time, lack of discipline, poor planning, trying to do too much…or too little…both, success and failure are still entirely in your own hands.
Who says that New Year’s resolutions can’t last? Mine do and the resolutions of my clients do last, and it’s easier than you may think. All you need to do is working around a few stumbling blocks and not to give up. It’s really easier and simpler than you may believe.
Goals generally can be extremely motivating. By nature you are a very powerful being, capable of accomplishing awesome things. And this is exactly what I encourage you to focus on: your inherited power (not your past failures).
The trick is to…
…set realistic goals
…choose a strategy that has a good chance to bring you the desired long-term (Regarding weight loss this means choosing a holistic strategy and staying away from diets.)
…ask yourself what you are unhappy about and what you absolutely don’t want anymore
…find your big WHY and what you really want instead (most of the time the big WHYs have something to do with your life purpose)
…make a plan/a strategy that contains healthy eating, some exercise, change of attitude and elimination of some psychological causes (which are some of the biggest reasons why the weight bounces back if not resolved)
…stick to that plan for a whole year (create a “stick-strategy” – no poor night’s sleep, no unpredictable occurrence, no sudden breakup, no stressful job can keep you away from your plan)
…make just one change at the time (“Do few things but do them well.” St. Francis)
…take charge (don’t wait for things to change or for a new diet pill to hit the market, there is no miracle pill – the greatest miracle are YOU)
…take consistent and daily action – no excuses (taking action gives you such a sense of confidence and makes you feel better – being in control of your weight and health is invaluable)
The worst thing you could possibly do is starting with a New Year’s resolution without having a clear plan. Not having a plan must lead to disaster and failure.
Would a clear and simple 30-day plan with tiny daily action steps help youovercome the biggest hurdles? I’m talking about a 30-day plan all of my past participants have learned to appreciate very much. Such a plan can really keep you on track. Check it out here.
So what do you want to achieve this year? Do you want to lose 10 pounds? 50 pounds? 100 pounds? It doesn’t matter how much excess weight you want to lose, you can do it. I’m here to assist.
The worst thing you could do is letting this chance pass by and hear me say in a year from now, “I told you so.” I told my readers 12 months ago, 24 months ago, 36 months ago….and I can certainly encourage you in 12 months again. But I’d rather see you succeed this year, because there is nothing more empowering than achieving your goals. Just go about them the right way. Stay away from diets and quick-fixes (because they are actually no-fixes).
What are your New Year’s resolutions? Are you facing any weight issues that seem insurmountable? Do you want to lose weight this year and make 2016 the last year you’ll ever have to struggle with your weight?
Let me know in the comments below and I’ll gladly assist you in your goal achievement process.
Over the course of this year we talked about self-sabotage several times. I dare say that self-sabotage is one of the biggest obstacles keeping women from losing their weight and keeping it off. And the real bad news about self-sabotage is that it is almost to a 100% subconscious. In other words, we don’t even know if and when we are sabotaging our goals. That one fact makes losing weight a real challenge.
But for every challenge and problem there is always at least one solution.
Today I want to talk about ten possible ways to end your self-sabotage and to bring your weight loss success to the next level. The time for new orientation is perfect, because in a month from now you will begin to feel that strong inner desire to give your weight loss goal another try. Come January your motivation will peak and then you will be happy to have some new information and possibilities to finally get a handle on your excess weight.
Here are my 10 tips:
Hire a coach: this is by leaps and bounds the best, strongest, fastest, and most effective way of recognizing where you sabotage your own goal and learn how to end it. The better and more experienced your weight loss coach is the better and faster she can spot your hidden saboteurs and lead you to the path of accomplishment. This can be through live consultations or over the phone.
Joinagroupcoachingprogram: if you can’t afford a coach for yourself, then joining a group coaching is the second best solution. Although the coach has to divide her attention between several individuals, she can still spot your blind spots and lead you through the necessary transformation process. This too can either be through live consultations or over the phone.
The buddy system: if for whatever reason you don’t want to choose one of the first two options, then it’s highly recommended to at least find a buddy. The only disadvantage here is that your buddy most likely has her own blind spots and self-sabotage patterns. Besides, she may still be fixated on the dieting-exercise approach what will not bring you much further. But it’s still better than doing it alone, especially for the exercise part.
Schedule every single step and stick to it: if that’s not an option either, then you’d have to test your willpower. One way to do that is by scheduling every single step ahead of time and making it a habit to stick to it. For most women this works best, when they mark their calendars and reserve a time spot for whatever step they want to take.
Self-reflection: this is not an option – it has to be part of every way you choose. If you choose a coach – be it for one-on-one coaching or for a group coaching, your coach can spot your blind spots. Still, you need to do some self-reflection to accept those blind spots. If you go through the weight loss process alone, you’d have to be very good and experienced at self-reflection. It can be done.
Apply the 21-Day principle: Some months ago I offered you my free Weight Loss Habit Hack. In that free program there is the 21-Day principle included. The trick is to change habits one by one simply by sticking to one new habit for consecutive 21 days. Of course, in my free Weight Loss Habit Hack I share more information, but this is how it’s done in a nutshell. It’s easier to stick to one habit for three weeks than starting with a process you think you have to do for the rest of your life. Although you have to, it’s still easier psychologically just to think about the first 21 days. Once you’ll have accomplished that, it will have become a new habit and will be much easier to stick with it. If you didn’t get your own Weight Loss Habit Hack yet, you can claime your copy in the box at the right side of this page.
Jointhe30-DayChallenge: if you’re on a tight budget but still need some clear guidance and live support, then the 30-Day Triple PowerWeightLossChallenge may simply be ideal for you. It gives clear daily directions in baby steps so that your subconscious mind has enough time to adjust without sabotaging your weight loss process. And it costs less than $50. That program addresses several aspects of weight issues and it also comes with 4 weeks of live group coaching over the phone.
Consult a behavioral therapist: that is almost as good as having your personal one-on-one coach. A behavioral therapist can quickly and easily spot your self-sabotaging tactics and help you eliminate those. The only thing she can’t offer is the experience and expertise of a weight loss coach. So, after she has helped you eliminate your self-sabotage, you’ll be asking yourself, “What’s next? How can I proceed from here?” You can consider yourself lucky if you can find both professions in one person.
Stoptheexcuses: this possibility requires a lot of self-reflection. But when you’re used to self-reflection and honest to yourself, then this could be a great beginning. Once you have trained yourself not to use excuses anymore, you have eliminated a giant obstacle.
Stop the quick-fix mentality: believe it or not, but one of the biggest obstacles that are standing in women’s way to losing weight is their quick-fix mentality. As soon as they decide to lose some weight they want to achieve that instantly. Unfortunately many forget that they didn’t gain that weight within a month or two, and they also lack a deeper understanding of how their body really works. To make matters worse they hear daily that they could lose 10 pounds in as little as 10 days and thus are completely mis-lead by some greedy marketers and false gurus. When someone tells you that you can lose that much weight in such a short time, then he or she is a crook. Sometimes it may go that fast, sometimes it may go even faster, during some phases however it will be much less than that. And then there are months you will not lose any weight at all. This is normal and part of weight loss. Your body is not a machine. Too many then give up because they think that there was something wrong with them instead of questioning the diet or program. The sooner you understand that, the faster you can begin to make some real, serious, and lasting changes.
If you think that overcoming self-sabotage could be tough, then you have my full empathy. It is probably the toughest part of the whole weight loss issue. However, there is no way around, if you’re serious about losing your weight because fighting against yourself is very energy consuming. There is no diet that can overcome that obstacle in your behalf.
However, there are solutions to overcome those stumbling blocks. It’s not always easy, and I think every weight-struggling woman can testify that. But with those 10 steps you can achieve great results, especially with items #1, #2, and #8. Not every person is equal. Some need more time and others need less time. I have seen breakthroughs in my coaching programs in as quickly as two weeks. It all depends on how open and how willing you are to eliminate your personal saboteurs. And once those saboteurs are eliminated, the weight loss process goes much smoother, faster, and easier.
Here’s to your final weight loss success,
Angela B.
behavioral therapist and weight loss coach since 1984
“Remember, happiness doesn’t depend on who you are or what you have; it depends solely on what you think.”–Dale Carnegie, 1888-1955, Writer and Lecturer
Neither does happiness depend on your weight and shape.
Yet we can see more slim happy people than heavy happy people. Overweight people often mask their lack of self-esteem with humor and cynicism what can make them fun to be around, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re happy, and the happiness they demonstrate is not genuine. Of course, there are the exceptions, but today we are not talking about those.
I’m sure you have heard the adage, you are what you think. And that is a very fundamental truth.
We ARE what we think.
The thinking is part of how we create our circumstances and health. Whatever we think often enough will become – wanted or unwanted – reality.
Every thought creates a matching emotion and these two energies combined act like an arrow, bringing you to what you have just said in the fastest way possible. Just think a certain thought often enough and allow the according emotions to linger, and you’re creating the matching circumstances…positive or negative.
We literally think and feel our life into realization. And, of course, the same is true with our weight and health.
When you think about your weight and fattening foods all the time, don’t be surprised when you’re getting heavier or bounce back after a diet.
When you constantly criticize how you look like, that’s what you’re going to get more of very soon.
When you weigh yourself every day and agonize over your current weight…that is exactly what you’re attracting more of.
Condemning, complaining, rejecting, disliking, focusing, agonizing, and criticizing…this is a sure ticket to more of the same.
Think, “I’m fat” and that’s what you are going to manifest.
Your thoughts and emotions are the seeds you plant and the weight is the results.
You can’t saw weeds and expect to get beautiful, delicious tomatoes. If you saw salad, you will not harvest asparagus. If you saw beans, you will not have a beatiful, tall and strong oak tree.
When you saw beans, you’ll get beans. When you saw carrots, carrots you will get.
The right thinking is so crucial for your weight loss success that it’s an important part of all of my programs. Following a diet and an exercise plan without changing how you think and feel about yourself would be a ridiculous attempt and not bring you the desired lasting results. Because what you think and how you feel about yourself has a stronger impact on your weight than what you eat.
“What you think and how you feel about yourself, has a stronger impact on your weight than what you eat.” –Angela Buhri
When I started as a weight loss coach 37 years ago my slogan was, “Weight loss begins in your head.” And that statement is still true today. In fact it’s so true that since then so many entrepreneurs have copied it all around the world. Suddenly everything “begins in the head”. To this very day that slogan is still in use in many industries. Although their copying doesn’t reflect that their success begins in their heads (people who need to copy and model others can never be really successful), the statement is still true. Any kind of success begins in our heads.
If you don’t believe me, make a little test. Look at yourself in the mirror, weigh yourself and look at all the extra fat that is hanging there. Now try to go for a walk or a jog. How motivated are you to do something about that extra fat? If you’re like 90% of us, the chances are very slim that you’ll be motivated to do something about. Only about 10% would instantly feel motivated to get a handle on their handles right away. Most people feel stuck, helpless and slowed down by focusing on their weight.
For all these reasons, never focus on what you don’t want. Instead look at the current situation with an open and realistic eye WITHOUT going the “OMG, I’m so fat” route. Don’t judge, don’t criticize, don’t condemn. It’s what it is. Own it. Just take notice of what currently is and then make a firm decision about what you want instead. Create a clear vision of your weight goal and your dream body. And henceforward you only focus on your goal and the progress you’re making.
Is your health and weight loss goal worth five to fifteen minutes of your time every day?
If you want to learn a process that leads you to constant weight loss success by baby stepping, check out my Facebook group.
You can get a feeling for the 4 Pillars of Weight Loss process for free. Simply join my closed Facebook group where you can go through the process by taking tiny daily baby steps completely stress free and still make tremendous progress.
According to a study at Stanford University only 5% of the people who buy into a concept (for instance a weight loss program) are also able to implement it. The other 95% don’t succeed. Why? Because they don’t have the resources, they don’t know HOW, says the study.
The resources those 95% of the people would need are things like books, CD’s, videos, a course, a coach…in other words, shared wisdom. But they simply don’t have access to that kind of information. They may have the insight and the understanding, but they don’t get ahead because they lack the full understanding of the How.
An even larger part of these people – because they do understand the concept and have the right insight – mistakenly believe that they can do it by themselves. This could not be further from the truth. No psychologist or serious counsellor would ever consider treating themselves. We all have our blind spots and those are responsible for reaching a ceiling in the goal achievement process, a point we feel we just can’t push through.
Consequently they can’t achieve the success that could be theirs, their motivation suffers and they give up before they even really started.
You don’t have to belong to those 95% of ignorant people because you’re on my list. You have subscribed to what is hands down the most accomplished weight loss platform, whether you’re aware of it or not.
Now, having access to the right information is in my opinion only half the story (maybe even less). The other half is what you’re doing with that information. No matter how many emails I send, how many articles I publish, and how many free teleclasses I run, they don’t change a bit in your life, if you a) don’t consume them and b) don’t put that information to work for yourself.
But let me first take a step back and talk about two forms of motivation.
One motivation is internal and the other form is external.
External Motivation
The Biggest Loser is a perfect yet horrible example for external motivation. The coaches scream at people and make them feel bad in order to get them going. A friend of mine who is a physician specialized in weight-loss in the New York area told me that when the show is over even those who won – the Biggest Losers – consult him to find out how they can keep the weight off. Because as soon as the show is over and thus the external motivator is gone, they gain their lost weight back. This is why psychologists agree that external motivation is not ideal for long-term success.
The other form of motivation – internal motivation – comes from the individual within. It’s an inner urge to accomplish a particular goal. That form of motivation has by far the greatest chance to bring the individual lasting results because you’re not dependent on an outside source for motivation.
Now, how you can use internal motivation for highest achievements?
Let me use a quote by Brian Tracy to answer that question:
“One of the marks of superior people is that they are action-oriented. One of the marks of average people is that they are talk-oriented.” — Brian Tracy
In other words, whether you’re superior or average is determined by the actions you take or don’t take.
Take Action
Actions bring results and results increase your motivation. This process is actually very simple and works always, at least if you’re taking the right action steps. By taking a series of actions you automatically create ongoing motivation. Again, it has to be the right kind of actions, of course.
Today I want to encourage you to listen to your heart and find a strong WHY, a strong reason why you want to lose weight. This is your internal motivator. It got to be something that really moves you deeply. Many people begin to cry once they find their real WHY for losing weight because it touches them so much. It’s always much more than just because they look nicer and feel better once they’ll be slim. The real WHY often goes along with their real life purpose and goes far beyond their own person.
Then find a sensible strategy that matches the weight you want to lose. The more you want to lose, the more thorough and complex your weight loss strategy has to be. Write down everything that comes to your mind. Then find out if you can get that strategy all in one place or if you need several coaches and experts to achieve your desired goal. No one coach can do everything.
Any body, mind and spirit approach is always the better choice because it addresses you as a whole being, not just your body. And that approach has the better chance to bring you the lasting results you want. So don’t be afraid of accepting help.
After you feel confident with your list of action steps you immediately take your first step. Make an appointment with yourself for the second step. Congratulate yourself for every action step you have taken. That way you grow your goal achievement “muscle”, by celebrating even small achievements; and that way you keep your motivation high.
If you need assistance in creating your ideal weight loss strategy, feel free to check out this Facebook Group. The recommended daily tiny action steps and my support will give you the motivation you need.
Happy slimming!
Is your health and weight loss goal worth five to fifteen minutes of your time every day?
If you want to learn a process that leads you to constant weight loss success by baby stepping, check out my Facebook group.
You can get a feeling for the 4 Pillars of Weight Loss process for free. Simply join my closed Facebook group where you can go through the process by taking tiny daily baby steps completely stress free and still make tremendous progress.
“If you don’t know where you are going, you will wind up somewhere else!” –Lawrence “Yogi” Berra, Baseball Player and Team Manager
When you plan a journey, there are two fix points you need to know: the starting point and the arrival point.
You would never call your travel agent and order a ticket to “somewhere else”. Neither would you tell the agent that you want to fly to Paris without telling her from which airport you want to leave.
In both situations you would never arrive. You would either end up somewhere you didn’t want to go or simply stay where you’re at.
And there is a third decision you need to make before your travel can begin. You need to decide how you want to travel. Do you want to fly with a plane, a helicopter or a hot-air balloon? Do you prefer to travel on the land by car, bicycle, train, bus, or by foot? Or do you choose the water to travel? There are several travelling methods you can choose from. In other words, you need a map and a travel plan.
If you want to travel a long distance, for instance a whole continent, you’d better be prepared to use several means of transportation; at some point you may even have to walk.
Now what does that have to do with your weight loss?
If you’re very overweight, your journey is like unexplored territory. You may have taken some short trips in the past hoping that this would get you to your final destination and inevitably you got discouraged and frustrated because it didn’t.
And this is exactly the big mistake.
You have to plan the journey ahead of time. And depending on the length of the journey you better choose some sensible “transportation” means.
Also mind your expectations. If you only need to lose five to ten pounds, then a 1-month diet may get you to your goal, at least temporarily. But if you need to lose 20, 30, 50, 100, or 200 pounds, you need a whole different strategy. With each 10-pound step you have to choose a more complex and thorough strategy for long-term success. And you have to take your time. Don’t think in monthly terms. No matter how little you want to lose, think about one year of inner transformation, IF you want to keep your lost weight off. The weight loss itself may take faster, but you need to make sure that the new weight will be maintainable, therefore you want to get everything out of your way that lead to weight gain in the first place. And if you have to lose more than 100 pounds, you better take yourself two to three years to make the weight loss sustainable.
Then, of course, you want to know your final goal. “Somewhere else” is not a goal. “Less weight” is not a goal. In order to arrive at your destination you need to know exactly where that’s going to be. Otherwise you’ll never have the satisfaction of having “arrived”, and you need that for your motivation to follow through.
State clearly what you want and where you want to go, for instance, “I want to weigh 120 pounds.” Choose a realistic goal that matches your body.
Of course you can achieve your final weight goal without knowing how much you currently weigh or what the measures are. But think about, losing weight can be a tedious endeavor and depending on how much weight or inches you want to lose can take quite a while. If you’re very heavy, this process may take up to three to five years. In order to have the willpower to follow through you need to have some short-term successes.
During that time you need successful milestones you can check off from time to time. Successes are strong motivators, especially when you choose to take that journey alone (I hope you won’t, because then it could literally take you forever). Knowing where you started and achieving sub-ordinate targets will give you evidence of success and motivation to move on. That doesn’t necessarily need to be the scale. I personally prefer taking measurements. Measures are more reliable than the weight.
Now take yourself 15 minutes and sit down with a piece of paper and a pen. Take a glass of water. Determine your current weight and measure the circumference of several body parts. This is your starting point.
Then decide what your realistic weight goal could be in terms of weight and dress size. If you are not sure, ask yourself at which weight you felt best in your body. Write that goal down.
The third step is to decide what strategy could get you there and what to “pack” for the journey. This is where most people struggle. The only two tactics for weight loss most people know are dieting and exercise, and diets are only for short-term goals and exercise are long-term goals – you don’t see immediate results. But the heavier you are, the less likely these two tactics will do the job. Ask yourself, whether you have to reduce your stress, sleep more or better, detox and cleanse your body, or what else your body needs to release that extra fat.
Then you also want to decide who you want to have in your boat. It took me 38 years to detect 59 possible causes of women weight problems and how to address them. Most women only know what they are doing wrong but they don’t know the real root causes because they are always subconscious. But it’s exactly the psychological root causes that provide you from losing your weight for good until they will be addressed. Of course you can go on that journey alone, but my experience of working with over 10,000 women showed me over and over that women run in circles when they are trying to lose weight. And that doesn’t get you anywhere.
If you don’t know what else could help you to achieve and keep your final weight goal, feel free to send me an email to and we can discuss your individual situation. I know 59 causes of weight issues and can give you direction how to eliminate them. Or you can join my FREE Facebook group that is currently one of my most successful programs.
Happy planning and arriving!
Is your health and weight loss goal worth five to fifteen minutes of your time every day?
If you want to learn a process that leads you to constant weight loss success by baby stepping, check out my Facebook group.
You can get a feeling for the 4 Pillars of Weight Loss process for free. Simply join my closed Facebook group where you can go through the process by taking tiny daily baby steps completely stress free and still make tremendous progress.