Weight Loss Psychology – Your Weight Is Like An Iceberg (80% of the problem is beneath the surface)

Weight Loss Psychology – Your Weight Is Like An Iceberg (80% of the problem is beneath the surface)

Women all around the world have experienced this: they go on a diet, lose some weight and after a while they gain the lost weight back. The harder the diet was, the more frustrating this is.  

Yes, the awareness that diets don’t work is rapidly growing among women all around the world. But what is the alternative to the dieting/exercise approach?

That’s a great question and the answer is not obvious…unfortunately. There are many theories out there, and most of them are quick fixes which really don’t fix anything. This is very confusing for a woman who is looking for serious answers. 

I personally had to grow into my sixties, work with over 10,000 women worldwide, I had to go through decades of struggling with my weight to detect at least 75 possible root causes of weight gain in women. This may sound like an intimidating number but it’s not nearly as hopeless to find your root causes as you may think. As a matter of fact, understanding your root cause will significantly speed up the weight loss process, and in most cases the result is sustainable, unless there is another root cause in effect. 

So let’s first talk about root causes. 

There are five levels on which a cause for weight gain can happen:

  1. Physical pillar: For example. toxic overload, hormonal imbalance, food intolerances, some auto-immune diseases, parasites, stress and many more. Actually, eating too much and a lack of exercise are only two of the 72 causes I have counted so far. So please forget dieting for a moment. 
  2. Your emotions: When there is an emotional imbalance of some sort, this can lead to many behavioral habits. The habits in that case are only the symptom but not the cause. Especially for women, the emotional pillar is a big one when it comes to weight loss. Some of the most common emotional causes are a lack of love, not feeling valued, overwhelm, not being seen, etc. 
  3. Mindset: Although the first two pillars are very important, the probably most important one to look at is the mindset. Especially women have developed a terrible mindset around food, weight and their body. They are often so fixated on what to eat and what to wear on any given day, that they think of their weight all day long. And after a while those thoughts become so automated that they run on autopilot on a more subconscious level. And that is really dangerous because the women are then not even aware of their thinking anymore. Therefore, uprooting a negative mindset is a very important and large part of my work because this is something most women can’t handle by themselves anymore. 
  4. Subconscious Mind: According to psychologists, 80% of the problems are in the subconscious mind, why it is almost impossible for most of the women to understand what the real problem behind their weight issue is. The good news is that 80% of the solution is also on that level, and that’s where my expertise is. The largest part of the work is the digging and the finding. Once we have found the subconscious patterns, it’s easy and fast to transform them. And equally the weight loss process is also fast and relatively effortless. Even transforming past trauma is most of the time a matter of a few weeks or a couple of months. 
  5. Spiritual level: It happens more and more that we can also see some spiritual issues and root causes behind weight problems, for example when there is some karma involved. 

Imagine you never having to worry about your weight ever again!

Go and dig deeper. 

Go look beneath the surface. The problem is not the stomach but the psychology behind the eating. The problem is not what a person eats but why she eats what she eats. Is she bored? Is she lonely? Is she unfulfilled? Does she feel under-valued? Does she feel abandoned? Is she with the wrong partner or at the wrong job? Has she been abused? 

I can tell you that in my 40 years of working with overweight women I have seen and heard hundreds of different stories. Never ever did I recommend any of the over 10,000 participants to do a diet. Develop health eating, yes, but not a weight loss diet.  What we do is learn to apply an overall healthy lifestyle just for the sake of a healthy body. 

How on earth do you want to fix that with gastric surgery?

How on earth does anybody believe that it’s enough to get you on a diet?  

Here are a few examples of women who lost weight simply by transforming their root causes:

  • I lost 54 pounds and kept it off for 14 years after I transformed some childhood trauma. I didn’t do any diet and I did not exercise at that time.  
  • Trudy lost weight after she realized that her root cause was a rape. Once she had transformed that traumatic situation in our coaching, she lost weight without changing her diet or exercise regimen. 
  • Tina wanted to find the love of her life, and after we have transformed her invisible wall which has repelled the right men before, she not only found the love of her life, she also lost weight although this was never her goal or focus. 
  • Giselle lost 45 pounds withing 12 weeks without changing her eating habits nor did she exercise. In her case we had to deal with some family problems, she had to change the job and she too found the love of her life at the age of 55. Check out this blog post: https://www.angelabuhri.com/case-study-giselle-from-a-total-ruin-on-all-levels-to-having-it-all/
  • As a teenager, Mavies found out that she is gay, and being raised in a catholic family she never learned how to deal with her feelings. So she closed up and did not allow anybody into her life and heart. When I met her, she had just survived two heart attacks and breast cancer, and her face seemed lifeless, like hidden behind a thick layer of fog. After we started working together she learned to love unconditionally regardless of the sex of a person. She has accomplished that within the first month of working with me and is still in the transformation process.

For many women, the extra weight serves as a protective shield. In those cases a coach should never take that away from her through a diet, a pill or a gastric surgery. The very first job of a coach in such a situation is to replace that protective layer with another form of protection and through helping their client to set healthy boundaries so that the weight is no longer needed. 

Please, don’t be afraid of looking deeper. It’s so deliberating to break free from these invisible shackles and to find your true, slim you underneath these layers. 

Although it requires a little bit more than changing your eating habits, it’s still the easiest, fastest, most sustainable and quickest way to lose your weight. Why? Because it’s the most direct way. 

Start melting your personal ‘iceberg’!

Happy slimming :-). 

Angela B. 


The 4 Pillars of Lasting Weight Loss For Women

To begin with, why are the four pillars for women only and not for anybody?

First of all, for men it’s much easier to lose weight than for women. Men can very well lose weight by eating fewer carbs and exercising more. And there are several reasons for that:

  • they have a simpler metabolism than women
  • they have fewer emotional issues than women.
  • they have a different hormonal balance than women
  • they have different psychology and thus different root causes than women
  • I’m a woman and I understand women’s psychology, issues and desires better than men’s

These are the main reasons why women need a different approach than men.

The real nature of human beings

The most important and crucial thing to understand is the real nature of your being. You are not only a body but also mind, emotions, and spirit. The easiest way to understand what I mean is by envisioning a building with four pillars that support the building. In this case, the building is our health and healthy weight loss.

The building of your health – and healthy weight – stands on four pillars.

One pillar is your physical pillar (the body), one pillar is the emotional pillar (the emotions you have daily and how you react emotionally to certain things and situations), the third one is the mental pillar (your thinking, what you think and say… your mindset), and the last one is your psychological pillar (your history, your memories, your subconscious mind).

One of the biggest problems regarding weight loss is the misconception that you are the physical body.

You are not your body – you have a body. You are a spiritual being in a physical body. That’s a bigger difference than you may think. As soon as you understand that your physical and visible body is only a part of the equation – like the tip of the iceberg –, you will find it much easier to find the right weight loss solution that really works for you and that will bring you the desired lasting results.

The problems for you begin when you treat your weight exclusively on one pillar: the physical body, which most overweight people do by dieting and exercising. That’s why the dieting approach is so very frustrating, especially for women. In fact, it’s the hardest way possible with no real chance of bringing you lasting results.

Even on the physical level, there can be many causes of your weight problems beside poor eating habits and a lack of exercise.

Now let me ask you a question.

What happens to a building when one of four pillars gets weak, breaks or falls away?

Not much, as long as the rest of the building is stable and strong. It may not be leveled perfectly anymore, and with every heavy storm, it may get a crack here and there. It’s just not so resistant to strain or stress anymore, but it still has a good chance to stay for a while.

It’s the same with our health and weight. When one of the four pillars is temporarily weakened, we may face some headache, a flu once or twice a year, maybe a slight allergy, or a few pounds of weight gain. Maybe you can’t sleep as well as you could some years ago… yet nothing serious.

Now what will happen when two pillars are broken? The building suddenly is in severe danger of not surviving the next heavy storm. Most likely it will even collapse before the next storm. Translated to your health this could be some stubborn overweight, muscle pain, joint pain, chronic headache, a heart disease, regular heartburn, two to four flus every year, several or more severe allergies, brain fog, and so on and so forth.

As soon as three pillars break or disappear, the whole building will collapse completely. It can’t stand on one pillar. It’s not possible.

It’s exactly the same with our health. The more symptoms and diseases you have and the heavier you are, the more is your whole health building in danger. This is the point where you have serious chronic diseases like fibromyalgia, diabetes, loss of your teeth, or other life-threatening diseases, such as cancer. You may even be obese (not just overweight), and consequently, it will take you longer to bring your weight back to a healthy weight.

On the other hand, the healthier and more stable your whole health building is, the faster your body will react to even slight changes and you can lose your excess weight quickly and effortlessly.

The better you take care of your body, the more positive your mindset and emotions, the more you have transformed your psychological root causes, the faster your physical body can heal, the faster you’ll lose weight, the slower your aging process, and the longer you’re going to live a good, healthy and happy life – a quality life.

Therefore, good health and weight loss are to a great extent in your own hands, although it may often not feel that way. If it doesn’t feel that way to you, then it’s because you don’t know the causes of your personal weight struggles, the truth about good health and sustainable weight loss. Then you’re probably still caught in the ‘eat less and exercise more’ trap, feeling helpless and hopeless.

“The necessary mindset shift for maintainable weight loss is to start thinking outside of the diet box”! —–Angela Buhri, international Weight Transformation Coach

If you want some assistance and guidance to lose your extra weight faster and easier, you have two possibilities right now:

  1. You can join my next free webinar at https://lose-and-shine-coaching.aweb.page/p/a312e22a-754e-42a3-b171-5050a9dd41cd. I do regular webinars and the topics change from time to time.
  2. If you’re serious about losing weight and would like to qualify for one of my free Slim & Shine One-on-One Coaching Sessions to get ahead faster, answer a short questionnaire to pre-qualify for a free session with me: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/6HKRVS9. During this 45-minute coaching session we are going to create your personalized weight loss strategy together.

I’m looking forward to seeing you later and assisting you in your important goal.

Happy slimming!

Angela B.

5 Reasons Why Businesswomen (should) Want To Be Slim

5 Reasons Why Businesswomen (should) Want To Be Slim


Are you feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, and trapped in a cycle of stress and excess weight? Do you find yourself nodding in agreement as you read this, knowing all too well the challenges faced by stressed, overweight businesswomen? If so, you’re not alone. In the fast-paced world of business, where success often comes at a price, many ambitious women find themselves grappling with the physical and emotional burdens of excess weight, be it consciously or subconsciously.

As a stress management coach who has worked with thousands of stressed businesswomen and businessmen, and as a weight transformation coach for overweight women, I know both worlds, and I have witnessed firsthand the hidden pain points women like you face. Behind the professional façade, there are struggles that often go unnoticed. Today, I want to shine a light on these challenges, to acknowledge them, and to offer a glimmer of hope for a brighter, healthier future. You must know that the world needs you…and the world needs you healthily and productive without exhausting you.

Here are some of the common pain points overweight businesswomen face:

The Endless Cycle of Stress: Stressed, overweight businesswomen often find themselves trapped in a relentless cycle of stress. The demanding nature of their careers, combined with juggling personal responsibilities, can leave them feeling mentally and physically drained. This chronic stress not only takes a toll on their overall well-being but also affects their relationship with food, leading to emotional eating and weight gain.

Strained Self-Image and Confidence: Carrying excess weight can significantly impact a woman’s self-image and confidence. The conflict between their professional identity and their physical appearance creates a constant internal struggle. They may doubt their abilities, fear judgment from colleagues and customers, and find it challenging to project confidence in their professional endeavors. This negative self-perception further perpetuates the cycle of stress and weight gain.

Limited Time and Energy for Self-Care: The demanding nature of their careers often leaves stressed, overweight businesswomen with little time and energy to prioritize their own well-being. Long work hours, tight deadlines, and hectic schedules make it challenging to engage in regular exercise, prepare nutritious meals, or practice self-care. This lack of time and self-neglect further contributes to weight gain and a decline in overall health.

Health Complications and Reduced Productivity: Carrying excess weight can have detrimental effects on one’s physical health. Overweight businesswomen may experience fatigue, low energy levels, and increased susceptibility to chronic conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension. These health challenges not only impact the personal well-being but can also hinder the professional productivity and success.

Emotional Impact and Mental Well-being: The emotional impact of being overweight as a businesswoman cannot be underestimated. The constant pressure to excel professionally, combined with the weight-related stigma and societal expectations, can lead to feelings of shame, low self-esteem, and even depression. This emotional burden further exacerbates the challenges faced by stressed, overweight businesswomen.

Can you relate?

If any of these pain points resonate with you, know that you are not alone. In the USA alone, 70% of women are overweight or even obese. So if you’re an American, being overweight may almost be “normal”, but unfortunely only on the outside.

Countless women in the business world share similar experiences, silently carrying the weight of their challenges. However, it’s crucial to remember that there is hope and a way forward.

It’s time to break free from the shackles of stress and excess weight. It’s time to prioritize your well-being and embark on a transformative journey that will empower you to thrive as a businesswoman. Like I said, the world needs you. 

Now, let me be clear—I don’t promote diets or excessive exercise. My focus is on helping you lead a healthy lifestyle while changing habits and delving deep into the underlying causes that contribute to weight issues. This is where true, lasting change resides: in your subconscious.

Now, enough about me. It’s time to focus on you—your obstacles, your aspirations, your desires, and your journey towards a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling life. Together, let’s uncover the incredible potential that lies within you and create a future that exceeds your wildest dreams.

To begin with, let’s talk about why you, as a businesswoman or a woman on stage (should) want to lose your extra weight asap. First we have to get down to brass-tacks. As a businesswoman you must face the utter truth and you can handle the truth, otherwise you would not be in business. Please understand that if you want to experience everything a healthy and slim body has to offer and how much it will change your business life, you first need to understand what root causes you need to uproot first.

Reason #1: Grappling with a conflict between your professional identity and your physical appearance.

As someone who has walked that path and triumphed, then stumbled and learned, I’m here to share what I’ve discovered.

The sad truth is that your extra weight carries more consequences than you might realize. As a businesswoman, your professional success often intertwines with your physical appearance. Excess weight can diminish your self-image, making you doubt your abilities and potential. It can diminish your confidence and hold you back from seizing opportunities. But you know what? It’s time to break free from these chains.

Imagine for a moment the impact of achieving your natural and maintainable weight loss. Picture yourself stepping into meetings with newfound confidence, owning the room with your presence and ideas. Shedding those extra pounds will not only transform your body but also reshape your self-image. Now, embrace the power within you that is already there to redefine your identity as a strong, successful businesswoman, regardless of your current weight. 

When you commit to a natural and maintainable weight loss approach vs. a diet or another quick fix method, your energy levels soar. You can say goodbye to fatigue and sluggishness. You experience more mental clarity and focus that will allow you to tackle even complex challenges head-on, making decisions with precision and efficiency. The reason is because you’re changing things on a much deeper level what has broader consequences on your overall well-being.

And it doesn’t stop there. Your transformation will also radiate throughout your professional life. As you shed the excess weight, you’ll notice your movements becoming more agile and your physical presence more commanding. People will take notice, responding to your newfound confidence and credibility. Your professional opportunities will expand, as others recognize your determination and discipline.

Reason #2: the impact your excess weight has on your physical health

Now let’s talk about a topic that is often talked about but often gets overlooked by the individuals themselves: the impact your excess weight has on your physical health. We humans tend to believe that we can treat our bodies in any way we want without having to face any consequences. Many of us even treat their cars better than their own bodies. It just doesn’t occur to them that their weight could lead to severe health challenges. I know both sides, and I want to share the sad reality, the facts, and the solutions to help you reclaim your health and wellbeing. Don’t allow things to get too far, if you can prevent it. And if you your health is already challenged, act soon. 

It’s no secret that your extra weight takes a toll on your body, and the consequences are real…and as an intelligent woman you know that. Excess pounds can lead to fatigue, reduced stamina, and a lack of energy to fuel your busy days and a long list of other health issues. But it doesn’t stop there. Being overweight increases your risk of chronic conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and joint problems, which is my problem, and I can tell you, it’s darn painful. Your health is your wealth, and it’s time to address it head-on.

Unfortunately, that’s still not all. Let’s be real and not forget the monetary costs excess weight and poor health can have. Doctor’s visits, medical bills, and prescription medications can drain your resources and limit your financial freedom. I often hear from overweight women that the costs of their excess weight exceed $10,000 per year. Imagine redirecting those hard-earned dollars towards investing in your business, your dreams, and a future filled with health and vitality. How much could that improve your life?

Now, on the other side, let’s explore the impact your natural and maintainable weight loss can have on your health and wellbeing. Imagine waking up every morning with a renewed sense of vitality, ready to conquer the day. As you shed those extra pounds, your energy levels soar, fatigue becomes a distant memory, and your overall well-being improves.

Your body is a temple…literally. It’s the place from where you can act as a successful business woman and fulfill your life purpose, therefore it’s your most important success tool. And when you treat it with respect, it rewards you in many ways. A natural and maintainable weight loss journey strengthens your immune system, reduces the risk of chronic diseases, and enhances your overall quality of life. It’s not just about looking great on the outside; it’s about feeling amazing from the inside out. TRUE weight loss is about transforming everything that has contributed to your current weight…LITERALLY everything. Sustainable weight loss involves changing not only your body but also your mind and spirit, and most of all, your subconscious.

What impact can your transformed health have on your business success?

When you prioritize your well-being, you become an unstoppable force. Your increased energy levels and mental clarity empower you to tackle challenges with focus and resilience. You’ll find yourself making better decisions, leading your team with confidence, and achieving remarkable results. As you know, success leaves clues. Achieving such a difficult and complex goal like losing weight leaves a strong “message” in your subconscious mind, and henceforward you will walk differently, you will stand taller, and you will talk with more self-confidence. You have given your subconscious mind a new self-image which will radiate through every fiber of your being. You may not realize the difference, but others do.

During my time of being slim, I became a different person. Previously, I was very shy to a point where I could not talk to strangers and even very seldom to people I knew. I could never have imagined that one day I would confidently stand on stage in front of hundreds of people and speak to them about healthy weight loss and transformation of crisis. Suddenly, doors opened that I didn’t even know existed. Everyone wanted to be my friend, men pursued me, and I received flowers, poems, and songs dedicated to me. The media wanted to work with me, organizations wanted to work with me, fortune 500 companies hired me. The best part was that I could work from home, be there for my child most of the time, and still have a significant income and a successful coaching business. I led a completely different life from before – a happy, interesting, and fulfilling life that I absolutely loved. And I had no idea how, where, and when my life shifted in such a big, positive way. It just did. And it can shift for you as well. 

Now, to be totally upfront, you may have such experiences simply by following a diet, if you have no psychological issues at all. But as we all have our wounds, only by transforming drama, trauma and your inner psychology and mindset will experience this kind of transformation. While those who lose weight through a diet are cranky all the time because they’re chronically starved, you will experience how not only your outer weight is falling off of you but also your inner burdens.

Reason #3: Our customers’ (or bosses) subconscious minds

Now, let’s talk about a topic that affects us deeply, (whether we realize or not) especially as businesswomen: how others perceive us when we carry excess weight. We tend to underestimate the impact it can have on our reputation and business success. So, let’s address it head-on. As business women we have to be totally clear about what’s going on in our customers’ subconscious mind when they interact with us. I think that as a businesswomen we must face the truth. 

It’s disheartening to know that many slim individuals hold negative perceptions about those who are overweight. Words like ‘stupid,’ ‘undisciplined,’ ‘smelly’, and ‘lazy’ are thrown around, contributing to unfair judgments and biases (most of the time behind our back). But we must remember that these beliefs stem from ignorance, stereotypes, and societal pressures and most of all from the old ‘eat less and exercise more’ paradigm, which is insanely outdated.

It’s important to recognize that these negative perceptions don’t define who we are. Besides, we just have to get away from the misconception that all overweight people are chronic and undisciplined over-eaters. For most of us, the root causes are somewhere else, and the ‘eat less and exercise more’ tactics just don’t work. Besides, your worth as a businesswoman extends far beyond your physical appearance. Your skills, talents, and determination can and will speak louder than any preconceived notions, once you have gotten over your own perceptions. The more self-confident you feel in your body, the less others will see it as a problem when working with you. It’s time to rewrite your story and let your accomplishments shine. Besides, you don’t want to lose your extra weight for others, but for YOURSELF and for the sake of your health and wellbeing only.

Now, let’s explore the impact your natural and maintainable weight loss can have on your reputation and business success. Shedding those extra pounds is not just about conforming to societal standards; it’s about reclaiming your confidence and proving to yourself and others that you CAN help your clients achieve what they want.

Here are just a few perceptions, people have about ex overweight people who have lost weight.

  1. Many people perceive weight loss as an admirable accomplishment. They appreciate the effort, discipline, and dedication it takes to achieve weight loss goals and view it as a positive change for overall health and well-being.
  2. Weight loss is often associated with improved physical health. People view women who have successfully slimmed as individuals who have taken proactive steps to enhance their overall health and well-being. This perception is often accompanied by positive regard and support.
  3. Weight loss can lead to increased self-confidence for individuals who have achieved their desired results. Others may perceive women who have slimmed down as more self-assured and empowered, which can positively influence how they are perceived in various social settings.
  4. People have more respect for others who have achieved a big personal goal. They become kind of magnetic to others. People have more respect for those who have accomplished significant personal goals, finding them inspiring and admirable, and they want to have the same results. 

When you embark on a journey towards a healthier you, you demonstrate resilience, discipline, and self-care (even though with my method you don’t need a lot of discipline and no willpower). You demonstrate that you CAN achieve goals for you as well as for your clients or bosses. People will notice your commitment and dedication, and they’ll be drawn to your renewed sense of confidence. Your reputation will soar as you become an inspiration to others, showing them what’s possible. Remember, people judge a book by its cover….still. 

Maybe by now you’re getting a sense of how your current weight might even be a blessing in disguise.

Reason #4: self-limiting beliefs

Now, let’s have an honest conversation about self-limiting beliefs and their impact on your business success. Self-limiting beliefs are so common among overweight women. I’ve been where you are, and I can also tell you with my utmost confidence that it’s time to break free and unlock your true potential.

Now, when you carry extra weight, it’s easy to internalize self-limiting beliefs. By going from diet to diet and losing and gaining and losing and gaining, you may have lost faith in yourself, thinking that your inability to succeed with diets is a reflection of your worth. You may believe that it’s your fault and your lack of discipline. These beliefs can and actually do damage your inner psychology, robbing you of your self-image and even impact your business success, and even worse, rob you of your joy of living. So let me tell you, it’s not you—it’s the diets. They do a tremendous damage to a person’s health, psychology, mindset, and subconscious. 

Now, let’s explore how losing weight the right way, in a sustainable and healthy manner, can transform your inner psychology and consequently, your business success. When you go on a journey towards a sustainable weight loss, you rediscover your power and resilience. You realize that it’s not about quick fixes or crash diets; it’s about transforming you psychology, your story, your subconscious mind, and the root causes. Of course it’s also about leading a healthy lifestyle, about nourishing your body, mind, and soul. Yet it’s mostly about transforming the root causes.

As you shed the pounds the right way, you’ll witness a profound shift in your self-image, self-worth, and self-confidence. You’ll start to see yourself as the capable and deserving businesswoman that you truly are. Your self-confidence and self-worth must come from within, where they already are, maybe still hidden, but they are there. These newfound beliefs will shape your decisions, your actions, and ultimately, your success.

When you embrace your true potential and radiate self-confidence, others will take notice. Your clients, colleagues, and partners will be drawn to your magnetic presence and charisma, recognizing your expertise and leadership. Your business will flourish as you attract new opportunities and build stronger connections.

Like you, I’ve walked the path of self-limiting beliefs, and I’ve learned the truth about weight issues that’s often hidden from us. It’s so hard to feel great and powerful about yourself when you see your wobbly flab in the mirror. But it’s an important part of the process and your self-growth! Your weight is literally forcing you to get out of the status quo and begin to take care of your health. It’s your wake-up call. Hear your body’s cry for help!

Reason #5: the impact of embarrassment

Now let’s have a candid conversation about the impact of embarrassment on your business success. It’s time to break free from this cycle and turn it into a journey of transformation in order to gain back the feeling of empowerment.

Being an overweight or obese businesswoman, high executive, or public figure, can be incredibly embarrassing. Deep down, you know how you want to look and feel. You may have tried to accept your weight, but that nagging voice inside tells you that you could look and feel better. This internal struggle can leave you feeling like a loser, especially when diets and other attempts have failed to bring lasting results. But it’s useless because this is a game you can never win. There is only one way of ending the embarrassment. To take the bull at its horns, take responsibility for the current status quo and start making changes from the inside out. Get down to the brass-tacks with your root causes. And if you need assistance with that, I’m here to assist you. 

So, let’s explore how losing weight the right way can help you shed the cloak of embarrassment and unlock a deep sense of pride and self-love. When you embark on a journey of transformation that addresses the root causes of weight gain, something incredible happens. Your body starts to respond, and you feel a growing sense of love and respect for yourself.

As you begin to make progress on your weight loss journey, something amazing occurs within you. You start to feel proud of the choices you’re making and the changes you’re experiencing. It feels like that weight is falling off of you effortlessly. This newfound sense of pride and self-love spills over into all aspects of your life, including your business.

When you feel proud and confident in your own skin, it impacts how others perceive you. Your clients, colleagues, and partners will be inspired by your transformation, and they’ll recognize your strength and determination. This shift in perception can lead to new opportunities, increased credibility, and ultimately, greater business success.

In my work with clients I’ve learned that real, lasting weight loss comes from addressing the root causes. So it’s time to let go of the shame and embrace a future where you feel proud and confident, regardless of your current weight. The trick is to feel confident about your body before you lose weight. Together, we’ll uncover the root causes and transform them, transform your relationship with your body, and set new causes for even greater success in your business.

It’s time to break free from the chains of embarrassment and step into a life filled with pride and success. It’s time to embrace the love and respect your body deserves, while achieving extraordinary business success.

As one of my former clients recently said, “Now I finally have the life I always wanted!” She lost 48 pounds within three months as a side effect (no diet, no exercise), gained a lot more energy, restored healthy sleeping habits, alleviated daily headaches, developed a deeper relationship with her daughter, found the love of her life at the age of 55, and transitioned from being unemployed and searching for an underpaid job to being self-employed, earning double the income she would have made in a job. Throughout these three months of one-on-one coaching, we exclusively focused on transforming her inner psychology rather than addressing any symptoms. Her weight was never on our radar. 

If that’s the kind of transformation you would like to have as well, then you have come to the right place. What you need to understand is that there is an 80% chance that it was your psychology which led to your current weight. So if you want to lose it, you first have to change your psychology and you will not have to bother about the weight itself any longer.

Please ask yourself honestly: Do I really want just the next diet or do I want it all? If your answer is, “I want the health and life I have always dreamed of”, then you are  ready to take the next step towards your transformation. I’m here to guide you on your weight loss journey. It begins with the first step.

When you are ready to find out what your next step could be and shed those extra pounds for good without dieting, I invite you to a FREE one-on-one Weight Transformation Coaching Call  where you will walk away with a personalized weight loss strategy. To qualify, please fill out the following 2-minute questionnaire: 


Happy slimming 🙂 

Weight Loss Psychology – How long does it take to form a new habit?

Weight Loss Psychology – How long does it take to form a new habit?

Did you ever hear the saying that once you can ride a bicycle you’ll never forget how to do it? Even if you would not use it for 20 years and then one day decide that you want to take the bicycle instead of the car, you would still do it the right way without having to think about. 

The interesting thing is that it takes a very short time to form a new habit we find pleasurable. On the other hand it can take between 30 and to 254 days to form a new habit that is not so convenient (Study by University College of London performed on 96 people). Of course, more complex behaviors like playing the piano require more time to become a habit. Less complex habits like pealing an apple in a certain way can be formed within a few days. What all habits have in common though is that, once formed they will never go away. Kind of scary, isn’t it?

There are many different kinds of habits, for instance habits that secure our survival like learning how to walk. If we had to decide each time which step to put forward next, we would get crazy. Our brain would constantly be focused on how to do simple, repetitive tasks instead of engaging in new, more important ones.

Since we form new habits by making choices – most choices we make rather serve our lazy self – we have many habits we are not even entirely aware of. Some habits affect our live more than others. Some are beneficial and lead to health, wellness, happiness, great relationships, success and wealth while others lead the opposite way. Some habits have drastic consequences and others only minor consequences in our lives. Some habits such as smoking, consuming too much alcohol or use other drugs can offset or set in motion several less powerful habits. They literally cause a chain reaction of several more habits that are either beneficial or not.

One of these beneficial habits that are followed by other positive ones is exercising, for instance. Once you exercise daily, you need to drink more water. Then you feel less hungry and eat less heavy food. After a while you develop the desire to eat more healthy food so that exercising becomes easier. In the meantime you start losing weight what motivates you to adopt other positive habits and keep that healthy lifestyle.

Improving the quality of sleep and getting enough sleep (7.5 to 8 hours every night) is another such power habit that creates a domino effect. You lose weight easier and faster, you have more stamina during the day, you are more focused and concentrated, and you have more energy to go out and so some exercise.

Smoking on the other hand can negatively offset the benefits of daily exercising and healthy eating. Because of the many toxins cigarettes contain, the body gets a load of toxins it has to deal with what inevitably leads to weight gain.

The trick is to stick to a new habit long enough so that your brain begins to form new neural pathways. If you give up too soon, the brain will quickly and easily force you back into your old habit and all the effort, time, and energy was wasted. The next time you are making another attempt to change that particular habit, it will be even more difficult to eliminate it. It is necessary to stick with your desired habit long enough so that the brain has enough time to form new neural pathways. This is one reason why over 90% give up on their New Year’s resolutions every year. Poor habit is also responsible for the fact that more people want to become rich than actually are rich…they are just not willing to form the habits which are necessary to achieve success.

Another reason is that people don’t really know how to change their habits and are trying to do it with willpower. But willpower is only needed at the beginning to decide on the new habit. What you will need after that is patience, perseverance and consistency. Most people make the mistake to use the little willpower they have left to keep going, not realizing that willpower is only the initial power. After that it requires discipline to show up every day for a certain time, patience, and perseverance until the new habit (be it weight loss habit, success habit, or any other habit) will be formed. These are also qualities we need to develop to be slim, healthy and successful in life.




What is very important for that part of habit forming is a strong why. If your life depends on, the chances are much bigger that you will succeed with your habit forming process than just being angry at yourself for giving up too soon. For example, if you’re a mom of a 7-year old and your doctor tell you that you’ll within two years if you don’t lose weight, you would turn every stone to get rid of your extra weight ASAP. 

If you’d try to outsmart your bad habits by taking a weight loss pill or by getting a gastric surgery done, for instance, your habits would still be effective and the struggle would go on and on.  Habits don’t just change because you go on a diet, take a weight loss pill or get a gastric band. 

There are much easier ways to change habit than trying to come up with more willpower than you have. One way is to transform them instead of trying to eliminate bad habit. Habits can’t be eliminated anyway. Once the neural pathways are there, the old habit will remain. The only thing you can do is replacing the poor habit with an even stronger positive one. There are some smart ways you can use to fool the brain into collaborating and embracing a new habit. However, if you don’t know how to do that, the chances that you’re going to lose that war are big.

Our body always follows the rules of nature and is most of the time smarter than the person sitting inside of the body. But once we begin to understand the nature of our bodies, how it works, what it needs to accomplish, and how we can rather support our body instead of trying to force something onto it, we become a team and changes will be much easier and more effective. Then you will be the smart leader and your brain and body will become your enthusiastic partners supporting you in your weight loss goals.

As soon as you let your subconscious become your partner, habit change can occur almost instantly. Such an immediate habit change makes your whole life a lot easier and things can begin to change immediately as well.

Weight struggles and plateaus have mainly to do with some poor habits (most of them are unknown to the person), and once these habits have changed, our lives will immediately begin to change as well. Weight loss then becomes much more effortless and better health will be another consequence.

The better you and your body become as a team, the faster and easier you can begin to transform other poor habits as well and your live will drastically improve in any regards.

Happy weight loss!

7 Weeks to Healthy Drinking Habits for Maintainable Weight Loss

Doctors will tell you that eight glasses of liquidity per day is enough…any liquidity. I disagree. While eight glasses are far too little, many women have a problem drinking even that much water every day. Many clients tell me that they have a problem swallowing the water.

The main reason is because your body is not used to drink plain water. It may take several weeks to get used to drinking water at all and then to get used to drinking up to three liters per day. That’s the amount a slim person needs. Now if you’re overweight, you will even need more than that. But let’s start with three liters per day.

Now why am I saying that it has to be water. In fact, I will even as far as telling you that everything else you drink during the day will not count towards the three liters.

There is something very important to understand about drinking. Water is an information carrier, and your body distinguishes between water and liquid “food”. Anything added to the water is considered to being “food” and not used for cleansing purposes. But the body desperately needs the water for cleansing. Ask yourself, would you ever use coffee, tea, juice, soda pop or a smoothie to clean your house? Rather not. In order to carry out the toxins and acids, your body needs clean water without any additions.

Now to the problem to swallow water (what many people have who are not used to drinking plain water). First of all, you and your bladder will get used to after a while. Start small and add one glass per day every week. One way of making it easier to drink water is to find out what temperature works best for you. My body, for example prefers the water to be almost hot, others want it warm, and still others need it ice-cold. To begin with, drink it at the temperature that works best for you.

Generally speaking, to enhance the metabolism, hot water is best. But don’t heat it in the microwave oven, otherwise you will start another negative and fat-creating chain reaction. Boil the water in a water heater and add as much hot water to the cold water as you can tolerate.

How to Know If You’re Dehydrated

Unfortunately, most people live in a chronic state of dehydration.  This leads to massive health issues. The problem is that most people don’t even recognize the sensation of thirst anymore. When your mouth is feeling dry, you’re already heavily dehydrated.

Other symptoms are dry lips and eyes. If you don’t deal with dehydration ASAP, heavier symptoms will be chronic fatigue, irritability, brain fog, constipation, and rapid pulse.

Why water for better weight loss?

  • You have more energy and being active is easier.
  • Your body can better detoxify what leads to faster weight loss.
  • Your body can better release acid what leads to faster weight loss.
  • Your liver needs the water to better burn fat.
  • Water increases calorie burning.
  • Most people can’t distinguish between hunger and thirst and eat when they’re thirsty what leads to more food intakes than they really need. Thus drinking more water leads to weight loss.
  • It may suppress your appetite.
  • Water boosts your metabolism.
  • Drinking more water make exercise easier and more efficient.
  • Most drinks contain calories. Drinking water could help reduce your overall liquid calorie intake.
  • Water transports nutrients in our bloodstream and aids in digestion. Thus you get less hungry.
  • Water improves the lubrication of your joints.

Additional benefits:

  • You’ll save a lot of money
  • Your over-all health improves.
  • Water may improve motivation and reduce stress
  • Drinking enough water reduces brain fog and increases focus and concentration.
  • Water keeps your skin bright
  • Water regulates blood pressure
  • Water is vital for the function of nearly all of the body’s systems. 

What kind of water should you drink?

The best water would be clean spring water, but many people don’t have access to spring water.

The second best is tap water. If you don’t have good tap water, invest in a good water filter.

I don’t recommend drinking bottled water. But sometimes you just don’t have a choice. In that situation I recommend changing the water brand often and don’t drink any mineral water with carbonic acid.

If you want to speed up your detoxification, you can drink a glass of distilled water per day.

How much water do you need?

Slim people need 3 liters of water per day. Overweight people need 4 to 5 liters of water per day, depending on their weight. You can check the color of your urine. If your kidneys are healthy, your urine will be dark and smelly when you don’t drink enough water. Light yellow is ideal.

The National Academy of Medicine (NAM) in the United States recommends women to drink 2.700ml per day and men to drink 3.700ml per day.

How can you track your water intake? It helps me to keep track on the amount of water by filling four 1-liter glass bottles in the morning. By dinner they have to be empty.

Why salt?

80% of the planet consists of salt water. Likewise our body is made of 80% of salt water. Most of all, you need the salt for the electrolytes. 

Forget about any additives. The only thing your body absolutely needs is a few grains of  salt in every second or third glass of water, but only enough for the water to taste soft and not salty. But please, don’t use any salt. Organic sea salt, Himalayan salt, or organic stone salt is best.

Reasons why you need salt with your water:

  • Because of the electrolytes
  • Because our body consists to 80% of water
  • Our blood is “salt water” as well
  • Your body can better bring the water to every part and transport all the toxins and acid away from your soft tissue
  • It makes the water feel soft and thus it’s easier to drink

How to change your drinking habits step by step

  • Week 1: Replace all other drinks by water – use the same cup or bottle you usually use for your coffee, tea, pop, juice, etc.
  • Week 2: drink a glass of hot water right after getting up in the morning before breakfast
  • Week 3: drink a second glass of water right after the first one in the morning and add a few grains of Himalayan salt, organic sea salt, or organic stone salt
  • Week 4: whatever else you drink, take an additional 2 glasses of water before lunch (500ml)
  • Week 5: whatever else you drink, take an additional 2 glasses of water before dinner (500ml)
  • Week 6: drink an additional 500ml of water between breakfast and lunch
  • Week 7: drink an additional 500ml of water between lunch and dinner

Further tips:

  • Make it a habit to finish a glass of water all at once. Don’t put the glass out of your hands until it’s empty.
  • Fill three to four 1-liter bottles in the morning and make it a habit to drink throughout the day so that all four bottles will be drunk before dinner. Start slowly and increase your daily water intake every week or two. Your body first needs to learn to deal with more water.
  • Stop drinking water three hours before going to bed.

At the beginning you will have to go to the toilet more often. That’s normal. After a few months your body begins to deal with the increased amount of water differently and increase the volume of the bladder. So be prepared that you will need to visit the toilet more often at the beginning. That’s the price you have to pay for faster weight loss and improved overall health.


FREE Webinar on Habit Transformation for Maintainable Weight Loss



What else can you do?

Habits are among the biggest stumbling blocks regarding weight loss and make it close to impossible to move beyond a certain weight. Habits constantly sabotage even your strongest weight loss goals. They can completely bypass your mind and your willpower and make you act without you even being aware of.

Habits can’t be overcome with discipline and willpower. There is no discipline strong enough to over-rule habits.

Habits can’t be eliminated. They’re burned into our brains. For these reasons, habits seem to be very hard to overcome because most people try to overrule them with willpower and discipline. That will never work.

Habits can only be transformed.

Learn how to transform all fattening habits and you’ll start losing weight seemingly automatically. By the way, there are eight groups of habits which contribute to weight gain and the inability to lose it.

Changing your fattening habits will not only make it much easier for you to lose weight, it will also automatically help you improve any other health issues you may have.

 If you want to learn more about improving your drinking habits and other slimming habits, check out my free webinar about Habit Transformation. During this 90-minute webinar you will learn the eight groups of habits that contribute to weight gain and how to transform poor habits vs. trying to fight them with willpower and discipline, among many other important things.

Access the free webinar here:


I look forward to seeing you there.

Happy slimming!


In 150 Days to New Weight Loss Habits!

Is your health and weight loss goal worth five to fifteen minutes of your time every day?

If you want to learn a process that leads you to constant weight loss success by baby stepping, check out my Facebook group. 

Here you can get a feeling for the 4 Pillars of Weight Loss process for free. Simply join my closed Facebook group where you can go through the process by taking tiny daily baby steps completely stress free and still make tremendous progress.

This group is only for women who are willing to take daily action steps for 150 days!


Eating For Weight Loss – Calories & Cholesterol

„This is just an understanding of correct nutritional biochemical facts most doctors do not understand.“ –Dr. James Carlson

Have you ever wondered if what your doctor and dietitians are teaching you might be wrong? Did their recommendations ever help you lose weight and get your cholesterol down without medication?

One of the most amazing and relieving interviews I did was with obesity specialist Dr. James Carlson. And I can literally hear a gigantic sigh of relief coming from my readers.

This is what he said at the very beginning of our interview.

“This is just an understanding of correct nutritional biochemical facts, which I did not always understand. We go back in time about 16 or 17 years ago, I was actually obese; I had high blood pressure; my blood sugar was elevated meaning I was a diabetic; I had very low HDL which is the good cholesterol. I had many things wrong with me. I, at that time did not understand the correct way to eat. Let me also add that at that time I was also a board certified family physician. So you would think I knew what to do to change my life around but I did not!”

“I followed the low fat, low cholesterol hypothesis and I got rid of all the bad cholesterol in my diet. You wouldn’t know it that my body got heavier and my blood pressure went higher, my blood sugar higher HDL/good cholesterol went lower. Basically I made all my conditions worse by following the accepted dietary guidelines, which are still the accepted dietary guidelines. It’s interesting too because when I failed the low fat, low cholesterol diet I put myself on medication and I wasn’t understanding at that time the correct way to eat. So I put myself on the blood pressure medication, I put myself on the cholesterol lowering medication and I actually put myself on the medications until I started to understand the correct way to eat. That understanding was a big ‘eEureka!’ moment in my life when I understood that low fat, low cholesterol eating styles are actually harmful and deadly. I switched away what I was eating, I started eating more fat cholesterol, and wouldn’t you know it, I blew up 70+ pounds, came off my mediactions and the rest is history. Armed with that knowledge, I started bringing that into my practice; telling my patients the correct way to eat. Now, 16 years from that I literally have thousands upon thousands of patients eating the correct way with wonderful, miraculous and marvelous results.”

Gosh, isn’t that refreshing? So many of us have already wondered or even questioned these practices, others are already fully aware of these facts. My first thought was, “Sometimes it would be really helpful if doctors had to go through what we are going through and suffer from the same ailments their patients do so that they have a better motivation to dig for the truth.”

Dr. Carlson continued, “Before I knew the correct way to eat, I have been telling thousands of people the incorrect way to eat! It’s interesting that how we physicians are trying to do it in America. We are told low fat and low cholesterol, of course influenced heavily by the pharmaceutical companies; and then we are told that if the diet we told you didn’t work, we have medications we could give you. That’s the wrong way to think. I’m somewhat embarrassed to say that those thousands of patients I have told to follow low fat and low cholesterol, really not a single one of them did okay with that where they didn’t need medications. Most of them needed medications. And I didn’t step back and said to myself ‘Wait a minute! I’m putting all these people on low fat low cholesterol diet and almost every single one of them needs medications.’ I didn’t step back and say to myself, ‘Maybe I’m telling them the wrong way to eat. Maybe it’s not the correct way to eat.’ My focus and mindset was more of the physician mentality where we are trained to do certain things and not think about it.”




“I want your listeners to understand that medical schools, at least in America, do not train how to think. You are trained how to think and what to think and do not really be a free thinker. You go to medical school, you take the classes, you are told this is what we know; this is what we do, this is what you do, etc. So there is really not a lot of free thought involved which is why in America we have obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart diseases and cancers have ravaged the world.”

You may have realized by now that Dr. Carlson is a very entertaining speaker while revealing so much truth within just a few sentences. One of the funniest parts in his book is when he talks about his medical school and that they only had two weeks of nutritional instructions taught by an overweight dietitian. It’s funny to picture that, but, of course, for us the patients it’s really not that funny and the consequences are severe. This is a perfect example of an ignorant medical system and that there is something really wrong with that system. Thank goodness there are such brave physicians like Dr. Carlson who dare to speak the truth.

Because of that situation we have to be aware of that the vast majority of physicians around the world are truly ignorant as to the correct way to eat. And it gets even worse when that ignorance turns into arrogance when you speak to a physician. They don’t even want to hear the truth.

There is a saying, “The one who heals is right.” And, being a real scientist, Dr. Carlson can proof his findings.

“I had people with triglycerides of 700-800, the highest I had was 2400, go to normal without medications following the correct way to eat…eating fat and saturated fat and cholesterol containing fat foods is actually healthy, not harmful.”

Dr. Carlson clearly stated that the low fat/low cholesterol as a way to eat is just plain wrong. When I asked him why, he said, “Let’s look at what’s happening because the scary thing is that this is so simple to understand and we have this printed on every single biochemistry text book you can get your hands on. The reason it’s wrong is because it says: ’Eating fat cholesterol is dangerous’ and they want you to eat whole grains and fruits and they say these things are good for you and everyone thinks that’s correct. Well let’s backup a little and let’s look at what creates the cholesterol molecule and the fat molecule and the fat cholesterol molecule. It starts with the sugar molecule both glucose and fructose. So when you provide yourselves with glucose and fructose they will make cholesterol and fat if they receive over abundant sugar molecules. So the more food you eat that contains carbohydrates, that contain glucose, that contain fructose, the more you are giving those cells the ability to create cholesterol and fats. That is a biochemical fact.”

“Wherever that sugar molecule comes from, the cells are going to create deadly cholesterol and fat making us heavier and create a host of a lot other deadly problems. So I like to tell my patients, and I like them to repeat this little mantra, I say repeat after me ’Carbohydrates are broken down into sugars and sugars create cholesterol and fat.’ And I also say that ‘carbohydrates are carbohydrates are carbohydrates’ meaning, it doesn’t matter if it comes from whole grains or multi grains or seven grains or whole wheat pasta or brown rice. The end result is overabundant sugar molecules and you are going to make cholesterol and fat from that.”

“So the question in why is the ‘My Plate campaign’ incorrect? Because it is based on the incorrect premise that low fat/low cholesterol is the correct way to eat and that we need to eat whole grains and multi grains. All that’s doing is providing the cells of our body with what it needs to make more damaging molecules i.e. cholesterol and fat.”

Wow! The amount of information I received from Dr. Jim literally within minutes was overwhelming. My head was literally humming. On one side I was so happy to finally hear the truth, on the other side I had that nagging feeling that this all is just the beginning. And according to Dr. Jim it is.

For now I want to let that information sit with you and digest that information.

If you want to hear the entire interview, please feel free to go to This Page directly or to listen to my webinar first for more information

In the meantime…

Happy slimming!


Is your health and weight loss goal worth five to fifteen minutes of your time every day?

If you want to learn a process that leads you to constant weight loss success by baby stepping, check out my Facebook group. 

You can get a feeling for the 4 Pillars of Weight Loss process for free. Simply join my closed Facebook group where you can go through the process by taking tiny daily baby steps completely stress free and still make tremendous progress. 


Healing Excess Weight Through Appreciation

Recently I stumbled on the following story which I find very inspirational. When I read it, I instantly had to think of you. So I decided to share that story with you today. 

Enjoy reading it!


Appreciating Appreciation

by Michael Josephson

There’s a song called “Thank God for Dirty Dishes” that makes the point that if you’re lucky to have enough food to make dirty dishes, you should be grateful.

So instead of grousing about your property taxes, be thankful you own property. When you have to wait in line at the bank or are stuck in traffic, just be grateful you have money in the bank and a car to drive.

It makes sense, but that doesn’t make it easy.

I have to admit that appreciation has not been a natural attribute for me. In my more ambitious days when I believed that excess was not enough, gratitude seemed like a form of surrender and a very poor life strategy. After all, if you’re satisfied with the way things are, you’ll never make them better.

What a pity I had to reach my 50s before I began to appreciate appreciation. I finally began to see that it was irresponsible and irreverent not to realize how many things I should feel grateful for. I also came to realize how good it feels to acknowledge how good I have it.

Real gratitude is much more than politeness, like saying thank you when someone passes the salt or conveys good wishes; it’s a deeper psychological state of genuine thankfulness.

Whether we believe whatever good fortune we have is the product of our own labor and talents, random luck, or a gift from God, the fact remains that each of us could spend a full day identifying all the things that merit gratitude.

According to an old proverb, “If you never learn the language of gratitude, you’ll never be on speaking terms with happiness.”

I’m still a beginner, but it’s true; the more I appreciate, the happier I am. That’s a lesson I want my children to learn.

For years I am trying to convince my readers and clients to practice appreciation toward their body, because appreciation can really heal many wounds, especially the wounds of the soul. I do get how hard it is to appreciate a body which is overweight or even obese, a body you don’t like. But sometimes it just takes a small step beyond the ordinary, a step into the unknown, an uncomfortable step, even a step that might seem weird at the beginning to make new and desired experiences and see better results. 

Why can and should we appreciate weight issues?

  1. First of all we should be thankful that we have a body and thus that we have life. Without your body you would not have anything to complain because you would not have a life. You wouldn’t exist in this form. 
  2. Even a bigger reason to be thankful and appreciative our body is the very fact that it is overweight. When the body accumulates extra fat, it always has a reason for it. Under normal circumstances our body doesn’t have a problem to burn extra fat. But sometimes it needs to accumulate fat in order to safe your very life. Two very common reasons for that are being undernourished (through intensive dieting or real famine) or an accumulation of acid and toxins which need to be stored away safely from our vital organs and the blood stream (the fat serves as “storage room”). 
  3. Very often extra fat serves a psychological purpose, for instance when a woman feels unsafe or in danger. So the body helps her to gain extra protection or a “buffering” so she can’t be hurt that much. 
  4. Most of the time excess weight is simply your body’s way of talking to and trying to alert you that there is something “out of balance”. 
  5. Many women like to “hide”; they don’t want to step up and show their talents, they play small for different reasons. To them the extra fat serves a very important purpose. 
  6. Then there are women who don’t like sex or they don’t want sex with their husband. When they belong to the group of women who find it hard to say ‘No’, their body finds a solution to say ‘No’ in their behalf by accumulating so much fat that they are no longer attractive to their partner. Of course that is entirely unconscious and bypasses the mind. 




Whatever the root cause behind weight accumulation is – yours might be a completely different one than mentioned above -, the body always has a purpose, and thus you have plenty of reasons to show your body your appretiation and be thankful for what it is doing in your behalf. Although this completely bypasses the mind and we often don’t understand what’s going on, your body is actually doing you a tremendous service. Many women, including myself, wouldn’t even be alive anymore without the extra fat. 

And if that all is not enough reason for you to be thankful to your body, how about appreciating everything your body is doing every minute and second of the day, 24/7, 52 weeks of every year? Each second of the day our body is doing a million different things to keep that “machinery” going and keeping you healthy and alive without your collaboration and often even despite of all the bad things you are doing to your body and all the verbal punishment. 

Today I want to challenge you to make a test for the next seven days. 

Write a list of everything you can be thankful for to your body and everything you like about it. Then keep writing that list for seven days minimum. Every morning after waking up and every evening before going to sleep you thank your body for everything it is doing for you. Try to be serious. Remember, you have plenty of reasons to be genuinely thankful for to your body. 

Then, in seven days from reading this article, you post your experiences below. I bet you will feel very differently and have gained a better relationship with your body. Some results are no less than miraculous.

Happy slimming!


Is your health and weight loss goal worth five to fifteen minutes of your time every day?

If you want to learn a process that leads you to constant weight loss success by baby stepping, check out my Facebook group. 

You can get a feeling for the 4 Pillars of Weight Loss process for free. Simply join my closed Facebook group where you can go through the process by taking tiny daily baby steps completely stress free and still make tremendous progress. 


Case Study Giselle: From a life in ruin on all levels to having it all

Case Study Giselle: From a life in ruin on all levels to having it all

Three months ago Giselle (56 years) contacted me because her massage therapist recommende me to her. After a short communication on the phone she decided to sign up for my one-on-one coaching. I soon realized that she was going to be one of my hardest cases in my entire coaching career. At the beginning she has been a very difficult person, she would not listen to what I said and constantly interrupted me. “That is going to be a tough year for me” I thought. Back then I had no idea that she would become one of my strongest cases studies within the matter of months. 

On the very first coaching call she brought up all her problems at once and it was a real challenge to dig through the clutter and to choose the most pressing issue to begin with. She had pretty much all the problems you can have: deep depression; financially broke; unemployed; she had no idea what kind of job she wanted – all she knew was that she no longer wanted to work as a nurse; she had no more energy left and has gained a lot of weight (close to being obese); a daily almost crippling head ache; in a relationship she was deeply unhappy with; having been abused by her father; an extremely dominant mother who thought that Giselle was not capable of accomplishing anything and thus made all the decisions for her and even took over the job of raising her child.

All men in her life were bossy, treated her like a child, and dominated her. Besides her mother and sister, also her girlfriends always told her what she had to do and not to do. Everyone in her life seemed to know better what was good and right for her than she knew herself. Needless to say that her self-esteem was non-existent. She felt like a big, fat failure and told me that she no longer wanted to live that way. Her entire life was a real disaster and every part of her life was in ruins. I was certain that we would have to spend between one and two years together in order to address all these issues. 

That was three months ago. 

For the first two months it seemed as she was making almost no progress. She constantly sabotaged the action steps – she either didn’t do them or did them in another way than I explained it to her. 

The first thing that happened was that she became emotionally free from her dominant mother and her abusive father. That was really a big one. 

After some job interviews she realized that she no longer wanted a job and put an add in the newspaper offering her service as a caretaker for elderly people. Within only a few days she got two great engagements and now she is her own boss, deciding how much her work is worth and making the price. Now she earns more money than she has ever earned before as a nurse and has not to work any night shifts anymore. 

Then she had a longer phone call with her daughter and their relationship began to improve. 

On the other side, the relationship with her boyfriend began to briddle very quickly and soon she realized that she was no longer emotionally attached to him. He doesn’t fit in her life anymore because she no longer needs a father figure (he is 26 years older than Giselle). When I told her that this would open herself up for a new and better relationship she instantly refused and said that she was done with men and that she didn’t want another man in her life anymore. One day her boyfriend called her “baby” as he always does. Without thinking or giving it a second thought, Giselle was bursting out, “I’m not a baby, I’m a lady!” That was the first time we got a glimpse of her real inner strength. From that moment things started moving very fast. 

Then, suddenly her health improved dramatically. Whereas she would be in bed all day long and sleep 12 hours every night before, she suddenly had more energy and started making changes in her apartment and shifting things around. Her brain fog was gone, her memory improved and she could better concentrate. Now she could do a better job with her clients and has more stamina. 

She began to be more careful about when and how much she would allow her bossy sister and girlfriends into her life and what she would tolerate from them. She learned to say ‘No’. For the first time in her life she could set boundaries and clearly say what is tolerable and what is not. 

In other words, she has been cleaning out and decluttering her entire life. 

During all that time we never did anything regarding her weight and she never weighed. She occasionally complained about her weight and I kept reassuring her that her body was taking care of the weight itself. And it has. Three weeks ago she told me that she had lost several kilograms and since then she is constantly losing weight. 

Two weeks ago she met a lovely man who is 10 years younger than Giselle – the kind of man she always wanted and was certain he would not exist. They both fell in love with each other and both feel that the other one is just the “one”, the partner they have always been looking for and dreamed of  but never found before. Very quickly they realized that everything fits. Beside the fastly growing love, they have many common interests, he treats her with the respect she deserves, and they have the best sex life ever. They both feel that they have arrived. 




And – ladies, listen well now – he said that she doesn’t need to lose weight because he loves her the way she looks like. 

Does this all sound too good to be true to you? I would have thought so three months ago. If this was your first thought, then maybe life has not been very friendly to you in the past. Maybe you have given up believing in miracles. I have seen such life stories among my clients over and over. This time I’m just surprised myself how fast this all came together and how fast Giselle could move from a life in ruins to having it all. During our 13th coaching session she told me that she no  longer needs my coaching and she said, “I finally have the life I always wanted!” 

Now seriously, how could this happen? 

Do you remember my personal story when I lost 58 pounds within a few months effortlessly without dieting or doing anything about my weight, started a new career, having the priviledge to work with over 10,000 individuals in my coaching career and fulfilling my life purpose? 

All this happened after I transformed my traumatic childhood experiences, learned to set healthy boundaries and literally decluttered my old life. In other words, I removed the root causes which had led to my weight problems. In my own life as well as in Giselle’s, it also meant to let go of a relationship which was not good for me. 

In Giselle’s case, I did nothing else but helping her to transform her personal root causes which had led to weight gain. We never did anything regarding her weight at all. She always loved cooking and she is still enjoying it and has no food restrictions except those foods she is allergic to. What we did do for the sake of her health is eliminating a few bad habits. 

Extra weight is nothing else but a signal – a warning sign – that there is something in your life that got out of balance

Recently one of my clients said, “But I’m not in such a mess like Giselle was.” First of all, Giselle hired me to help her find a job, and throughout our 12 weeks of working together several other issues came up which where standing in her way of finding a good job. Once we got them out of her way, she automatically increased her self-worth what led to the best job she could imagine at that time. And, as it turned out, this were the same issues that also contributed to her weight gain. This is exactly what can happen during a  transformation process. We never know how much “mess” we have stored in our subconscious unless we start digging and cleaning up. 

Since your body has no voice, it has to communicate with you in its own language, and the body’s language is SYMPTOMS. Your body communicates with you through symptoms. Once you understand what your body is trying to tell you, listen to its voice and make the necessary changes – i.e. letting go of rotten relationships, setting healthy boundaries, transforming traumatic life experiences, etc. – your body has no longer a reason to keep talking to you through extra weight. As soon as the effective root causes have been eliminated or transformed, your body can take care of the fat burning process. The symptom is no longer needed. Now the body can stop the ‘nagging’ and yelling. 

Root causes can be found on the physical level (e.g. food intolerances, diabetes, toxic overload, etc.), the emotional level (how you emotionally respond to circumstances and the world around you), the mental level (your mindset, your way of thinking, what you say, your belief system), the psychological level (your memories, your subconscious mind, past experiences, unhealthy boundaries, etc.), and even on the spiritual level (karma, stuck energy, etc.). They can be experienced in relationships with the opposite sex and the family, in your professional life, in your health or the lack of it, and whether or not your life is interesting, fulfilling and well balanced or not. 

You are a whole being and you can’t be cut in pieces or slices. Your happiness comes with a life well balanced on all pillars. Unfortunately that’s exactly what the diet industry and the gastric surgeons do with you, the only look at the symptoms and not at the root causes. They never ask WHY you eat too much, WHY you eat the wrong food, WHY you don’t like to exercise, or WHY you feel hungry all the time. They don’t look at the WHY – the root causes. All they do is trying to remove the symptom, the warning signal. And once they have done that, they don’t care about the rest and leave you alone with all your troubles and issues. They don’t care because they can’t, they don’t have the right answers. 

Another reason why my method is working so well, fast and effortlessly is because it is based on natural laws, the laws of the universe. These are laws which are true for everything and everyone. They are non-negotiable. If you jump off a 20-story house, you don’t fall upwards; you fall down and you’ll be dead. That’s non-negotiable. if you saw carrots, you will not harvest onions; you will harvest carrots for sure. That is non-negotiable. When you are a person who constantly thinks negatively, there is no way that you can attract something positive; you will attract more negativity, disease and disaster into your life. That is non-negotiable. 

When you adhere to the laws of the universe, you will reap positive things in ALL aspects of your life. It doesn’t matter whether you want to lose weight, find a better paid job, find a new love, gain better health or achieve any goal, the way to approach these goals is always the same. Just follow the laws of nature and you will manifest all these things into your life because when you do that, literally your whole life is going to improve. You can’t cut your being and your life in slices and pieces either. On the other hand you can not go on a diet and by doing so find a better job, find a new love, improve your health and lose weight all at the same time and with that same tactic. The reason is because diets are not only not based on the laws of nature, they are flat out a violation of the laws of your body. Our body reacts conversely to diets than we want and consequently we ‘reap’ the yo-yo effect.

One of these natural laws is that the pendulum swings as far to the left side as it moves to the right side. Translated to Giselle’s situation: the worse her old life was, the more the pendulum had to swing to the other side and bring her a life of good and happiness, because she uprooted the causes and changed her thinking.

Another natural law is that the more time, energy and effort you put into a goal, the more you will get out.

Right now I have ONE single spot open for one-on-one coaching over the phone. If you want to transform your weight…if you are serious about losing your weight in a healthy and maintainable way…and if you are willing to do whatever it takes to achieve that goal, then you can send me an email and let me know that you are ready to work with me. In a free consultation over the phone I will explain you the options you can choose from. That is non-binding and you can either take my offer or leave it. Once that one spot will be filled, you can get on my waiting list.

In the meantime:

Happy slimming! 

* Disclaimer: these results are not typical. How fast a client experiences positive results entirely depends on how committed she is and what action steps she takes.

6 Daily Habits That Are Worse Than Smoking & Make Fat

6 Daily Habits That Are Worse Than Smoking & Make Fat

Since a few years we are occasionally being told that there are some bad habits that are as bad or even worse for our health as smoking.

For decades I thought that smoking is the unhealthiest habit of all, but apparently there are other habits that are as unhealthy as cigarettes. Scientists and researchers say that some habits expose us to the same toxins we get from cigarettes. Other habits can increase the cancer rates as much as smoking does. And worst of all, the habits we are talking about today also make you fat. 

The good news is that fixing those habits is easier than quit smoking.

According to scientists, the worst of all bad habits – besides smoking – is a sedentary lifestyle. Frankly, I have no doubt that sitting all day is very unhealthy. You don’t have to be a physician to understand what sitting all day can do to our body. But what are the alternatives when you have an office job? There are a few ways you can do about that:

  1. Use the breaks to for a short walk.
  2. Use a standing workstation in your office.
  3. When commuting to work, park your car further from the door so that you’re forced to walk a few steps.
  4. Instead of wasting your time in front of the TV, go for a walk in the evening. You will see that this will improve the quality of your sleep.
  5. If you want to do something very good for your body, go to the gym twice a week. 30 minutes each time is already enough.
  6. For the sake of weight loss, going on a daily 45 to 60-minute walk and going to the gym twice per week is enough.
  7. Maybe your issue is not the time but your own weight. If you are too heavy to move, then there is a beautiful thing called water. The heavier you are, the better you will be carried by water and you can move in ways you could never move outside of the water. Swimming therefore is not also healthy, it is also easy on your joints. 

Although eating a good amount of protein is important for weight loss, many people eat far too much meat. The biggest problem is the growth hormone IGF-1 farmers use to raise their animals for bigger profits. That substance can promote the growth of cancer cells.

Ways to do it better:

  1. You don’t need meat for each meal. Reduce it to two to five meals per week.
  2. Only buy meat from organically grown free-range and grass-fed animals from licensed organic farms. You will see that their meat tastes much better. Although it is more expensive than the meat you buy in your supermarket, by reducing the amount you can reduce the costs and make the higher quality more affordable. Besides, since organic meat contains no or less toxins, you save money in health costs in the long term.
  3. Instead of meat you can eat several fish meals per week. In order to be on the safer side regarding toxins, I recommend to go with freshwater fish. Try to eat as much fish you eat meat. That way you get the best nutrients from both. 
  4. Any kind of beans have very high protein levels and beans are ultra cheap. By adding two or three bean meals per week you can better afford the more expensive organic meat and fish. There is a large variety of legumes: red beans, Borlotti beans, white beans, green beans, lentils in all colors, peas, etc. and they are all high in nutritional value. 
  5. Another very good source of proteins is eggs. Here too I highly recommend to only buying eggs from organically raised free-range hens. After a few times of eating organic eggs you will not want any others.
  6. Dairy products is another way of adding proteins. Cheese is great for that purpose. If you are intolerant to dairy products, you can go with Buffalo milk products, they are better to tolerate. 




I personally loved cooking on my gas stove when I was living in Canada. Many households in North America are equipped with gas stoves. But did you know that every time you cook a meal, you’re getting a dose of carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, and formaldehyde? But not only that. According to scientists, these three contaminants released from gas stoves exceed public health guidelines.

Here is how to avoid that:

  1. While cooking or baking, open your window and/or use your vent hood. This can reduce pollutant levels dramatically. If you only have a vent hood and no window in your kitchen, use the back burners to make sure your vent hood captures the most of the pollutants.

Unfortunately it gets worse regarding cooking. The by far worst and most health hazard habit is using microwave ovens. And it doesn’t matter whether you just defrost some frozen food or heat the food in the oven. First of all, although the manufacturers will tell you, that their ovens don’t leak, they do. Secondly, as soon as you switch on the oven, the electromagnetic radiation goes up dramatically – in other words, they radiate a lot. Thirdly, microwaves alter the DNA in your food and thus your body does not recognize food as such but as toxins. Within only three minutes of eating something microwaved, your blood tests positive for cancer. I know scientists who call microwave ovens “The kiss of death”.


  1. Use your electric kitchen range to cook and bake.
  2. Heat pre-cooked food in your fry pan with a little bit of healthy oil.
  3. Invest in a steamer oven. They are as convenient as microwave ovens with the difference that the heated food tastes much better than the microwaved food and secondly, they don’t have any of the disadvantages microwave ovens have.

Using bad oils to cook is another health threat. For several years now health experts are warning from using the wrong oils. Most of the time these are cheap ones. When heated, they release compounds that are found in cigarette smoke, such as aldehydes and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.

Healthy oils:

  1. For heating food I use organic, native coconut oil/fat.
  2. For my self-made salad dressings and to sprinkle over the food to give cold and cooked meals a Mediterranian taste I use organic virgin olive oil.
  3. Since I love the smell and taste of butter, for baking and adding to vegetables and smashed potatoes, for example, I use organic butter (from organically fed and grass-fed animals). Do not use the other king of butter. 

Many Americans are insanely sleep deprived. Sleep deprivation leads to symptoms like high blood pressure, heart attacks, strokes, and obesity. Studies show that poor sleep or sleep deprivation can speed up the growth of tumors.

Here is what you can do:

  1. Learn a methodical relaxation method like Autogenic Relaxation.
  2. If you feel tired in the morning, you are not getting enough sleep or good quality sleep. Listen to your body and the alarm signals it’s giving you. Take this seriously.
  3. Ask your doctor to send you to a sleep laboratory to get tested for sleep apnea.
  4. During the day, drink enough water. During the night the body intensively detoxifies and cleanses, and that requires enough water. Not drinking enough water can diminish the quality of your sleep or you wake up in the middle of the night and can’t sleep anymore. .
  5. Don’t watch dark or action movies before going to bed because this causes a lot of stress in your nervous system.
  6. Instead of watching TV, you can go for a short walk around the block or get a dose of fresh air in your back yard. 

Of course, I would never recommend to rather smoke than falling for the mentioned habits. Smoking is still a no go regarding health in general and weight loss in particular. I do understand that there are health experts and doctors who are telling you that just smoking a few cigarettes per day is not dangerous. I vehemently disagree. Especially with an addiction like smoking you can’t just be a little addicted. Either you are addicted or you’re not. And it is my deep hope that none of my followers, readers and clients is a smoker. Smoking and vaping is one of the worst addictions and far more dangerous than we are being told.

Be it smoking or one of these 6 habits, they all contribute to weight gain…some more and some less. Eliminating these habits ASAP will certainly make it easier to lose weight once you will have chosen a sensible weight loss strategy.

Happy and healthy slimming!


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Weight Loss Psychology – Habits Can Change Your DNA

Weight Loss Psychology – Habits Can Change Your DNA

I hear it so often.

Especially women, try to convince me that their weight issues have a genetic reason. They tell me that their mother/father and grandmother were overweight as well and that they will have to live with their extra weight for the rest of their lives. Yes, doctors may tell you that you can’t influence your DNA, but the science of Epigentics has debunked that old myth quite a long time ago. There is scientific evidence that we can change our DNA with our behavior, not only for ourselves but we can also pass the positively altered DNA along to our children and grandchildren.

We are not just a victim of our ancestors and their genes. There is scientific evidence that our daily habits can turn genes on or off. Scientists refere to this as gene expression or epigenetics. The simple definition of epigenetics is the study of biological mechanisms that can switch genes on or off. Thanks to epigenetics, we know that environmental stimuli can also cause genes to be turned on or off, with cell phones and WiFi currently being among the worst offenders. Our DNA can be modified by what we eat, where we live, the kind of people we interact with, when and how much we sleep, how and how often we exercise, and the aging process.

“We are not just a victim of our ancestors and their genes. There is scientific evidence that our daily habits can turn genes on or off.”

If you have thought so far that you’re just a victim of your ancestors’ DNA, this is now good news for you. It is worth eating healthily, it is worth sleeping sufficiently, it is worth exercising regularly, it is worth to be surrounded by the right people, and your thinking does play a big role. Therefore, our health, weight, and pretty much our entire life are very much in our own hands.

Can you begin to see how very important and powerful it is to take care of your habits?

Over 20,000 genes and the endless possible combinations and arrangements open up a whole new world to weight-struggling women. If we can reverse a gene’s current state, keep the good while eliminating the bad genes, then may be able to reverse obesity and weight issues.

According to The Owner’s Manual for the Brain by Howard, our daily habits can and will turn genes on or off. Our habits, therefore, determine whether we open the door to cancer, diabetes, addictions, brain damage, heart diseases, and early aging or to health, wellness, a slim physics, and longevity.

“Our habits determine whether we are opening the door to cancer, diabetes, addictions, brain damage, heart diseases, and early aging or to health, wellness, a slim physique, and longevity.”

Therefore it’s safe to say that our habits determine our fate. Bad habits often lead to financial problems, job loss, and health issues. These results all affect our relationships, our happiness, and our health again. This all leads to stress which forces the body to create adrenalin and cortisol which switch on a series of bad genes. These then can lead to heart disease, cancer, autoimmune diseases, and weight gain… a veritable downward spiral.




Habits have always had a tremendous domino effect, and it would be a bad decision to ignore them. Especially when it comes to weight loss, habit is at the very foundation of your weight loss success or failure. Your habits either make or break your weight loss success.

“Your beliefs become your thoughts,
Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny.”

Mahatma Gandhi

“Your habits either make or break your weight loss success.”

Here are some of the bad habits that turn on bad genes:

  • Consume alcohol excessively
  • Drug consumption
  • Smoking
  • Unhealthy eating (too much junk food)
  • Sedentary lifestyle (lack of daily aerobic exercise)
  • Sugar consumption (sugar is toxic and leads to many bad chemical reactions in the body)
  • Lack of mental stimulation (not exercising our brains by reading or learning new skills leads to faster aging)
  • Allowing negative thinking and emotions
  • Using a microwave oven (microwaves are suggested to alter the DNA and contribute to weight gain)
  • Using a cell phone and WiFi internet (both use microwave technology, which has been suggested to alter DNA)

Since everything has two sides, good habits can also turn good genes on and bad genes off. Positive habits lead to a never-ending positive chain reaction leading to reduced stress, better health, financial freedom, longevity, happiness, good relationships, success, etc.

“Positive habits lead to a never-ending positive chain reaction leading to reduced stress, better health, financial freedom, longevity, happiness, good relationships, success, and a lean body.”

We all know that changing habits is far from easy. Statistics about New Year’s resolutions reveal a sad truth: over 95% of people fail to achieve their resolutions. We see the same numbers regarding weight loss – less than 5% of people ever succeed. The biggest stumbling blocks are always their habits. In desperation, people ask, “Why is losing weight so hard?”

Contrary to common belief, habits can seldom be overcome with discipline and willpower alone, as 80% of the problem lies beneath the surface and must be addressed at the subconscious level

There are two ways to transform habits:

a) Through millions of repetitions of positive affirmations and the path of discipline and willpower

b) Through hypnotherapy – the path that provides fast and sustainable results (if the root causes are transformed) – click HERE for a free one-on-one strategy call

I hope that you begin to realize how powerful habit change can be, how much easier weight loss can become, and how much better your overall life can be.

To start your habit transformation process, I want to encourage you to do two things right away:

  1. Think about your worst habit that is contributing to your weight.
  2. Ask yourself how your weight and life would be in 12 months from now without that habit.
  3. If it’s a habit you can easily change yourself, start right away. If it’s a habit you have been struggling with for years, click HERE to schedule a free one-on-one strategy call with me

Patience with habit transformation is too powerful, and it would be unwise to ignore its impact. On the other side, bad habits lead to too much stress, disease, weight gain, faster aging, and suffering if left unattended. The wisest approach is to start with your habits. 

Here’s to your ongoing weight loss success!


Video Series “Why is losing weight so hard?

Part 1: https://youtu.be/SZXQoMdEyds

Part 2: https://youtu.be/ItGrnhJYO3o

Part 3: https://youtu.be/Uvn9jNvapd4

Part 4: https://youtu.be/WhaigK54n1Y

Part 5: https://youtu.be/2W-NH9yOG-A

Part 6: https://youtu.be/wLkCgOc94_M