Healthy Eating For Weight Loss & To Combat Covid-19

Healthy Eating For Weight Loss & To Combat Covid-19

During such a difficult time, improving our overall health is more important than ever before. Nobody on this entire planet wants to be vulnerable to viruses right now. And there is much we can do about to improve our immune system.

One method is healthy eating and juicing.

One of the two dozen experts I have interviewed some years ago was bestselling author Cherie Calbom, and her field of expertise is juicing.

The first question I asked her is what she thinks the reason for the rising obesity epidemic might be. And this was her answer.


“Because we increased sugar and we refined carbs to a great degree, and it’s in so many things that we eat. High fructose corn syrup and all forms of sugar like dextrose and maltodextrin, on and on, things that are hidden in packaged foods, prepared foods that we don’t even know are there, they cause imbalances in our body. All those junk foods, pesticides, toxins from so many sources cause weight gain. Toxins are very destructive to our delicate tissues and organs and so our body is going to do whatever it can to store those in fat cells which is the safest place to put them. And when it does that, it’s going to hold on to those fat cells and even make new ones to protect our bodies.”

“And so, when people start getting rid of the toxic food that are in their diet and detoxing with these wonderful vegetable juices that are so high in anti-oxidants, in come all the anti-oxidants and the body says, ‘I can let go some of these toxins now that are stored in fat cells and so I can let go of the fat cells’.”

pH Imbalance

“And then also acidity, we have a huge emphasis today on acid forming foods. That is different than acid tasting foods. People get very confused thinking how could meat or grains or sugar or alcohol, coffee, black tea, soda pop, sports drinks, energy bars, be acid forming, but they are. Those are acid forming foods and it’s how it breaks down in the body.” — Cherie Calbom

So what are alkaline foods?

  • vegetables
  • fruits
  • berries
  • sprouts
  • seeds
  • nuts

Unfortunately, people don’t eat nearly enough of those to balance their acid diets. You don’t have to cut out all acid forming foods. We need some of those too. But we need many more alkaline forming foods than acid forming foods.

Like with the toxins, the body is going to story acid in fat cells because it’s the safest place to put them. And then it will hang on to those fat cells literally for dear life.

Probably every weight loss coach on the planet has heard statements like, “I don’t eat hardly anything and I am gaining weight or not losing it.”

Then, when you look at what they’re eating, you can see that they’re eating all the wrong stuff. They even may be on a thousand calorie diet a day, but they are not feeding their body with the right food to assist it to get rid off the extra fat.

Sugar and Yeast

One of THE most acid-forming food is sugar.

“Sugar in our diet set us up for sugar imbalances and craving more sugar, insulin imbalances, spikes  and dips when the insulin dips low. Then we need something to raise that blood sugar up quickly and people would turn to sweets. And when you eat a sweets, then the body shoots up more insulin and then it dips low and you are on a roller-coaster ride all day long of highs and lows and craving sweets and eating more and more of the stuff that just keeps you in a trap. And then all of that sets us up for yeast imbalances in our body,” Cherie said.

The Candida Albicans is a particularly tough yeast to get rid of because the yeast will cause strong sugar cravings. In fact, the Candida Albicans yeast can be very adament and persistant when it comes to eating sweets. The yeast feeds on sugar and refined carbs and in order to grow, it needs more and more sugar. And all the time you believe that it’s your body that is craving the sugar, but it’s the Candida.

So as we get on a good balanced, alkaline balanced diet, get the sweets out of our diet, begin to control those yeasts, our sugar cravings go away.

By understanding this simple truth and by taking the right action, even the worst chocoholics and sweetaholics can become free, get on a healthy, alkaline diet and lose massive amounts of weight.

Poor Absorption

Cherie continued, “All of these terrible foods that people eat so much of today, the packaged stuff with the refined foods, the junk food, the fast food, sets us up for poor digestion. And many people have come to me said, ‘my doctors told me I am not absorbing the food that I eat.’ Their systems are just not taking in the nutrients. Said that their calorie is high but the nutrients that the body is absorbing is low, so they’re literally starving in the midst of a high caloric intake.”

Cherie concluded: “And no wonder we have the obesity problem and all the health problems that we have. We are way off track.”

To remedy that, the fresh juices are a great solution because they are broken down so the body can absorb them easily.

Eating more greens and more fresh vegetables and fruits is an important first step, especially now during the Covid-19 pandemic. We need lots of vitamins from natural sources.

Then everybody who has a juicer wants to press their daily glass of fresh juices, preferrably from leavy foods like beet leaves, multi-colored Swiss chard, cauliflower leaves, cucumber, herbs, lettuce leaves, a couple of carrots, etc.

Eating healthy is not difficult at all. Humanity has made it complex and complicated because of all the prefabrication and the toxins added to make people addicted to unhealthy food. Just stay with the natural produce and you will not have a weight issue much longer. On top of that, you will soon realize that you and your family get healthier and have more energy.

Isn’t that worth the price of cooking from scratch?

Good health!


A few years ago, I did interviews with over two dozen health and weight loss coaches with a different approach than the diet approach. One of these experts was the bestselling American author, Cherie Calbom. Her expertise is in healthy eating and juicing. If you want to hear the whole interview with Cherie, you can go here and claim your free 2-week membership trial.


Weight Loss Psychology for Women: Getting Empowered By Making Your Word Count

Weight Loss Psychology for Women: Getting Empowered By Making Your Word Count

When it comes to weight loss, there are three things over which we really have control in life. One is what we think, one is what we eat, and the third one is how we move and exercise. And it all begins with your attitude. If your life is set up in a way that doesn’t allow you that freedom – provided you’re an adult – then you’re in bigger trouble than you may think.

“Attitude is the mind’s paintbrush, it can color anything.” –Dr. Susan Smith Jones

We all like to think that our thoughts are just happening without us. When we eat, we either eat what our sweet tooth, the media, our life circumstances, or the time of our lunch breaks dictate. And the exercise part is being dictated by time and excuses…we either don’t have time or use that as an excuse.

But the fact is – and there will come a time in your life when you will painfully realize that we and only we are in charge of our thoughts, the food we eat and what priority our health has in life.

If you are a spiritual person, please make the following visualization. Imagine that you have just gone through death, and now you are standing face to face in front of God. Imagine that he asks you how you were thinking about his gift, your body, throughout your life and you would say, “Well, dear God, I couldn’t really decide what to think, my head just kept thinking without my interference.” Do you really think that God would respond, “Poor thing, you were so burdened with a disobedient brain. Of course, then it was all your brain’s fault and not yours.”

God’s next question then is, “Now tell me, dear, how have you been taking care of that gift of mine, your body? Did you feed it with the best food, and did you move it regularly as it needed to be moved?” And you would answer, “Well, you see, dear God, the situation is this; I was so busy with my job that I could only eat microwaved food, and there was simply no time to exercise. When I came home from work, I was too tired to go out for a walk.” And then, of course, you would expect God to say, “Oh dear me, you were really burdened, and I fully understand that you simply could not eat healthily and not move your body as it was supposed to be your duty.”

Or would God say something like, “Well, my lovely daughter; I gave you a brain to think; I gave you a heart that connected you to me what gave you instant access to me at any second of the day whenever you wanted; I gave you a body to be my agent in your city, and I gave you the freedom of choice so that you could learn by making mistakes. But you didn’t use my gifts well and gave your power away to bad habits, other people, circumstances, and excuses. You didn’t pass this test, and you will have to go back and do it better next time.”

So tell me, which scenario makes more sense and is more likeable?

We are in charge of our thinking, our emotions, the words we say and the actions we take.

Here is a test for you to find out whether or not you are in charge of your thinking, your emotions, your words, and your actions.

Is your life exactly the way you had dreamed it when you were young, and is it exactly the way you want it to be?

If your answer is a wholehearted, ‘Yes,’ then you’re probably doing a lot right.

But if your life isn’t the way you want it to be, then look at your thinking, your habits, and the actions you take. If your health is not what you want it to be, look at how you’re treating your body.

If you wake up in the morning and immediately think, “Gosh, what shall I wear today? I’m wondering whether the spaghetti I ate for last night’s dinner showson my scale today.” Then the next thing you do is step on the scale, and there is a 50:50 chance that you will not be happy with your weight. So your thinking goes around all the reasons why you’re not happy with your body and this determines your mood of the day.

habits to lose weight, weight loss habitsYou may believe that your weight determines your attitude and that this was normal. But it’s actually the other way around. The mind always influences the body. Therefore, before taking care of our weight, we have to take care of our mindset. It begins with your attitude!

“The greatest discovery of this generation is that the human being can change his life just by changing his attitude.” –William James

The thing is, when you decide to do something – like eating healthier and going for a daily walk – and then you don’t follow through with it, you lose self-control, you lose self-esteem, and you lose your integrity…step by step, each time you don’t follow through with what you said you would do.

When you don’t follow through with what you say you’re going to do, you probably think, “What does it matter! Nobody knows!” But that’s not true. YOU know. And not following through with your promises to yourself takes a hit on your integrity.

And even if nobody knows what you promised yourself, because of the fact that YOU know, you change your energy, your vibrations. You ooze the energy, “I can’t keep my commitments,” and subconsciously, people around you will recognize and stop trusting you without knowing why. They just have a bad gut feeling about you.

Commitment to a weight loss program – of course, it has to be one that has the chance to bring you lasting results and no diet can ever do that for you – can lend stability to your everyday life. Because, with each daily action, you reaffirm your commitment, and that brings a feeling of empowerment and increased self-esteem. Now, instantly, your energy changes and people around you can sense that as well.

It’s through our everyday behavior that we get serious results and create a life we want and like.

“Commitment means you ‘ve got to get past your excuses, follow through on what you say you are going to do, make your word count and be responsible and accountable.” –Dr. Susan Smith Jones

There is one exception: weight loss diets, and I highly recommend to better make a commitment not to follow a weight loss diet. They are designed in a way that it’s simply not possible to follow through because your body lacks vital nutrients and will sabotage your attempt to follow through with the diet. You simply can’t win with any weight loss diets. Therefore, you should first do some research to find out what really works and be willing to give your weight loss process time. Any quick fix can’t work long-term, and what you want is long-term success. You want your diet to be a healthy one that provides your body with everything it needs. You want a healthy lifestyle you can implement. You want maintainable weight loss. For such a goal, you have to be willing to give yourself enough time.

Once you find such a strategy, make a commitment to follow through with it, get past your excuses, and take action every day until you reach your weight goal. And I promise you; you will be stronger than ever before. Make your word count and be responsible and accountable.

So you’ve got to follow through on what you say you are going to do if you want to lose your weight for good.


A few years ago, I did an interview with several health and weight loss coaches with a different approach than the diet approach. One of these experts was the bestselling American author, Dr. Susan Smith Jones. She quickly turned out to be one of the most amazing interview partners, and she spilled the beans in that interview. She held nothing back. If you want to hear the whole interview with Dr. Susan, you can go here and claim your free 2-week membership trial.

Weight Loss Psychology for Women: Regain The Power Over Your Own Body

Many women feel like the victim of a cruel fate, of poor genes, or habits they can’t control. Such an attitude makes it very hard to be successful with any maintainable weight loss method.

In an interview I once did with bestselling author Dr. Susan Smith Jones, she said, “Most people live in what I refer to as like victimhood. Most people would rather complain and get upset or angry, but then they don’t choose to take the action required.”

No matter how often we visualize, how much we hope, how sincerely we pray, and how many times we repeat our affirmations, maintainable weight loss will not happen unless we take action…the RIGHT kind of action.

The good news is that no matter what you have done in the past, no matter how many mistakes you have made, at any day and any time, you can decide that this is a new beginning. Nobody forces you to keep living by the past; nobody forces you to worry about the future.

“As you live the best you can each day with a positive attitude, you can change your life,” says Dr. Smith Jones.

Any change and any goal achievement begin with the choices we make every day. Dr. Susan recommends choosing what is best for you to celebrate your life and cultivate the best life you can. This begins with cultivating a good relationship with yourself. “Treat yourself with the respect that you deserve.”

She encourages everyone to step up to the plate and take your new position as the CEO of your body, weight, health, and life because you are the only person in charge of your body. Today, you can decide that this is a new beginning for you and affirm, “I deserve to be happy and healthy. I deserve the best.”

You can stop your pain and weight struggling right here and now and make new choices that have the potential to change your health and weight for good.

To achieve that – and to claim back the power over your own body and weight – Dr. Susan Smith Jones recommends choosing to be the “CEO of your body and life.”

Dr. Susan keeps explaining, “What you need to realize is that your body is an amazing feedback machine, and your beautiful body is always talking to you. Now, if you get a headache, your body might be trying to tell you something like you are eating too much food, or you’re eating junk food, or you’re not getting enough sleep, or you’re not getting enough water or whatever it is. But you’ve got to listen to your body’s messages to you with an open heart and an open mind. And then – here’s the most important thing – you’ve got to take some action. So know that your body is always talking to you, and you’ve got to pay attention. What we are talking about here is living more mindfully because the sad truth is that most people get up in the morning, and they are sort of on automatic pilot until they go to bed at night. You’ve got to pay attention.”

When you look at all the commercials on TV and the advertisements in magazines and newspapers, the advertisers are trying to tell you that they have a miracle pill, powder or potion, and we’ve come to believe that things outside ourselves are the keys to health and well-being. And whatever you are suffering from, be it headache, constipation, sleepless nights, diarrhea, indigestion, skin rashes, high blood pressure, weight gain–you fill in the blank-you then first try to self-medicate before going to the doctor. Thus, we have become a self-medicating society or world because we don’t really understand how our body is trying to communicate with us, trying to give us the correct answers for a healthy, slim, long, and happy life. And because we are impatient and want instant relief without taking care of the body’s needs first, we make matters worse by going the wrong route. 

“So each of us needs to be reminded that we are magnificently equipped to meet life’s problems when supplied with the simple and easily obtainable requisites of health,” Dr. Susan recommends. So we’ve got to realize that our human body is remarkable and a wonderful feedback machine.

We are supposed to be the CEO of our body, and we’ve got to listen more to what it’s saying to us. Because – and here comes one of the secrets no weight loss coach has ever told you before – your body already has most of the answers for your weight loss success, especially when the cause of your weight gain is a physical one.

The body knows what it needs to burn fat faster and better, if we cared to listen, and if we cared to do the right things.


A few years ago, I did several interviews with other health and weight loss coaches with a different approach than the diet approach. One of these experts was the bestselling American author, Dr. Susan Smith Jones. She quickly turned out to be one of the most amazing interview partners, and she spilled the beans in that interview. She held nothing back. If you want to hear the whole interview with Dr. Susan, you can go here and claim your free 2-week membership trial: