How To Treat Your Body For Maintainable Weight Loss, Optimal Health & Longevity

How To Treat Your Body For Maintainable Weight Loss, Optimal Health & Longevity

Did you know that from your body’s perspective weight gain is a life saving mechanism?

In my last blog post I scratched the surface of the acid-alkaline imbalance and the toxins.

In its wisdom, our body stores acid and toxins away in fat tissue.

Why does it do that?

Because, if toxins and acid would get into the blood stream and the vital organs, we would quickly die. Storing these substances in the fat tissue does the organism the least harm. Of course, the body knows that it begins to look ugly, but this is the lesser of two evils.

Fortunately the body knows exactly what it has to do and it does that without fail….as long as it is mainly healthy.  Of course, when the toxic and acidic load gets too much, there comes a point when the body can no longer deal with.

“I think now we are in the experimental time with all of human creation in genetically modified, and irradiated, and sprayed with pesticides, Monsantos injecting into seed round up ready alfa alfa seeds and corn and all of these stuff that have pesticides injected right into it, so you eat the pesticide when you eat the food. And we are in a experimental world right now, we don’t know the nightmares that we are creating.” –Cherie Calbom

Let me repeat that:

We don’t know the nightmares that we are creating for ourselves, our weight, our health, and our longevity.

Thank goodness our body is smart and it follows exactly the rules of nature….without fail…..24/7……365 days a year.

Isn’t that a good reason to be very grateful to our body and to love it deeply?

But you and I know that most overweight women are far from being appreciative toward their bodies.

When you buy a new car, you probably decide to use premium gasoline because the car runs longer with the better quality fuel. You know that if you would use the cheaper regular fuel your car would die sooner and you don’t want to buy a new car earlier than necessary. Besides, repairs would cause even higher costs. You treat it well to prevent it from getting rusty. You get regular oil changes and the breaks tested. You treat it well and clean it well. So you are wise and you do what’s best for your car.

When the oil lamp goes on, you take the car to the garage and get the leaky oil tank fixed. You pump gas before it’s completely down because you don’t want to walk miles to the next gas station. You treat your vehicle wisely and take care well.

But how about your body?

Do you eat organically grown fruits and vegetables? Do you eat clean animal products from grass fed and organically fed animals? Do you eat foods that haven’t been tampered with and genetically modified just for the sake of bigger profits? Do you take your time to lovingly cook a healthy meal or do you just throw a pre-made pizza or an aluminum box with lasagne into the microwave oven?

Are you taking care of your body well? Do you love, pamper it, thank it, shine it?

“And it’s the same way with us, we can say, well this food it’s cheaper or tastes better or whatever and I would just rather do this, but what is happening to our bodies when we do that?  They are dying.” –Cherie Calbom

What is very interesting is that we often treat our cell phones, TV sets and cars wiser than we treat our own body.

Why is it that people don’t get that?

The consequences come faster and are costly. When the body aches, you can go to the doctor and get a pain killer or a sleeping pill.

The body is saying, “Hey, wak up, wake up, I’m in stress, I need your help!” It’s constantly trying to communicate with us for our best survival. 

But we don’t wake up. We don’t listen. People complain about the pain, about their headaches and sleeping problems. And then they go to the doctor and say, “I need a pill”. They don’t consider that their headache, pain or sleeping problem might be caused by a toxic or acid overload. And by taking pills that are loaded with toxins they make matters even worse.

“Often times we go to the doctor and they give us a pill and the pill has side effects, and then they give another pill to people and then another pill because it creates other side effects and they never get to the root of what caused the problem in the first place.  Was the body screaming for help, either saying you are giving me too much of this bad stuff and not enough of what I need to create a healthy body?” –Cherie Calbom

Symptoms like headache, fatigue, sleeping problems, etc. are really all just signals, warning signals sent from our body.

Here too, I like to use the analogy with the car. When suddenly the oil lamp goes on, you have three choices: you can change the oil, you can smash the lamp so that it doesn’t burn anymore or you can ignore it. If you ignore it, the car will break and you will either need a new motor or a new car. You would only do that once and then never again. You can also smash the light bulb so that it doesn’t burn anymore, but that’s only symptom treatment, it doesn’t treat the cause. For every kind of problem you need to solve, you always have to look at the cause. The symptom is nothing but a warning signal that wants to encourage you to look at the cause and to eliminate the causel problem.

When you are faced with a symptom, you have three choices to deal with the symptom:

a) You can ignore it.

b) You can silence it (by taking pills).

c) You can eliminate or reverse the cause. 

With your car you do that, you take care of you car. But most of us forget that symptoms like a headache or weight gain, for example,  is nothing but a signal as well. It’s a lamp that goes on and tells you, hey, be careful, take care, there is something you have to change. But people take pills. You would be surprised how well many people can live without ever taking a pill.

Weight gain is a SYMPTOM too!

You don’t need to get a gastric bypass. You don’t need to take appetite suppressants. You don’t need to buy pre-maid and packaged ‘Light’ food. You don’t need a 1000 calorie diet. 

All you need is common sense and love and respect for your body. 

“We’ve been given on this earth all that we need for our good health, the herbs and the plants and the green leaves and the fresh vegetables and the whole grains that haven’t been tampered with, genetically modified and then if we are not vegan then clean animal products that are grass fed and pure and that was given to us on this earth. It’s time to go back to whole foods, that’s what gives our body that vibrant health and life.” –Cherie Calbom

But what can you do, you may ask.

Well, I’m glad you asked, because then there is hoope for you.

Keep your common sense and apply a healthy lifestyle. The answers are all there provided in nature. 

Good health!


A few years ago, I did over two dozen interviews with several health and weight loss coaches with a different approach than the diet approach. One of these experts was the bestselling American author Cherie Calbom. She is an expert in healthy eating and juicing. If you want to hear the whole interview with Cherie, you can go here and claim your free 2-week membership trial.


15 Ways of Losing Weight Healthily Without a Diet

There are a quickly growing number of weight-struggling women who realized that diets are not the solution for maintainable weight loss and who are now searching for healthy alternatives. This is quite a process and it’s a necessary first step to healthy and sustainable weight loss success.

The second step is very often not so easy yet even more critical for your slimming progress. That step is to completely turn away from the diet mentality.

The third step is developing a deep desire of slimming in a natural and healthy way.

So let’s assume that you have already gone through that process of fully understanding why diets are not the solution, of completely letting go of the diet mentality, and of developing a deep desire to find healthy alternatives.

If that is you, you are ready to learn healthy ways that really work long term.   

So here are 15 healthy and very powerful alternatives to the dieting approach:

  1. Regular cleansing & detoxification – One of the main reasons why your body is forced to create excess fat are toxins. As soon as you begin to cleanse your body strategically, your body can begin to reduce that excess fat. But please be aware that doing it once will not do the job. You have to cleanse one organ after the other in a strategic manner and repeat that cycle until your body has let go of the excess fat.
  2. pH balancing – Just like the body needs to create fat in order to store toxins and other detrimental substances away from vital organs, it deals the same way with acid. An overweight body is always over-acidic. Regular and strategic alkalizing is therefore vitally important.
  3. Juicing – This is a great method to alkalize your body. When you choose that step you have to make your own daily juices fresh, you need organic produce and 80% of the produce should be green-leavy vegetables. However, there are two rules regarding juicing for weight loss. Number 1: don’t use it exclusively, only in combination with other methods. Number 2: if you’re over 30 years old or want to lose more than 10 pounds, do not juice fast. Combine the juicing with healthy eating, drinking a lot of water, and doing some exercise.
  4. Exercise – Exercise alone can let you go a long way, but not all the way down to your ideal weight. It not only burns fat and improves the metabolism, it also shapes the body, if you do it right. For weight loss you need both, aerobic exercise and muscle training. 
  5. Eliminate the psychological causes – With all the actions you take on the physical level you can lose a lot of weight, but if you want to keep it off, you also need to eliminate the inner causes.
  6. Increase your water intake – Water is very important for your healthy weight loss. Your body needs water to get rid of waste, toxins, and acid. Plus another bonus of water is that it fills your stomach and you need less food. Very often, when we feel hungry we’re really just thirsty anyway.
  7. Zero sugar – If you cook and bake yourself, then this is an easy one for you. Simply replace sugar with xylitol in the exact same amount and you can enjoy your home-made desserts free of remorse.
  8. Eat gluten free – This one is harder for many women because gluten have become such a major part of our eating habits. For decades we have been told that we need a lot of carbohydrates to stay healthy. Now we know that this was false information. The mean thing is that our body has become so used to starchy carbohydrates that we often act like addicts when it comes to reducing or eliminating gluten. Yet for many of us gluten is a real culprit and eliminating gluten from your diet may be a necessity to lose your extra weight for good. If you want to be sure whether or not gluten is a problem for your body, you can get a blood test done.
  9. Sleep improvement – One of the ‘musts’ for sustainable weight loss is the quality and the quantity of your sleep. In order to stay healthy and lose any excess fat you need seven to nine hours quality sleep per night.
  10. Leading an overall healthy and well-balanced lifestyle – This should be a no-brainer. Instead of dieting it’s much more important to lead a healthy lifestyle in any regard. This includes healthy eating. When it comes to weight, balance is key.
  11. Healthy eating – Instead of dieting learn to imply a healthy way of eating. This includes cooking from scratch (no or very little boxed, canned, bottled, pre-cooked, or packaged food). 70% of your meals should be row vegetables.
  12. Change of focus and mindset – You know the adage that what you focus on you increase. It’s the same with your weight. When you focus on your extra weight, this is what you’ll get more of. Develop a positive mindset regarding food, your weight, and your body.
  13. Visualization – This is a very powerful tool. Visualize yourself being slim, healthy , happy , and wearing the clothes you can once you’ll have reached your ideal weight.
  14. Supplementation – If you have a full-time job and a very busy lifestyle you may want to add some meal-replacement supplements from time to time. But you should only replace one meal per day maximum. And, please keep in mind that once you’ll have lost your extra weight you would have to continue using the meal replacements in order to remain slim. Therefore I only recommend this step for the busiest women. Cooking from scratch doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to cook for hours. I’m a busy entrepreneur with 12 to 15 hour workdays. I cook all my meals from scratch and most of the time it doesn’t take me more than 15 minutes to cook a meal. Or if you have to eat out, you could eat a large plate with a mixed row-food salad. That doesn’t require more time than eating an unhealthy meal. 
  15. A combination of all of that – One tactic alone will hardly do a good long-term job. Therefore I recommend combining several of these steps and create your personal healthy weight loss strategy. Then follow through with that no matter what. Follow through with that strategy for at least a year.

And here is a very powerful bonus tip. Change your habits. It’s the habits that make you gain your old weight back. For lasting weight loss you will have to make some lasting changes in your habits. There is no way around. 

If you need more in-depth instructions for each of these steps and/or encouragement from a group, you are welcome to join my 30-Day Triple Power Weight Loss Challenge.

Please post your comment or any questions you may have. 

What Bertha’s Garden Has to Do With Your Weight Loss Success

Here is the story of Bertha, the figure I use often in my books because I think that her weight loss story is extraordinary and can inspire many of my readers.

Bertha is a 55-year old woman who became obese during the time of a severe personal famine. At some point of her life she was robbed and lost everything she had, including her last dollar in the pocket. During that time all she had was some flour, so she was lucky enough to bake her own bread what really saved her life.

Unfortunately that much bread eaten over months – as at it later turned out, over years – was not received well by her body and as a perfectly slim person she began to gain weight very fast. Although she only had 4 slices of bread with nothing on it per day, her weight literally exploded. Within only two months she had two dress sizes more, although she was starving.

By the way, this is proof that you can eat very little, but if you eat the wrong food – food that is wrong for your body – you can gain tremendous amounts of weight. Bread may not have had such a terrible effect on another person, but Bertha is a blood type 0, and for her bread was really the worst choice of all. Of course, in that situation it was still life saving for her and better than nothing.

To make a long story short, for years she remained in poverty and was forced to eat poorly what got her obese within only a few years. Twice a year she needed a new dress size. All that time Bertha knew that eating healthy would be the solution for her dilemma. She knew perfectly well how she could lose that extra fat, but she didn’t have the means to afford a healthy lifestyle.

For the coming years she wished, and hoped, and tried, and did everything within her limited means to change the situation on several levels. She visualized a fertile garden full of healthy vegetables, yet nothing happened. That situation lasted 18 years.

There were many situations when Bertha wanted to give up and accept what seemed to be the obvious.

A few months ago Bertha hit a new low point. She had to move because she couldn’t sleep where she lived but hardly had the energy to look for a new place, let alone to pack and move. That was a moment when she once again reflected on her life. She realized that at the current situation she had pretty much just one way to go: down. She felt trapped and had no idea what else she could do to change her terrible situation.

She was desperate for more energy and realized that gigantic storage of “fuel” in her body that – once released and properly burned – could give her a tremendous energy boost. That was the moment when Bertha made such a strong decision to do whatever it takes to burn that extra fat and change her life completely. She swore that she would do whatever was necessary to get her slim…and she meant it. For her it was now or never. 

That was the magic moment for Bertha, and to this day she can’t believe how much has changed since.

Suddenly, a friend of her decided to give her $200 every month for healthy food until she would be in a better situation.

Soon after she found the apartment of her dreams that came with a half-an-acre backyard. With the money from her friend she immediately purchased organic seeds and started her own garden with vegetables, greens, herbs, berries and fruits. Only a few months later she can now harvest all kinds of salads, herbs, peas, and soon she will pick her first zucchini. That little yard is everything she needs to feed her almost all year round with the best and healthiest organic food once things begin to grow.

To fully understand the miracle, you need to know that Bertha lives in a country where most people are forced to rent apartments because there is not much space for all the people. Having your own yard is usually only possible for those with more money. Because there is so little land in her country, land is a luxury only the rich and wealthy can afford. And of course we know that Bertha is far from being rich, yet in a way she is wealthy now with her garden that provides her with everything she needs in the best possible quality without needing much money.

Since she moved she sleeps much better what gives her more energy. The daily work in the garden builds muscles and she is outdoors several hours every day, enjoying fresh air.

All this happened only within a few months where one homerun followed the next. From the hind side – and knowing how Bertha was living for 18 years before that – this is a miracle. She can hardly believe it, and everybody around her can hardly believe it.

She is finally eating more and healthier. She sleeps more. Her exercise is working in the yard every day. She is quickly moving toward living a healthy lifestyle.

And here is the best news.

Drum rolls please…..

Since then Bertha has lost a whopping 19kg/41lbs.

Remember, she is eating more, she is sleeping more, and she is enjoying her backyard and the outdoors. That’s pretty much everything she has changed. No more starving, no counting calories, no restrictions, no puffing and huffing at the gym…

This is the MAGIC of a strong intention. All it takes is a firm decision.

This is a vital part of everybody’s weight loss success. Without that you lack the foundation for your success…and this step has to be taken at the beginning. Once you have that, it will literally carry you through the whole process; and what once was hard and difficult becomes now easy and effortless.

“Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his way. Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now.” — William H. Murray

In my 30-Day Triple Power Weight Loss Challenge: Habits the participants learn to make such a firm decision and to feed their intention at the beginning of the program. Then, within 30 days we eliminate as many inner and outer obstacles as possible, change bad, fattening habits and learn new and healthy ones. For those with a strong determination these 30 days are everything they’ll ever need to turn their weight issues around forever. If you want to learn more, please check out this site: