Weight Loss Psychology for Women: Getting Empowered By Making Your Word Count

Weight Loss Psychology for Women: Getting Empowered By Making Your Word Count

When it comes to weight loss, there are three things over which we really have control in life. One is what we think, one is what we eat, and the third one is how we move and exercise. And it all begins with your attitude. If your life is set up in a way that doesn’t allow you that freedom – provided you’re an adult – then you’re in bigger trouble than you may think.

“Attitude is the mind’s paintbrush, it can color anything.” –Dr. Susan Smith Jones

We all like to think that our thoughts are just happening without us. When we eat, we either eat what our sweet tooth, the media, our life circumstances, or the time of our lunch breaks dictate. And the exercise part is being dictated by time and excuses…we either don’t have time or use that as an excuse.

But the fact is – and there will come a time in your life when you will painfully realize that we and only we are in charge of our thoughts, the food we eat and what priority our health has in life.

If you are a spiritual person, please make the following visualization. Imagine that you have just gone through death, and now you are standing face to face in front of God. Imagine that he asks you how you were thinking about his gift, your body, throughout your life and you would say, “Well, dear God, I couldn’t really decide what to think, my head just kept thinking without my interference.” Do you really think that God would respond, “Poor thing, you were so burdened with a disobedient brain. Of course, then it was all your brain’s fault and not yours.”

God’s next question then is, “Now tell me, dear, how have you been taking care of that gift of mine, your body? Did you feed it with the best food, and did you move it regularly as it needed to be moved?” And you would answer, “Well, you see, dear God, the situation is this; I was so busy with my job that I could only eat microwaved food, and there was simply no time to exercise. When I came home from work, I was too tired to go out for a walk.” And then, of course, you would expect God to say, “Oh dear me, you were really burdened, and I fully understand that you simply could not eat healthily and not move your body as it was supposed to be your duty.”

Or would God say something like, “Well, my lovely daughter; I gave you a brain to think; I gave you a heart that connected you to me what gave you instant access to me at any second of the day whenever you wanted; I gave you a body to be my agent in your city, and I gave you the freedom of choice so that you could learn by making mistakes. But you didn’t use my gifts well and gave your power away to bad habits, other people, circumstances, and excuses. You didn’t pass this test, and you will have to go back and do it better next time.”

So tell me, which scenario makes more sense and is more likeable?

We are in charge of our thinking, our emotions, the words we say and the actions we take.

Here is a test for you to find out whether or not you are in charge of your thinking, your emotions, your words, and your actions.

Is your life exactly the way you had dreamed it when you were young, and is it exactly the way you want it to be?

If your answer is a wholehearted, ‘Yes,’ then you’re probably doing a lot right.

But if your life isn’t the way you want it to be, then look at your thinking, your habits, and the actions you take. If your health is not what you want it to be, look at how you’re treating your body.

If you wake up in the morning and immediately think, “Gosh, what shall I wear today? I’m wondering whether the spaghetti I ate for last night’s dinner showson my scale today.” Then the next thing you do is step on the scale, and there is a 50:50 chance that you will not be happy with your weight. So your thinking goes around all the reasons why you’re not happy with your body and this determines your mood of the day.

habits to lose weight, weight loss habitsYou may believe that your weight determines your attitude and that this was normal. But it’s actually the other way around. The mind always influences the body. Therefore, before taking care of our weight, we have to take care of our mindset. It begins with your attitude!

“The greatest discovery of this generation is that the human being can change his life just by changing his attitude.” –William James

The thing is, when you decide to do something – like eating healthier and going for a daily walk – and then you don’t follow through with it, you lose self-control, you lose self-esteem, and you lose your integrity…step by step, each time you don’t follow through with what you said you would do.

When you don’t follow through with what you say you’re going to do, you probably think, “What does it matter! Nobody knows!” But that’s not true. YOU know. And not following through with your promises to yourself takes a hit on your integrity.

And even if nobody knows what you promised yourself, because of the fact that YOU know, you change your energy, your vibrations. You ooze the energy, “I can’t keep my commitments,” and subconsciously, people around you will recognize and stop trusting you without knowing why. They just have a bad gut feeling about you.

Commitment to a weight loss program – of course, it has to be one that has the chance to bring you lasting results and no diet can ever do that for you – can lend stability to your everyday life. Because, with each daily action, you reaffirm your commitment, and that brings a feeling of empowerment and increased self-esteem. Now, instantly, your energy changes and people around you can sense that as well.

It’s through our everyday behavior that we get serious results and create a life we want and like.

“Commitment means you ‘ve got to get past your excuses, follow through on what you say you are going to do, make your word count and be responsible and accountable.” –Dr. Susan Smith Jones

There is one exception: weight loss diets, and I highly recommend to better make a commitment not to follow a weight loss diet. They are designed in a way that it’s simply not possible to follow through because your body lacks vital nutrients and will sabotage your attempt to follow through with the diet. You simply can’t win with any weight loss diets. Therefore, you should first do some research to find out what really works and be willing to give your weight loss process time. Any quick fix can’t work long-term, and what you want is long-term success. You want your diet to be a healthy one that provides your body with everything it needs. You want a healthy lifestyle you can implement. You want maintainable weight loss. For such a goal, you have to be willing to give yourself enough time.

Once you find such a strategy, make a commitment to follow through with it, get past your excuses, and take action every day until you reach your weight goal. And I promise you; you will be stronger than ever before. Make your word count and be responsible and accountable.

So you’ve got to follow through on what you say you are going to do if you want to lose your weight for good.


A few years ago, I did an interview with several health and weight loss coaches with a different approach than the diet approach. One of these experts was the bestselling American author, Dr. Susan Smith Jones. She quickly turned out to be one of the most amazing interview partners, and she spilled the beans in that interview. She held nothing back. If you want to hear the whole interview with Dr. Susan, you can go here and claim your free 2-week membership trial.


Healing Power #1: Humor

When you’re overweight, then your body needs healing in some form or another. Healing (weight loss) can and often has to happen on several levels in order to be effective.

One of the strongest healing powers is entirely free and you can get it anywhere and at any time…and it burns fat without exercise. All it takes is a decision of yours. I’m talking about humor.

Did you know…

…that laughter improves our sense of well-being?

…that it reduces tension, depression and anger?

…that it lowers the stress levels?

…that it reduces blood pressure?

…that it’s a great exercise for your heart?

…that it strengthens your immune system?

…and that it reduces pain?

Laughter is safer than any pharma pills and free of harmful side effects. Laughing is one of the easiest things you can do to promote healing and well-being. And well-being supports your weight loss process. It’s a known fact that patients who have a sense of humor and laugh often, tend to heal faster and better than those who don’t.

Dr. Frank Lipman said: “If health and wellness is your goal, skip irony, bypass sarcasm and make the conscious choice to add more joyous laughter into your day.” Isn’t it exactly irony and sarcasm overweight people are so good at? How about replacing this now with genuine humor?

He also shares 10 simple health-enhancing reasons to have a daily laugh:

  1. Laughter helps boost your immune system by increasing T cell activity, those “killer cells” that help our bodies fight viruses and tumors.
  2. Laughter helps lower blood pressure and cortisol levels, decreases pain and can also help stabilize blood sugar.
  3. Laugher stimulates chemical changes in the brain that help buffer our bodies against the cumulative effects of stress.
  4. Laughter burns a few extra calories: according to a recent university study, just 10 -15 minutes worth of chuckles throughout the day can burn up to 40 calories.
  5. Laughter stimulates the release of endorphins, the mood-elevating brain chemicals behind the “runner’s high.”
  6. Laughter helps reduce inflammation throughout the body – good news for your heart, brain and circulatory health.
  7. Laughter “massages” internal organs – which is why it’s sometimes referred to as “internal jogging” – with effects similar to exercise.
  8. Laughter provides a light workout for the heart, lungs, diaphragm and even the abdominal muscles.
  9. Laughter releases tension in the muscles of the face, neck, shoulders and abdomen – all common areas where we tent to hold lots of tension
  10. Laughter is physically and mentally therapeutic – an involuntary response that positively alters mood instantly – what could be better?

The thing is that your brain can never think two contradictory thoughts at the same time. It’s impossible for a negative thought to remain while you’re laughing. And in my last blog posts we talked about the effect negative thoughts have on our belief system and the effect our belief system has on our weight and health.

Laughing is contagious, irresistible and very attractive.

Humor lightens your burdens, inspires hopes, keeps you ground and focused.

Can you laugh your pounds of? I think you can.

So my “prescription” for today is to add laughter and humor into your life. Take life less seriously. Find one humorous thing each day. “Lighten up”.

“The nicest thing about a laugh is that so much of you has a good time.” –Marsha Perlman

You can make it a habit to read in a joke book or watch a funny video every morning to make it a great start of the day.

A good way is to be more around happy people. Children are great to have a lot of fun with. 

Laugh yourself slim.

For more of these habit changes please check out this page


Please help us have a good laugh and

share your best jokes with us beneath this article.

Top 11 Self-Limiting Beliefs Regarding Weight Loss

In one of my last blog posts I talked about the power your words have in your life and how you can use that power for your weight loss. Today I want to take it a step further.

You see, when thoughts and words are used often enough, they eventually become beliefs. And beliefs are something you naturally believe in, whether or not they are based on truth and facts. For you they seem to be true. The more you believe in them, the more you act accordingly. And the more you act as if they were true, the more you create a physical “reality” around your beliefs. 

Self-SabotageAnd with every action you take in that direction, and with every “proof” you get for your belief, it becomes stronger and more powerful. So you operate every day based on what you believe were facts. Beliefs can grow so strong that they can completely mentally cripple a person.

Limiting beliefs are sneaky things and they affect you on a deep subconscious level; they can definitely hold you back from achieving your desired weight loss goal.

Yet, they are still nothing else but beliefs that have nothing to do with facts.

These are the top 11 self-limiting beliefs among overweight women:

  1. I have a strong bone structure.
  2. I’m too old 
  3. I’m not smart enough 
  4. It’s all about the calories
  5. It runs in my family – it’s the genes.
  6. I’m afraid of trying and failing 
  7. You have to have money to lose weight 
  8. I’ve already tried everything 
  9. I don’t feel that I really deserve to be slim and beautiful 
  10. I don’t have the willpower 
  11. It just doesn’t work for me

Now does one or several of these self-limiting beliefs resonate with you? Does one of these beliefs resonate more strongly with you over the others?

At this point I encourage you to look behind that curtain and put those beliefs under scrutiny. Take a closer look and find out how some of the little beliefs you hardly paid any attention to may be wreaking havoc regarding your health and weight.

Now let’s take a closer look at these self-limiting beliefs:

  1. Fact: having a strong bone structure does not include having excess fat. Bone is bone and fat is fat.
  2. Fact: you may have to take some more aspects into consideration when you’re past menopause, but that doesn’t mean that your body is operating under different “laws”.
  3. Fact: being successful in any field has nothing to do with your IQ. Fact is that very often the less intelligent people have the greater successes because they’re not stopped by the mental concepts intelligent people often have. Besides, there are several forms of intelligence that most can’t be measured through IQ tests.
  4. Fact: there is ample scientific proof that weight gain and weight loss has nothing to do with calories. This is a myth that has been debunked a long time ago. So let’s not go that route anymore. The only calories you really have to worry about are those empty calories. It’s the quality food that matters, not the quantity.
  5. Fact: there is also enough scientific proof that genes can be over-ruled and even changed. Did you ever see families with very skinny kids and very fat kids? Both have the same parents and the same genes, yet some are slim and some are not.
  6. Fact: if you don’t try, you can’t succeed. The biggest failure is not to try and to maintain the current status quo. Fear of failing is a very disempowering life strategy. The best way to fail is not to try. With over 50 possible causes of weight gain you may have to try several strategies (not diets – no matter what diet you choose, they don’t work) until you will find the one that addresses your individual causes.
  7. Fact: the best weight loss strategies are free. Eating healthy costs way less than unhealthy eating. And if you believe that weight loss programs have to be expensive, try my 30-Day Triple Power Weight Loss Program where you learn how to eliminate pretty much every stumbling block and bad habit that has been standing in your way. Of course, there are $390 programs out there, but they’re not a bit better than my $49 program. So money can’t really be an issue.
  8. Fact: obviously you haven’t. Try my 30-Day Triple Power Weight Loss Program and then you can probably say that you have tried everything. And if that one doesn’t work for you, then you’re definitely doing something wrong….or you have a cause for weight gain that was not yet found. In that case please stay tuned. I’m regularly publishing content about new-found causes of weight issues. 
  9. Fact: you are a child of God, and as such you deserve only the best this universe has to offer. Unfortunately the feeling of not deserving to be slim and beautiful is a very common pattern among women. The original blueprint of your body is slim, healthy and beautiful. And whenever you choose to, you can go back and realize your personal original slim blueprint.
  10. Fact: we humans are very powerful beings…each of us. Just because some people have tried to keep you small in the past because they are small, that doesn’t mean that you can’t become the powerful being you once were or you are meant to be. Maybe what you need more than willpower is just the right support system.
  11. Fact: what used to work one or two decades ago regarding weight loss doesn’t work anymore. Dieting and exercising alone doesn’t work for 90% of overweight people…so you’re not the only one who is struggling with those tactics. Since causes are very individual, the belief that what you have tried didn’t work for you may be partly correct. But that doesn’t mean that there is no solution. The only thing this means is that you have not yet found the right solution for you. There are so many new weight loss strategies on the market that address the weight problem on a deeper level. 

Are you ready to finally let go of your self-limiting beliefs? In my 30-Day Triple Power Weight Loss Program we eliminate and transform one by one.


What are YOUR main self-limiting beliefs?

Please share them with us in the comment section and let me know how I can assist you in transforming them.

Inner Cause of Weight Gain – ‘Hunger’ for Life

Whatever you change in your body – of course, it got to be the right things – can lead to fast weight loss. But these results seldom last.

But what brings the lasting results?

The best, fastest, easiest, and surest way to get the lasting weight loss results you desire is by eliminating the psychological, inner causes.

But where to begin?

How do you know what your individual psychological causes are?

I admit that’s the biggest part and that’s exactly the point why losing weight for good hasn’t been easy for you.

However, the good news is that most weight-struggling women have very similar inner causes. There is a common pattern. One of the very common ones is a hunger for life. This is very likely especially for those women a problem who are hungry a lot.

A hunger for life is very much an issue of many overweight people, especially women. Somehow they have fallen short on experiences in life they wish they could have made. The reason why this can be found more often in women than in men can be found in the fact that despite of the female emancipation for women the family comes first. They often have children, a husband, and a job what keeps them busy almost 24/7. There isn’t much time for self-growth and self-improvement.

If you belong to that group of women you may often feel kind of a hunger without knowing exactly what you’re hungry for or what you’re craving. And instead of feeding the hunger for life you may simply feed your stomach with more food than your stomach can digest.

I hear so often that life is about having fun. That’s not true. Nobody becomes happy simply by having fun all the time.

What life is about is learning and making lots of different experiences. And, yes, some experiences can be really fun, yet we shouldn’t do them for the sole purpose of having fun, but for the purpose of becoming richer in experiences. It’s not about having things. It’s about living life to the fullest with all its facets. It’s about living a balanced life.

If a hunger for life is one of the inner issues for you, something within you may resonate while you’re reading this…either in a positive or a negative way. If the reaction is rather negative, then you can be pretty sure that you’re suppressing your ‘hunger’. You ignore it…you don’t want to see and feed it. There must be a reason why you don’t allow yourself to be aware of your particular hunger for life. Maybe this was something that was ‘forbidden’ as a child, or maybe you’re so caught up in your daily chores that you think there was no time for you.

Whether your resonance is positive or negative, you can do something against and feed your hunger without overeating.

In a first step, ask yourself if there is anything in your life you wish you had done or experienced (i.e. going to college, sky diving, learning to dance, having a child (or more children), meeting with a particular person, to love more, etc.)? Is there something in life that you’re hungering for?

By the way, this isn’t about making a bucket list – it’s the opposite. It’s a list of things that make you feel more alive and more yourself. It’s a list of things that can satiate your hunger for life while you’re still young enough to enjoy it. This list is more about what you’re longing for emotionally or mentally.

Allow yourself to dream.

Allow yourself to be honest about your deepest desires.

Then you rate your dreams between one and ten, number one being least important and number ten being so important that you couldn’t forgive yourself if you didn’t at least try.

The next step is to search for a solution so that you can do the one thing on your list with the highest rate. If you can’t do it now, then plan it and also plan how you want to go about that goal. Visualize yourself having realized that goal and how you will feel that moment once you’ll have achieved or done that.

Feed your hunger for life now, and you will reduce your hunger for food.

If you need assistance for that process, check out this page. This is part of the transformational work we do in my 30-day challenge and the weekly group coaching sessions.

15 Ways of Losing Weight Healthily Without a Diet

There are a quickly growing number of weight-struggling women who realized that diets are not the solution for maintainable weight loss and who are now searching for healthy alternatives. This is quite a process and it’s a necessary first step to healthy and sustainable weight loss success.

The second step is very often not so easy yet even more critical for your slimming progress. That step is to completely turn away from the diet mentality.

The third step is developing a deep desire of slimming in a natural and healthy way.

So let’s assume that you have already gone through that process of fully understanding why diets are not the solution, of completely letting go of the diet mentality, and of developing a deep desire to find healthy alternatives.

If that is you, you are ready to learn healthy ways that really work long term.   

So here are 15 healthy and very powerful alternatives to the dieting approach:

  1. Regular cleansing & detoxification – One of the main reasons why your body is forced to create excess fat are toxins. As soon as you begin to cleanse your body strategically, your body can begin to reduce that excess fat. But please be aware that doing it once will not do the job. You have to cleanse one organ after the other in a strategic manner and repeat that cycle until your body has let go of the excess fat.
  2. pH balancing – Just like the body needs to create fat in order to store toxins and other detrimental substances away from vital organs, it deals the same way with acid. An overweight body is always over-acidic. Regular and strategic alkalizing is therefore vitally important.
  3. Juicing – This is a great method to alkalize your body. When you choose that step you have to make your own daily juices fresh, you need organic produce and 80% of the produce should be green-leavy vegetables. However, there are two rules regarding juicing for weight loss. Number 1: don’t use it exclusively, only in combination with other methods. Number 2: if you’re over 30 years old or want to lose more than 10 pounds, do not juice fast. Combine the juicing with healthy eating, drinking a lot of water, and doing some exercise.
  4. Exercise – Exercise alone can let you go a long way, but not all the way down to your ideal weight. It not only burns fat and improves the metabolism, it also shapes the body, if you do it right. For weight loss you need both, aerobic exercise and muscle training. 
  5. Eliminate the psychological causes – With all the actions you take on the physical level you can lose a lot of weight, but if you want to keep it off, you also need to eliminate the inner causes.
  6. Increase your water intake – Water is very important for your healthy weight loss. Your body needs water to get rid of waste, toxins, and acid. Plus another bonus of water is that it fills your stomach and you need less food. Very often, when we feel hungry we’re really just thirsty anyway.
  7. Zero sugar – If you cook and bake yourself, then this is an easy one for you. Simply replace sugar with xylitol in the exact same amount and you can enjoy your home-made desserts free of remorse.
  8. Eat gluten free – This one is harder for many women because gluten have become such a major part of our eating habits. For decades we have been told that we need a lot of carbohydrates to stay healthy. Now we know that this was false information. The mean thing is that our body has become so used to starchy carbohydrates that we often act like addicts when it comes to reducing or eliminating gluten. Yet for many of us gluten is a real culprit and eliminating gluten from your diet may be a necessity to lose your extra weight for good. If you want to be sure whether or not gluten is a problem for your body, you can get a blood test done.
  9. Sleep improvement – One of the ‘musts’ for sustainable weight loss is the quality and the quantity of your sleep. In order to stay healthy and lose any excess fat you need seven to nine hours quality sleep per night.
  10. Leading an overall healthy and well-balanced lifestyle – This should be a no-brainer. Instead of dieting it’s much more important to lead a healthy lifestyle in any regard. This includes healthy eating. When it comes to weight, balance is key.
  11. Healthy eating – Instead of dieting learn to imply a healthy way of eating. This includes cooking from scratch (no or very little boxed, canned, bottled, pre-cooked, or packaged food). 70% of your meals should be row vegetables.
  12. Change of focus and mindset – You know the adage that what you focus on you increase. It’s the same with your weight. When you focus on your extra weight, this is what you’ll get more of. Develop a positive mindset regarding food, your weight, and your body.
  13. Visualization – This is a very powerful tool. Visualize yourself being slim, healthy , happy , and wearing the clothes you can once you’ll have reached your ideal weight.
  14. Supplementation – If you have a full-time job and a very busy lifestyle you may want to add some meal-replacement supplements from time to time. But you should only replace one meal per day maximum. And, please keep in mind that once you’ll have lost your extra weight you would have to continue using the meal replacements in order to remain slim. Therefore I only recommend this step for the busiest women. Cooking from scratch doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to cook for hours. I’m a busy entrepreneur with 12 to 15 hour workdays. I cook all my meals from scratch and most of the time it doesn’t take me more than 15 minutes to cook a meal. Or if you have to eat out, you could eat a large plate with a mixed row-food salad. That doesn’t require more time than eating an unhealthy meal. 
  15. A combination of all of that – One tactic alone will hardly do a good long-term job. Therefore I recommend combining several of these steps and create your personal healthy weight loss strategy. Then follow through with that no matter what. Follow through with that strategy for at least a year.

And here is a very powerful bonus tip. Change your habits. It’s the habits that make you gain your old weight back. For lasting weight loss you will have to make some lasting changes in your habits. There is no way around. 

If you need more in-depth instructions for each of these steps and/or encouragement from a group, you are welcome to join my 30-Day Triple Power Weight Loss Challenge.

Please post your comment or any questions you may have. 

How to Have Enough Motivation For Sustainable Weight Loss

Weight Loss Motivation
Weight Loss Motivation

According to a study at Stanford University only 5% of the people who buy into a concept (for instance a weight loss program) are also able to implement it. The other 95% don’t succeed. Why? Because they don’t have the resources, they don’t know HOW, says the study.

The resources those 95% of the people would need are things like books, CD’s, videos, a course, a coach…in other words, shared wisdom. But they simply don’t have access to that kind of information. They may have the insight and the understanding, but they don’t get ahead because they lack the full understanding of the How.

An even larger part of these people – because they do understand the concept and have the right insight – mistakenly believe that they can do it by themselves. This could not be further from the truth. No psychologist or serious counsellor would ever consider treating themselves. We all have our blind spots and those are responsible for reaching a ceiling in the goal achievement process, a point we feel we just can’t push through. 

Consequently they can’t achieve the success that could be theirs, their motivation suffers and they give up before they even really started.

You don’t have to belong to those 95% of ignorant people because you’re on my list. You have subscribed to what is hands down the most accomplished weight loss platform, whether you’re aware of it or not.  

Now, having access to the right information is in my opinion only half the story (maybe even less). The other half is what you’re doing with that information. No matter how many emails I send, how many articles I publish, and how many free teleclasses I run, they don’t change a bit in your life, if you a) don’t consume them and b) don’t put that information to work for yourself.

But let me first take a step back and talk about two forms of motivation.

One motivation is internal and the other form is external.

External Motivation
External Motivation

The Biggest Loser is a perfect yet horrible example for external motivation. The coaches scream at people and make them feel bad in order to get them going. A friend of mine who is a physician specialized in weight-loss in the New York area told me that when the show is over even those who won – the Biggest Losers – consult him to find out how they can keep the weight off. Because as soon as the show is over and thus the external motivator is gone, they gain their lost weight back. This is why psychologists agree that external motivation is not ideal for long-term success.

The other form of motivation – internal motivation – comes from the individual within. It’s an inner urge to accomplish a particular goal. That form of motivation has by far the greatest chance to bring the individual lasting results because you’re not dependent on an outside source for motivation.

Now, how you can use internal motivation for highest achievements?




Let me use a quote by Brian Tracy to answer that question:

“One of the marks of superior people is that they are action-oriented. One of the marks of average people is that they are talk-oriented.” — Brian Tracy

In other words, whether you’re superior or average is determined by the actions you take or don’t take.

Take Action
Take Action

Actions bring results and results increase your motivation. This process is actually very simple and works always, at least if you’re taking the right action steps.  By taking a series of actions you automatically create ongoing motivation. Again, it has to be the right kind of actions, of course.

Today I want to encourage you to listen to your heart and find a strong WHY, a strong reason why you want to lose weight. This is your internal motivator. It got to be something that really moves you deeply. Many people begin to cry once they find their real WHY for losing weight because it touches them so much. It’s always much more than just because they look nicer and feel better once they’ll be slim. The real WHY often goes along with their real life purpose and goes far beyond their own person.

Accpet a helping handThen find a sensible strategy that matches the weight you want to lose. The more you want to lose, the more thorough and complex your weight loss strategy has to be. Write down everything that comes to your mind. Then find out if you can get that strategy all in one place or if you need several coaches and experts to achieve your desired goal. No one coach can do everything.

Any body, mind and spirit approach is always the better choice because it addresses you as a whole being, not just your body. And that approach has the better chance to bring you the lasting results you want. So don’t be afraid of accepting help. 

After you feel confident with your list of action steps you immediately take your first step. Make an appointment with yourself for the second step. Congratulate yourself for every action step you have taken. That way you grow your goal achievement “muscle”, by celebrating even small achievements; and that way you keep your motivation high.

If you need assistance in creating your ideal weight loss strategy, feel free to check out this Facebook Group. The recommended daily tiny action steps and my support will give you the motivation you need. 

Happy slimming!


Is your health and weight loss goal worth five to fifteen minutes of your time every day?

If you want to learn a process that leads you to constant weight loss success by baby stepping, check out my Facebook group. 

You can get a feeling for the 4 Pillars of Weight Loss process for free. Simply join my closed Facebook group where you can go through the process by taking tiny daily baby steps completely stress free and still make tremendous progress. 


Why The Image In Your Mirror Can Keep You Overweight

Image in the MirrorWhat I have experienced for myself and often hear from my participants is that they don’t like to look at themselves in the mirror and in shopping windows. Most of them then begin to see all the negative things about themselves: the muffin top, the bad hair, the posture, the fat hips, the too small or too large boobs, the fat ass (their words, not mine), etc. And what they tell me about their bodies is way worse than what I’m repeating here.

Overweight women can be very harsh about their own bodies. Many of my clients tell me that they kind of feel, that when they say all these bad things about their body, other people won’t say them. So this is really a way of protecting themselves from being hurt. It hurts less to say negative things about oneself than hearing them from others. But no matter who says these terrible things about your body, it always hurts…and it has an effect on your weight and the ability or disability to lose it. 

Our subconscious mind is not only an intelligent being, it also has ears. Whatever you say or think about your body, your unconscious hears that. Your subconscious is a 100% obedient to what you say; and when you say all these terrible things about your body, your subconscious instantly gets to work to manifest exactly that physiccally.

But that’s not the worst. Your body is an intelligent being as well, adhering completely and a 100% to the laws of creation and nature. And when you think or say all these negative things your subconscious mind wants to manifest but which are against your body’s onw blueprint, this leads to an enormous conflict for your body spirit.

The problem is that you most likely then will blame the body when you gain more fat because your subconscious thought that this is what you wanted. This leads to a situation of mistrust between you and your body that makes matters much worse and can extend the weight loss (weight gaining) process forever. It literally causes a vicious cycle that spirals down from negative thinking to negative emotions what always have a direct impact on our bodies and down to your subconscious mind whose job it is to bring everything you’re saying and thinking into physical reality.




Your unconscious doesn’t know that you’re saying or thinking these things because you don’t want them. It can’t distinguish between a joke and a command or a complaint and a command. To your unconscious every thought and spoken word is a command to realize. And if you complain about your body or weight, your subconscious mind mistakenly believes that this is what you want and obediently realizes even more of what you don’t want. And at the same time your body is deeply disappointed when it hears such harsh words about it and it stops cooperating and collaborating with you. But it’s exactly your body’s FULL cooperation and collaboration you need. 

Especially feelings of insignificance lead to energy blockages in our bodies what makes losing weight harder. Such energy blockages first have to be released before the body can begin to lose weight.

Now just think about, if you would talk about another person the way you’re talking about your body, would that person be motivated to assist you in your personal goals? Not unless she’d be a masochist. If you have pets you communicate with regularly, you know that they can understand you. Since our body is very much like an animal, it can understand you as well.

Just be aware that you’re not talking just to you. You are talking to your subconscious mind and to your body at the same time. Both have “ears”. The conflict between you, your body and your subconscious mind could not be bigger. So how on earth do you think you could ever lose weight with all that negative self-talk and the conflicts you are creating within yourself?

As long as you can’t look at yourself in the mirror in a friendly, gentle and loving way, I recommend you avoid looking at yourself in the mirror as much as possible…at least for the moment. At the same time take yourself a few minutes every day where you consciously look at yourself in the mirror and tell your mirror image what you like about her. There is always something beautiful in every person. This is the only way you can win your body’s trust back.

I know, this is not an easy assignment for many. I’m pretty sure that you’re going to have difficulties at the beginning. Please, do it anyway. It will soon get easier. And one day there will be the moment when you can look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself that you’re the most beautiful woman you have ever seen…and you’ll mean it. I’m not talking about the narcissistic way of thinking that you were the greatest person on the planet and show off whenever you have the opportunity. I’m not talking about arrogance and cockiness. I’m talking about real, deep, honest and pure self-love. That’s the moment when you, your subconscious and your body will become a team. And that’s the moment when your body can begin to realize its perfect  blueprint…slim and healthy.

Once you’ll cut through all the self-criticism, you’ll never be the same person anymore. Your self-image will have completely changed, and with it your outer body.

Just know that it will take your body longer than your mind to change. So please be patient with your body and don’t beat it up if it can’t lose weight within a month just because this is your wish. Take responsibility and be aware that you have mistreated your body with bad food and a lack of exercise, with your negative self-talk and a whole bunch of bad habits for YEARS. Now it’s time to get in charge and be a kind yet determinded “boss” to your body and subconscious. After all it took you until now to finally get in charge of your weight the right way, and you can’t expect your body to change immediately.

So be patient. Don’t push things. 

Have fun and enjoy the process. I’ll talk to you again next week. In the meantime please feel free to post your comments, questions and everything you want to share with me on this page below this article.

Here’s to your slim and healthy body,

Angela B.

P.S. If you want to learn more about how to change your thinking and behavioral habits, please check this page.



Is your health and weight loss goal worth five to fifteen minutes of your time every day?

If you want to learn a process that leads you to constant weight loss success by baby stepping, check out my Facebook group. 

You can get a feeling for the 4 Pillars of Weight Loss process for free. Simply join my closed Facebook group where you can go through the process by taking tiny daily baby steps completely stress free and still make tremendous progress. 


How Excuses Obstruct Your Weight Loss Process (Part 2)

Excuses (6)I don’t have time

“I don’t have time” is another lie we have come to believe was true. It’s not true and yet, how often do we all use it!? We have all been given 24 hours every day, 7 days a week, 365 days per year. And the greatest gift we were given when we came into this world is the FREEDOM to use these 24 hours as it pleases us. Well, this is not exactly true. Let me put it this way: we have been given the CHOICE of how to make the best of our 24 hours a day. So it is not about time, but about our priorities and how we use our time. It is a CHOICE, not a fact.

I recently saw a post on facebook that said it so clearly that it forces you to stop and think again:

“Of course you would die for your kids. But would you live healthy for them though?”

Using this gift of time for making money is certainly not a wise choice. I know, we all need money and some of us work so hard and yet make hardly enough to make ends meet. But we cannot use this as an excuse for not making a better and wiser use of our gift of time. The situation we are in is a result of the choices we have made in life, whether or not we like the outcome.

Excuses (5)I recently saw a cartoon, about a doctor asking his patient, “What fits your busy schedule better, exercising 1 hour a day or being dead 24 hours a day?” Ouch!

Using the excuse, “I don’t have time” to take care of our health is about the most stupid excuse we can ever make. If we do not take care of our health appropriately – and excess weight is a disease –, we automatically shorten the time we have on this planet. We shorten our life. Ask yourself how much time you could gain if you would stop watching TV for a while, watching funny YouTube videos, chatting on social media (the most time waste of all) or playing games on the internet.

Statistics tell us that an average adult watches television eight years of his or her entire life. Eight years! And I guess it even gets worse with social media. Just imagine what you could accomplish in eight years and how your body would look like if you just used a small part of it to take care of your health, to exercise and move your body.


“I can’t afford it”

Similar to “I don’t have time” or “I can’t,” this is another classic excuse. And still, this is widely BELIEVED to be true by millions of people. I have no doubt that you could show me your bills, your paycheck, your cost of living, and your budget to prove the accuracy of this statement. I was living below the poverty line for years, so I know what it’s like to have more wishes than money.

The quote, “You can either make money or you can make excuses, but you can’t do both” is very much true. The one excludes the other. While some use the excuse “I can’t afford that,” others go out and make the money they want and need. There are always better paying jobs available – even in bad economic times. There are even jobs for chronically sick people who have to work from home. You can work for me, if you need more money. We are living in a Universe of abundance. It is not life that makes us poor, but our own belief system and our excuses.

How about this?

You can either lose weight or you can make excuses, but you can’t do both.

Please ask yourself the following question again:

“Can I afford NOT to take better care of my weight and health?” Let me repeat this:

Quote1Can you?

I cannot answer this question for you. Only you can answer it for yourself.

Do you know how much time you have left? No one knows. And even if you have a lot of time left in this life (although when we come to the end of our lives we suddenly feel that it was never enough), is your current life so good that you would want to go on with it until the end?



happy slim womanLike time, money or the lack of it is not a fact but a matter of priorities. We all do have money, otherwise we would be dead by now. If we cannot earn it, we get it from the government or through some form of social assistance. The truth is that we are making choices every day for what we want to spend our money on. We have our priorities in life and according to these priorities we spend our money. For instance, if your TV broke down today, what would you do to buy a new one? How about your car? Isn’t it interesting that most people find a way to get a new car or a new TV set, but very few go that extra mile to invest in their health, unless they are absolutely forced to?

What would you say if I told you that I have proof that it is not the lack of money that is holding you back from reversing your weight? There is so much evidence of that truth that I do not even know where to begin.

Many, many experiences with people have proven to me over and over again that it is not about the money. And it is not about a lack of time either. 80% of the whole slimming process has to come from within anyway. And this does not cost a dime. How much cheaper than gratis can it get? Keep in mind, you obviously had enough time and money to become overweight. Reversing this weight won’t take up more time than becoming overweight.

When people ask me how long the weight loss process would take, I usually say that it might take between six months and two years, depending on the weight a person wants to lose. Sometimes it can be done faster, sometimes it takes longer. Sometimes a person can lose her weight within a very short time, but this can only happen when that person has done a lot of inner transformation in the past and is able to let go almost immediately. So, it could happen even as quickly as within a few months. It happened to me. Experience shows that losing weight can be fast, easy and effortless, if you go through the process and don’t try to take the fast route.




It depends on numerous factors, such as the ability to let go, the faith, the beliefs, the determination, how easily a person can spot inner blockages, insight into and understanding of their inner causes, etc. It depends on so many things on which I have no control. Only the client alone can determine how soon or fast this will happen. And this is something that cannot be done with the intellect. It must come from the heart. That’s why working with an experienced coach can drastically reduce the time it takes to achieve your final goal.

Now this answer of mine gives many of the weight loss clients another excuse: “It takes too long.” How long do you guess it took the weight to build up? Your excess weight did not appear within a month and it will not go away and stay off within a month. If lasting weight loss is your goal, you have to get clear about that. Your body needed time to accumulate fat and it will need time to burn it off. 

And here is another provocative question. How long does it take to lose that weight by yo-yo dieting?


One step forward and two steps back – as this is the normal result of the dieting approach – does not get you anywhere but heavier. So you didn’t gain anything by going the fast route.

Just ask yourself this: “Where will I be and how will I feel in a year from now, in five years from now, in ten years from now, if things will go on like this?”

Excess weight can only be reversed by you in cooperation with the body in order to make it last. And the reversing process takes time. So let me ask you again, “Where will you be and how will you feel in a year/five years/ten years from now if you go on like this?” I can give you the answer: At the very same point where you are right now, if not worse, with a few more pounds accumulated and some more health issues. Face it!

But where will you be in a year from now if you stop the excuses right now, start the weight loss process today using a real weight loss strategy vs. a short-term diet? You certainly will not be at this point anymore, and you will definitely have learned a lot. If you do it the right way (by eliminating and transforming your root causes), you most likely will have lost dozens and dozens of pounds by then, and enjoying a slimmer body and better health in general. The results will depend on how quickly you allow yourself to get to the core of the problem. If you do it right, most people will have achieved their final weight goal within one year and the very heavy ones within two to three years.

Just think back how fast the last 12 months went by and imagine where you could be today had you started 12 months earlier. This thought process will immediately get you on the right track and give you the motivation you need to start right away.

So do you think it would be worthwhile to undertake that journey?

Would it be worth your while to take some time, to apply some of the things you learn through what I share in my facebook group, in blog posts, teleclasses and workshops, to spend some money for your health, to do some exercising, etc.?

And most of all, can you afford not to do it?

I wish you good luck on your way to a slimmer body and better health! If you choose so, I will always be in your boat. 

Angela B.

P.S. Are you ready to say goodbye to your excuses? Are you ready to say goodbye to some of the fattening habits and turn them into slimming ones? Are you ready to forget the excuses, “I don’t have time”, “I can’t afford”, or “I can’t now” now and give yourself a real chance to finally get rid of your excess weight once and for all? 


[Missed part 1? You can access it here!]


Is your health and weight loss goal worth five to fifteen minutes of your time every day?

If you want to learn a process that leads you to constant weight loss success by baby stepping, check out my Facebook group. 

You can get a feeling for the 4 Pillars of Weight Loss process for free. Simply join my closed Facebook group where you can go through the process by taking tiny daily baby steps completely stress free and still make tremendous progress. 



How Excuses Obstruct Your Weight Loss Process (Part 1)

Excuses (1)“It’s in my genes.” “I can’t afford it.” “I don’t have time.” “I have an incurable disease.” “It’s impossible.” “I’m too old/too young.” “It’s too hard.” “I can’t.” “I’m not strong enough.” “It runs in the family.” “I’m not fat, I have a large bone structure.” “I don’t have enough willpower.”

These are all excuses that keep you from reaching your weight loss goals and living a healthy and fulfilled life.

But are they true? 

They are not. All excuses are untruths and misalignments. They are just that: excuses. Excuses are never based on the truth but on what currently feels convenient. 

Excuses (3)Everything we do or don’t do in life is a choice. The unhealthy lifestyle is a choice, just as surely as the healthy lifestyle. Who can change our lives, if not us? We have been given everything we need to live the life we feel deep inside that we are meant to live. 

Underestimating ourselves is not really a compliment to our creator. 

No matter how overweight you are, no matter how ill you are, no matter how old you are, no matter how tired you are, no matter how little money you have…there is a way out of your current weight situation. But never forget one thing, you have to show up. You have to take the driver’s seat. You have to be on your own health and weight loss team. Without your collaboration, no one on earth can ever help you to become better. You could have the best weight loss coach on earth, yet she couldn’t help you if you don’t show up.


The effect of excuses

When you are using excuses like “I don’t have time,“ “I’m too old,” “I’m too sick,” “I’m too tired,” or “I can’t afford it,” you are saying nothing else but that this Universe is not working, that it’s not perfect enough, that it has flaws, that the Creator has made mistakes. Well, could it be that – just maybe – we are the ones who are making the mistakes? 

Excuses are nothing less than limitations that prevent us from changing anything in our lives for the better. Excuses enable things to remain as imperfect and bad as they are. They make us feel weak, little, unfit and unable. They make us feel like victims. Excuses are the greatest dream killers there are. They make us un-free. We create limitations for ourselves that do not even exist, and thus build a cage around ourselves. We literally lock ourselves up.

“We have more ability than will power, and it is often an excuse to ourselves that we imagine that things are impossible.” –Francois de la Rochedoucauld

Excuses (3)By using excuses and believing in them, we are unable to live our life’s purpose. When we are on purpose, our inner guidance shows us step by step what we have to do. But when we are using excuses, we not only cannot see these steps, we are unable to take them because we are limiting ourselves. A life of purpose is not possible as long as we use excuses. 

Then our excuses, or at least our willingness to believe them, are happily used by those who intend to manipulate us. They tell us that it’s all our fault that we haven’t been able to lose weight yet, that we’ll be forever unable to lose weight, we’ll be fat for the rest of our lives, and poor to boot, etc. This is how we can be manipulated. Of course, they will offer the ‘appropriate’ answers or cures, and this is seldom cheap. The more we allow these people to infiltrate us with fear, the more easily we can be manipulated, and the more they can benefit from us financially. 

All too often we forget that all the answers are within us. As soon as we realize who we are and recognize that we have been given all the power we need in order to change our lives, to attain and maintain a slim and healthy body, miracles can happen. And they do happen.

“Truth be told, you really don’t give a hoot about what somebody else ‘can’t’ do. But hey, guess what? Nobody wants to hear any of your excuses either. That’s right; nobody cares about what you can’t do. N-O-B-O-D-Y.” –Greg Hickman

*****************************************************************Get the FREE Report “4 Pillars of Lasting Weight Loss For Women” 



“I can’t”

The excuse “I can’t” is very widespread – and it is a lie. Of course, we do not lie purposefully, but we use it subconsciously in order not to have to take a leap of faith and challenge our self-made limitations. If we listen deep inside ourselves we find out that it is not that we are not able or capable of doing something, but that we do not want to. The explanation “I can’t” is used too easily and too often. And the problem is that we start believing it ourselves……sort of. Of course, deep down, we know that this is not true. 

Believing that you are overweight because you have a large bone structure is exactly the same as saying “I can’t.” It’s like saying, “It’s not in my hands whether or not I’m going to lose weight,” “I can’t change my habits in order to lose weight,” “I can’t exercise,” “I can’t live a healthy lifestyle,” “I can’t quit smoking,” “It can’t be done,” “I can’t eat healthy,” “I can’t do without my coke.” 

Only when you listen carefully to other people’s excuses will you realize how ridiculous they really are. But we are far more tolerant of our own excuses. By believing that we “can’t,” and that weight loss is difficult, we are destroying our lives – nothing more and nothing less. It is not the  extra weight that is killing us. It is our own belief system and the excuses we make day in and day out. 

By telling ourselves or others that we can’t, we limit ourselves tremendously. We’ve known for decades that human potential is simply enormous and that most people use less than 10% of their brain capacity. We have absolutely no idea what we might be capable of. How can we say “I can’t,” when we haven’t yet tried out all the possibilities? Likewise, how can we state that it’s impossible to lose weight since we have not yet turned every stone? 

Recently I received an email from a free member and she asked me why she should pay for my  Membership Program. She went on to tell me that she has been searching for solutions for 3 years and that she has already spent thousands of dollars. Guess what! Maybe she has to spend 3 more years and thousands of dollars more until she will find her answer. It took me 13 years and tens of thousands of dollars to find the answer to my weight problem I am now willing to share with you so that you don’t have to search for years and spend thousands of dollars like I had to.

Yes, sometimes we come to the point where we get tired and discouraged. That is okay. It is part of life, and it is part of every goal achievement process. But just because we have not yet found the answer we are looking for does not mean that we should give up. The problem, however, with this lady is that she is standing in front of a door that could give her the answers she is so desperately looking for, and she does not even realize it. She has arrived and is not able to see it. Why? Because the concept “I can’t,” “nobody can help me” and “I’ve tried everything and nothing worked” currently is stronger than the awareness that the answer is right in front of her nose. 

Excuses (4)I’m not blaming this reader or anybody else. It is not my job to judge or to criticize. We have all been there. We all have our blind spots. 

The truth is, there is nothing in the whole Universe that could not be solved, as long as we act within the Universal Law. We literally live in a limitless Universe. There is no limit to healthy foods, there is no limit to money, there is no limit to beauty, there is no limit to perfection……Limits have been overcome in history over and over again. 

So our response to challenges should not be “I can’t,” but HOW can it be done?” This shift in attitude suddenly opens doors and new possibilities we have never seen before. 

If you’re ready to stop the excuses and start changing your bad habits, join my free Facebook group

(Part 2 will be published in one of our next issues)


Is your health and weight loss goal worth five to fifteen minutes of your time every day?

If you want to learn a process that leads you to constant weight loss success by baby stepping, check out my Facebook group. 

You can get a feeling for the 4 Pillars of Weight Loss process for free. Simply join my closed Facebook group where you can go through the process by taking tiny daily baby steps completely stress free and still make tremendous progress. 



9 Fattening Habits to Eliminate First for Sustainable Weight Loss (Part 2)

habits to lose weight, weight loss habits

In my first of this 3-part article series I talked about will power and how habits occur. Today we are going to talk about the 9 most common fattening habits. Some of them you may not even realize as contributing factors. 

9 Fattening Habits To Get Rid Of First For The Sake Of Your Slim Body

One of the very most important and crucial things you want to avoid when you are overweight is:

adding more acidity and toxins to the load that you already have.

The real culprits are toxins and acidity. We have talked about this topic very in-depth in other occasions. So for today I don’t want to talk about acid and toxins. I just want to mention it because that’s what leads to weight gain. The poor habits lead to an accumulation of more acids and toxins – toxins and acid inevitably lead to weight gain and prevent you from losing it for good.

By avoiding the following 9 things you can be sure that you won’t make things worse than they already are through your bad habits. And eliminating them leads to direct and to indirect weight loss.

Many times weight gain goes along with toxic stress and mental stress (negative thinking). The good news is that we can get a handle on both. Both are entirely in your own hands and your own responsibility and thus also in your own power.

Weight issues therefore are always in your own hands. Being overweight calls for a change of your habits – ALWAYS. 

The 9 most important negative habits to eliminate for the sake of a slim, healthy, and vibrant body are:

  1. Weighing
  2. Counting Calories
  3. Soft drinks
  4. White flour
  5. Refined sugar
  6. Artificial sweeteners
  7. Low fat and ‘lite’ products
  8. Smoking
  9. Fighting your weight

1.) Weighing

weight loss, weighing, habit of weighing, weight loss habits It’s a natural law that the more we focus on weight, the more our weight will stubbornly remain or even increase. Whatever you focus on, you will attract AND increase. If you focus on your extra weight, you will get more extra weight. If you focus on what you’re not allowed to eat, you will find yourself craving more of exactly that food.

If you want to not only lose a few pounds but also keep your weight off, you have to stop focusing on what you don’t want and, instead, start focusing on what you do want. Therefore one of the first negative habits to quit is weighing. In my courses and workshops my participants are not allowed to weigh. This is a crucial part of your long-term weight loss success. I know most overweight people are afraid that if they don’t weigh, their weight will go through the roof. This can only happen, if you continue with your old poor habits. And without changing some of the habits the weight will go up anyway, whether or not you weigh. And it will bounce back after each diet.  

2.) Counting Calories

calorie counting, habit of counting calories, weight loss habitsIn several of my videos I talked about why counting calories is nonsense. So I don’t want to get into detail here. All I want to say is, please consider that calories are not equal. Calories only show how fast a particular food can be burned in a pot. But your body is not a pot. Your body needs a lot of vital nutrients.

It should be obvious to you that the quality factor regarding food is much, much more important than the quantity factor. For example, it’s impossible to get fat if you eat too much salad.

Counting calories puts your focus on weight gain and not on your goal. Therefore it has the same effect on your brain like weighing.

So stop counting calories. This alone can save you a lot of time – time you can use to go for a walk, for instance. Instead simply follow your common sense and eat healthy.

3.) Soft Drinks

Ice ColaSoda drinks are TOXIC! If you have any form of rheumatism, arthritis, weight problems, cellulite, stiffness, or disease (or if you simply want to remain healthy) then you cannot afford to drink any soft drinks, because they are very acidic and loaded with toxins. And it doesn’t matter whether they contain sugar or not, not even when they contain so-called natural sweeteners. You really should strictly avoid them. If I were you, I would not allow any exceptions here. Soft drinks make your body more acidic and this is exactly what you absolutely cannot afford to have. As long as you drink any kind of pop it’s close to impossible to lose weight. In fact, you may continue to gain weight. And diet pop has been proven to be worse than regular pop. I know dozens of people who only lost weight by simply following this one recommendation and nothing else. Ignore this point to your own peril.




4.) White Flour

bakery goods with white flourWhite flour and any product that contains some of it are acid-forming and thus force your body to create fat in order to store the acid away in your soft tissue where it can do the least harm. By avoiding it and any bakery goods containing white flour, you help your body tremendously. Although we need carbohydrates, we do not need these kinds of carbs, and we don’t need as much as we have been told.

Also, we do not need any cereals at all. Actually our stomach is not even made for digesting cereal. We don’t have a four-chamber stomach like cows and horses do. Especially avoid all boxed cereals. They are made with a process called “extrusion” which creates toxic byproducts.

My suggestion: If you absolutely have to have bread, buy products made of buchwheat or organic whole grain rye flour such as European-style rye bread. Rye bread has a higher nutritional value, and although it’s more expensive, you need less of it, and therefore save money. Eat that in moderation. 

5.) Refined Sugars

refined sugarWhite refined sugar is something our body can hardly deal with and we really do not need any of it. It’s highly acidic and very detrimental. When we eat sugar we are literally asking for trouble. Our body is constructed to build sugars from healthy, untreated carbohydrates (fruits and vegetables). Give your body enough of them and you will not miss refined sugar at all. If you want to, you can replace white sugar with stevia, xylothol, local raw honey or pure maple syrup. They are not only healthier, but also taste much better.

Now, avoiding white sugar also means to avoid any prepared foods that contain it. Don’t eat any prepared and processed food at all. That way you will not only eat healthier but also save a lot of money at the same time. 

6.) Artificial Sweeteners

artificial sweetenersAlthough artificial sweeteners do not have any calories; that does not mean that they are harmless or helpful for your weight loss. They are highly toxic and our body has very difficult time getting rid of them. They simply add up in our body.  So just in case, while reading our last paragraph, you thought that you are smart and use artificial sweeteners, stop and think again.

The toxicity of aspartame is not the only problem.

Did you know that artificial sweeteners are used to fatten pigs before they are slaughtered? Probably not. Yes, they are used for pigs because – are you sitting down? – because they increase the appetite. It’s been proven in scientific studies that the people who used artificial sweetener in lemonade ended up eating more food than those who drank sugar-sweetened lemonade, because it stimulated their appetites. Unless you want to gain weight, I do not think that this would be desirable for you. If you want to sweeten anything there are plenty of healthy and tasty natural alternatives available. I personally prefer xylothol as number one choice.

7.) Low-Fat and ‘Lite’ Products

Low-fat_Quote_1I have already said earlier that we should only eat products that are not prepared in any way. That means fresh. Any products that are low-fat contain sugar, artificial sweeteners, or some other artificial substances that pollute your body. They are not harmless. Some can affect your health badly. Plus they add to the acidity and therefore force the body to gain weight instead of losing it.

If you’re serious about losing your weight for good, for you the ‘diet‘ really is to only use fresh food: organic vegetables, herbs, vegetables juices, and fruits; whole grain cereals you cook yourself (in moderation and only if you’re not gluten intolerant); meat and eggs from grass-fed, free-range, organically fed animals; wild caught fresh water fish; organic virgin coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil and water. As soon as food goes through any preparation process it is not as valuable anymore and in many cases “enriched” with substances your body cannot deal with at all. It stores these substances primarily in your fat cells. A very welcome extra benefit of cooking from scratch is that it will save you a lot of money.  

I know it’s very convenient and once or twice a month I buy some ravioli in bags, but they just don’t taste good anymore. I found out that cooking healthy and from scratch can take as little as 5-15 minutes. Besides, you can cook large quantities and freeze some portions for a later use. It’s really all about changing habits.

8.) Smoking

smokingIf you’re a smoker, I believe that to quit smoking is the greatest favor you could do yourself and your body and especially when your body is already so acidic that you are overweight.

If you are a smoker you have no idea how much this harms your body, otherwise you would not do it. When you are overweight your body is already too acidic and loaded with toxins, waste, fat, heavy metals, and old stored-up water. There are enough toxins and heavy metals in the air, in the soil, in the water and in the food. You really don’t need or want any more of them through anything avoidable like smoking.

I was a chain smoker over 20 years ago, and my biggest fear was to gain weight after quitting, but I didn’t. So that fear was completely useless.

9.) Fighting Your Weight

Fighting against something has the exact same effect like focusing on the negative – it IS a form of focusing on the negative. And whatever you focus on you increase.

By fighting against your weight you’re losing precious energy you would otherwise need for your weight loss success – for what you really want. By fighting against the current situation you give up your power and make yourself feel weak and powerless. And worst of all, it’s getting you nowhere.

So these are 9 of some of the most detrimental fattening habits I want to encourage you to eliminate or replace by positive habits. We are going to eliminate more of them in my upcoming 30-Day Triple Power Weight Loss Challenge – Habits

In my third and final article of this trilogy I’m going to talk about how to eliminate bad, fattening habits in an easier and faster way – a way that requires far less will power than any diet you may have followed. In that article I’m going to give you a link where you can download my Weight Loss Habit Hack Tool.

[Weight Loss Habit – Part 1]

Part 3 of this Weight Loss Habits Trilogy will follow soon. Please watch out.


Is your health and weight loss goal worth five to fifteen minutes of your time every day?

If you want to learn a process that leads you to constant weight loss success by baby stepping, check out my Facebook group. 

You can get a feeling for the 4 Pillars of Weight Loss process for free. Simply join my closed Facebook group where you can go through the process by taking tiny daily baby steps completely stress free and still make tremendous progress. 
