Weight Loss Psychology – Where Do Your Habits Come From?

Weight Loss Psychology – Where Do Your Habits Come From?

Do you agree that bad habit is hard to overcome? In order to make it a little bit easier it’s helpful to understand how habits build.

Every day we make choices in our lives and they are not always helpful or beneficial. We make choices without even realizing that they are not the best for us. And when we get sick and overweight after a while we often wonder why. It may seem like undeserved or without a good reason. But it never is. Every condition in our life we have attracted through thousands and thousands of conscious or subconscious choices we have made in the past.

When we start looking at our habits honestly we suddenly realize that not all of them are good and helpful. But first let us look at how habits can build: the good ones as well as the negative ones.

Whenever we see, hear, experience, say, think, feel or imagine something, our brain immediately registers that information and it will be stored in our subconscious mind as a FACT, no matter whether it’s true or not. The more such information is repeated, the more it becomes a pattern, then a habit and finally reality…without fail. This is true for negative as well as for positive habits.

The way we perceive a life situation or how we feel about and react to, often come from our parents, grandparents, teachers, friends, and mentors, but also through books we read and TV shows we repeatedly watch. The first habits we adopt in life primarily come through our environment. These sources only inspired us to pick up a certain habit, but we were the ones who chose to repeat them.

Later we form habits by making daily poor decisions, mostly in an attempt to stay in our comfort zone and out of laziness. Most of the time these are the poor habits…those habits, which contribute to poor health and weight gain.

Habit is a very important function of the brain, because your brain takes over and does the things you do repeatedly so that it’s free to deal with new and unexpected situations. If we would have to think about everything we do during any given day we would get crazy or at least have a nervous breakdown.

The same is true with our thoughts and feelings. Thought and emotional patterns can become habits as well. When we repeat the same thoughts and feelings over and over again, the subconscious mind will take over after a while and bring the outer results automatically without us realizing how this could happen. This is a great mechanism, but also has consequences for us we do not really want nor appreciate.

For instance, if you think mainly about being overweight, diets, how food can make you fat, how much you hate your body as it is, you will eventually gain more weight. You then think again about being overweight and you will experience the symptoms accordingly. This circle of thinking and feeling and remembering about your weight becomes so automated after a while that you do not even realize what you are actually doing and creating for your life. And the more often you repeat certain thoughts and behaviors, the more your thinking just gets on “auto-pilot” and several aspects are repeated like a CD that is played over and over again without you even noticing because it became so normal.

As a matter of fact overweight people think about their weight all the time. They just have become so used to it that they do not even realize their thinking anymore. And the thinking and feeling about their weight moves to a more subconscious level, and although it’s merely subconscious, these thoughts and emotions are constantly there, bringing more of the results you don’t want. If you think mainly about your weight, you will eventually have weight issues…and more and more of them.

Remember the principle of cause and effect. You can’t sow salad and expect to harvest carrots. Likewise you can’t constantly think about your terrible extra weight and expect to become slim and lean.




It also works pretty much the same with the food we eat. Our body creates enzymes to digest the food we eat regularly, and it stops creating enzymes for food we never or seldom eat. That’s why we often tend to think that the unhealthy foods we so like were better for our body than the healthy alternatives. Of course, it’s not, but our bodies simply found a way to deal with these unhealthy or toxic substances. And when we change our poor eating habits to healthy eating, it takes our body a while to get used to food it didn’t have in a long time or even never before and start creating those digestive enzymes again.

So we can really say that being overweight in itself is a bad habit as well because of repeated patterns – it has become a complex of habits of our thinking, feeling, acting and dealing with food. That’s one big reason why losing weight and keeping it off can be so darn hard: the problem is so complex. It has become automated. And this on top of all the bad, fattening habits many of us have adopted over the years.

Therefore, the bad habit of being overweight is not only in the eating, drinking and exercising, but also in the thinking, behaving, and feeling. For example, one of my former participants used to enter the gate to her yard side-wise even long after she had lost all her excess weight with WW. That, of course, created a new reality of gaining weight back in order to fit into that old habit of entering the gate side-wise. Only once she realized how she had been creating that reality of being obese through her behavior and by changing that she began to get lasting results. 

Instead of making things more complex than they need to be, it’s very advisable to start your new weight loss process by eliminating and transforming your bad habits so that you can move forward in your progress without constantly sabotaging yourself. 

All that being said I hope that it has become obvious to you how complex the habit topic alone is and why losing your extra weight has been so hard in the past. Your complex of habits has constantly gotten in your way and sabotaged even your most serious attempts to lose that weight. Why did you allow that? You didn’t know better. Nobody told you in the past. Everything you thought you knew was that you needed to eat less and exercise more. That mantra has given you a completely false understanding of the real nature of weight gain and weight loss.

We can make conscious new choices at any point in our lives. The most successful people are good role models for adopting better habits into their lives. Successful people literally depend on good habits. Since inhibiting positive habits helps people to become millionaires, why not also find out how positive habits can help you achieve your weight goal, be healthy and live a longer life?

It’s a matter of making the right choices.

Today choose to take care of your poor habits. Decide which way you want to take: alone (this may take months or even years) or with the help of a coach (takes a few weeks or a couple of months).


Then set a date in your calendar when you want to begin your habit transformation process, highlighted in yellow.

Happy weight loss!


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