The 4 Pillars of Lasting Weight Loss For Women

To begin with, why are the four pillars for women only and not for anybody?

First of all, for men it’s much easier to lose weight than for women. Men can very well lose weight by eating fewer carbs and exercising more. And there are several reasons for that:

  • they have a simpler metabolism than women
  • they have fewer emotional issues than women.
  • they have a different hormonal balance than women
  • they have different psychology and thus different root causes than women
  • I’m a woman and I understand women’s psychology, issues and desires better than men’s

These are the main reasons why women need a different approach than men.

The real nature of human beings

The most important and crucial thing to understand is the real nature of your being. You are not only a body but also mind, emotions, and spirit. The easiest way to understand what I mean is by envisioning a building with four pillars that support the building. In this case, the building is our health and healthy weight loss.

The building of your health – and healthy weight – stands on four pillars.

One pillar is your physical pillar (the body), one pillar is the emotional pillar (the emotions you have daily and how you react emotionally to certain things and situations), the third one is the mental pillar (your thinking, what you think and say… your mindset), and the last one is your psychological pillar (your history, your memories, your subconscious mind).

One of the biggest problems regarding weight loss is the misconception that you are the physical body.

You are not your body – you have a body. You are a spiritual being in a physical body. That’s a bigger difference than you may think. As soon as you understand that your physical and visible body is only a part of the equation – like the tip of the iceberg –, you will find it much easier to find the right weight loss solution that really works for you and that will bring you the desired lasting results.

The problems for you begin when you treat your weight exclusively on one pillar: the physical body, which most overweight people do by dieting and exercising. That’s why the dieting approach is so very frustrating, especially for women. In fact, it’s the hardest way possible with no real chance of bringing you lasting results.

Even on the physical level, there can be many causes of your weight problems beside poor eating habits and a lack of exercise.

Now let me ask you a question.

What happens to a building when one of four pillars gets weak, breaks or falls away?

Not much, as long as the rest of the building is stable and strong. It may not be leveled perfectly anymore, and with every heavy storm, it may get a crack here and there. It’s just not so resistant to strain or stress anymore, but it still has a good chance to stay for a while.

It’s the same with our health and weight. When one of the four pillars is temporarily weakened, we may face some headache, a flu once or twice a year, maybe a slight allergy, or a few pounds of weight gain. Maybe you can’t sleep as well as you could some years ago… yet nothing serious.

Now what will happen when two pillars are broken? The building suddenly is in severe danger of not surviving the next heavy storm. Most likely it will even collapse before the next storm. Translated to your health this could be some stubborn overweight, muscle pain, joint pain, chronic headache, a heart disease, regular heartburn, two to four flus every year, several or more severe allergies, brain fog, and so on and so forth.

As soon as three pillars break or disappear, the whole building will collapse completely. It can’t stand on one pillar. It’s not possible.

It’s exactly the same with our health. The more symptoms and diseases you have and the heavier you are, the more is your whole health building in danger. This is the point where you have serious chronic diseases like fibromyalgia, diabetes, loss of your teeth, or other life-threatening diseases, such as cancer. You may even be obese (not just overweight), and consequently, it will take you longer to bring your weight back to a healthy weight.

On the other hand, the healthier and more stable your whole health building is, the faster your body will react to even slight changes and you can lose your excess weight quickly and effortlessly.

The better you take care of your body, the more positive your mindset and emotions, the more you have transformed your psychological root causes, the faster your physical body can heal, the faster you’ll lose weight, the slower your aging process, and the longer you’re going to live a good, healthy and happy life – a quality life.

Therefore, good health and weight loss are to a great extent in your own hands, although it may often not feel that way. If it doesn’t feel that way to you, then it’s because you don’t know the causes of your personal weight struggles, the truth about good health and sustainable weight loss. Then you’re probably still caught in the ‘eat less and exercise more’ trap, feeling helpless and hopeless.

“The necessary mindset shift for maintainable weight loss is to start thinking outside of the diet box”! —–Angela Buhri, international Weight Transformation Coach

If you want some assistance and guidance to lose your extra weight faster and easier, you have two possibilities right now:

  1. You can join my next free webinar at I do regular webinars and the topics change from time to time.
  2. If you’re serious about losing weight and would like to qualify for one of my free Slim & Shine One-on-One Coaching Sessions to get ahead faster, answer a short questionnaire to pre-qualify for a free session with me: During this 45-minute coaching session we are going to create your personalized weight loss strategy together.

I’m looking forward to seeing you later and assisting you in your important goal.

Happy slimming!

Angela B.

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